Is DB Fusions good? I've been wanting to play a Dragon Ball game that isn't just another BT clone
Is DB Fusions good? I've been wanting to play a Dragon Ball game that isn't just another BT clone
>we have officially ran out of ideas and are creatively bankrupt: The Game
I was asking about Fusions, not Xenoverse 2
its good 8/10 for me.
Oh then see
I have heard a lot of good things. From Both /v and actual game publications.
The battle system is suppose to be really good.
Yeah it's fun.
The combat system is somewhat reminiscent of marbles, but it's good.
It's pokemon but played as a game of marbles with special abilities.
It actually works out rather well.
Yes,its a lot of fun,and collecting the characters and then making the absurd number of fusion/combinations available makes for a lot of content,i had a better time playing it than i had with xenoverse,and free dlc with new fusions and characters will be coming soon,confirmed in the dlc are,Blue vegito,merged zamasu and Super Future Trunks(his new form is not named it will just be called super future trunks in the game)
It does have problem like,if you try 2 rush the story and dont explore(which is dumb by the way) some boss fights are very hard because of regeneration and bad level spikes,also collecting the characters of the highest rank and the most powerful moves in their strongest variation is a hard as fuck,however its really satisfying even more if you're a DB fan since you can do crazy shit like Black SSJ rose+Broly legendary SSJ
You'll get annoyed with the battle animations within 10mins. And farming your favorite heroes plus their moves is a pain.
Cell can suck my dick.
There's the opposite problem, too, though. It's easy to become so powerful that everything becomes trivial, especially in post-game. I managed to recruit Blueper Saiyan Goku pretty quickly after beating the game, and he and my MC fused with Super Saiyan Pinich just rock the fuck out of everything. And back in the JP version, if you had the QR Code for Gorus, he was just absurd.
Speaking of, are there QR codes for the NA version yet?
So is it like SMT but with DB characters?
pretty much
Sounds fun, will get it
I've heard good things
Just reached the postgame.
What do I do now?
Where can you get skills actually worth a damn?
Been playing it for days. Just collecting everyone I can.
Got a Namekian fused with Bardock, in the equivalent of GT Vegeta's outfit. Trying to farm for SSJ3 Trunks and SSJ Bardock right now, actually. Shit is ridiculously fun, but I've always been super into DB RPG's.
yes getting overleved was a