What's the worst race to play as, and why is it the Argonians?

What's the worst race to play as, and why is it the Argonians?

Altmer master race



>Main ability is being able to hide in the water like a bitch.

There's no reason to ever use them.

Actually it's the imperials

That's a weird way to spell Orsimer

>minmaxing in a game where you actively have to gimp yourself to keep from being overpowered

>regen like wolverine



T.Dunmer shit

This picture is funnier if you imagine the headline is instead his "Imperial" name.

that is?

Dunmer master race reporting in for duty.

Altmer - Bunch of faggots
Argonian - Slaves
Bosmer - Cannibal treefuckers
Breton - Mongrels
Imperial - Generic invaders, boring
Khajiit - Junkie slaves
Nords - Muh dumbf vikung
Orsimer - LITERALLY excrement
Redguards - Black skin, white soul. Unfortunately niggers

The only race even worth being played is Dunmer, if you don't agree you're a dirty n'wah and should fuck off s'wit

Telvanni master-race.

Racist as bitch nigger fucker motherfuvker ass hole shit punk retard son of a bitch

Redguards are the best race you are just pleb


>Altmer - Fucking jews
>Imperial - Shabbos goyim
>Nords - ubermenschen aryans

with love from Sup Forums

>he thinks magic isn't a species

>hating argonians
Get a load of this fegit.

You good lil nigga?

Jesus that caught me off guard. loled for a solid min

>fought the Daedra until they ran back into their portals like little bitches

Alter are objectively shit tier.

Lizards have mad utility.
Grey skins have best culture. Good all-arounder.
Imperials are Romans. Decent all-arounder.
Nords are Germanic tribes. Subpar warrior racials
Breton's are the French. The GOAT pure mages.
Redguard appear to be just Moor knockoffs, but then you find out that they nuked their former homeland and don't take shit from anyone and they become bretty gud. Great abilities for a warrior.
Cats are just gypsies. Useless abilities.
Manlet Elves are pre Columbus south and central Americans. Useless abilities for the most part.
Shreks are Palestinians. Tied with Redguard for best warriors.

Altmer were cocksuckers in previous games, now they're just thinly veiled Nazi cocksuckers.

For warrior, go Muhammad or Shrek.
For thief, kill yourself because that shit is easy mode.
For Mage, go Breton.
For a blend of them, go Greyskin or Titus.

>black skin, white soul

no, black souls too

that whole situation could easily be propoganda

Lizards are also probably the strongest race in general, even if only because they're backed up by mad hist.

>Worst race
>No Khajiit

Literally shit tier junkies tier

Nah. The Hist are some weird Lovecraftian shit and they protect their lizard people.

I really want to see the Hist and Argonia explored at some point.

Big deal, my oblivion character shut down more portals than all of black marsh could.

Dunmer are the best.

Altmer are the worst.

My favorite character was a Cannibal Treefucker who conjured her bow to do Stealth Archery shit.

Conjured weapons are cool as fuck but require mods to be worth using.


Even though there's a big bias against Khajiit, no one ever talks shit to you about it. Go to Windhelm as an elf and people treat you coldly. Nords everywhere will just randomly shit on you for being a mage or an elf, but no acknowledges you when you're a Khajiit.

I've never had a problem with the Conjured Bow. but stuff like Sword or Battleaxe? I agree. plus there's not even any Conjure Armor spells for those kind of people.

They're overpowered early game though.

Yes and mine was argonian

Take that back you piece of shit

Argonians are filthy. Just their skin alone is covered in germs. They are invulnerable to disease and poison because just being around an Argonian is a health hazard for mammals. They shit, piss and fuck using the same hole so you might as well stick your dick in a raw piece of chicken that's been sitting out for a few days if you would fuck an Argonian.

scaley fag detected

do altmer still have weakness to all magic types in skyrim? that was hard to deal with. imperials are probably the worst, any race can get rich pretty easily and voice of the emperor is not needed if you're good at combat.

Nope, Altmer have no weaknesses to magic in Vanilla skyrim. They do get a free 50 points of Magicka though.

But muh delicious lizard tits.

Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate Orcs? Angry backstabs were super fucking powerful and satisfying in Skyrim, and berserker rage or whatever the fuck it was called was one of the best abilities in the game overall even if you weren't using it to cleave reality with your mighty backstabs.

Plus everyone in Skyrim looks ugly as shit, at least Orcs look intentionally ugly in a monstrous, intimidating way, rather than being a potato-faced fuck like everyone else.

Because redguards are objectively better

>tfw breton was nerfed
>tfw cant be completely immune to magic

>generic invaders
You what mate, they enforce the rule of the empire.


Bretons didn't get nerfed, Magic Resistance got nerfed when they capped it at 85%.

Why the hell not

argonians arent even canon

It's the opposite with Nords and Redguards

Thalamor, they are the worst stealth archers


Does races matter anymore aside from some dialogue options ? With the stats are gone, you truly CAN BE ANYTHING

Bretons use to have an innate 50% magic resistance. It got nerfed to 25%.

>Redguards - Black skin, white soul. Unfortunately niggers
This is double true because white souls in TES belong only to beasts and animals

Why not, I was gonna start a new game anyway. I'm rolling Khajiit no matter what though.

and Orcs had theirs removed completely.

they really didn't want people becoming immune to magic.

>gear for water breathing
>potion for resist disease
Argonians are pointless. Also,
>not choosing race based on height

Rolling too

>choosing height over what's fun and interesting
>overcompensating for being a manlet in real life

Literally every game FUCK

Races don't even change dialogue options at this point.

Don't really want to play as an argonian since I just fiddled around with one, reroll

that guy who asks you to help him kill the necromancer in his family's tomb apologizes for stereotyping you if you're a dunmer.

>picking High-elf
>actually being an imperial loyalist
yeah fuck Thalmor too

>The race that's getting it's homeland raped by a volcano and their former slaves
>Worth playing


Because Skyrim was poorly designed and forgot about Argonians until after the world was finished.

The worst race is Altmer, big squishy faggots. The best race is Breton. They're the best at everything.


>gets hit by a fucking meteor
>which causes an earthquake
>which causes the volcano to go active spitting fire and brimstone on the whole island
>gets invaded by argonians
>smashes the argonian invasion with a rag-tag militia and continue on rebuilding

That's what it means to be the master race

Titty monsters

They are fucking reptiles and this is fucking north pole, how much of them do you expect to see there?

The Hist scares me. Just because I'm not entirely sure what it is, just that it can fuck you up if you pose a danger to it or the argonians (which I infer can act as it's food source if The Hist wills it.)

First roll was gayer than a Prince music video rerolling




>Daedra storm their way out of the portals
>suddenly ankle deep in mud
>buzzing insects hum in their eyes
>it's raining
>the mud stinks and occasionally bubbles
>it's dark
>there's no civilisation to be seen
>a weed by your foot is already leaving a rash
>there's a lone Argonian at the edge of the swampy pit you're all standing in
>he's squating down
>you stare at him
>he stares back
>your gazes lock for what feels like centuries
>suddenly he drops a big nasty shit in the water
>he stands up and grins at you
>go home to oblivion


>Nigger, Bard's College, Shaman, le big junkie cat follower


Doing it.


>smashes the argonian invasion
>his point of reference is the shitty Dragonborn DLC

actually they didnt "smash" anything. the argonians now own like the bottom half of morrowind as a result of that invasion.

>his point of reference is Morrowshit and/or Michael Kirkbride posts on forums

You forgot:
>gets invaded by literally Hell and the Lord of Destruction
>beats the living shit out of the legions of demons that come out of the Hell portals
>throw together an militia and start invading Hell to steal fucking everything not nailed to the floor
>the wizard-lords start competing to see who can score the most sigil stones
>Telvanni are disappointed when the Oblivion """"Crisis"""" is over
>everybody goes back to their in-fighting and being humongous isolationist dicks

Why can't I like this game, Sup Forums? I get to whiterun and can't go any further from sheer boredom


i dont blame you. everythings really fuckin shallow. riften might be the only half interesting city in the entire fucking map.

the least interesting, and lorewise most inferior race are the Nords.

Imperials are Empire builders (inb4 muh Talos)
Redguards are nuclear fusion, sword mastery KANGZ
Orcs are finest smiths and great warriors
Altmer are magicka and shit
Bosmer are best stealth archers
Dunmer can literally become (demi)gods
Khajit are silky smooth thieves/assassins
Argonians literally push Daedra shit in without gay ass Martin holding their hand

and then you have Nords... what's their special ability? having less than 50 houses in their entire province?

Whiterun is the the most boring city and part of the most boring hold. I'll never understand why they made that more or less the starting. Having played for probably about 800 hours I have only ever gone to Whiterun out of necessity and for quests beyond the first 50 hours.

Markarth is one of the best TES cities and the Reach is one of the best holds (toughest enemies like Forsworn Briarhearts and Cave Bears, pretty cool stony, ragged aesthetic, loads of huge Dwemer ruins, the city is literally carved out of a mountainside and is the only one in the series to make good use of different height levels besides Vivec). Riften and Windhlem are also good cities. Solitude bores me a little as its too Imperial. Out of the smaller towns I like Falkreath the best. The pine forests are comfy.

And Im a cat-bard stormcuck. Fuck me amiright

Completely agree with you. Bethesda wasted so much potential with Skyrim

You must have confused this with what the Argonians actually did, the Dunmer had no such thing happen, they kept getting owned pretty hard until the Redoran pulled their shit together and even Ald Scar had to come alive to fight.


rolling for glory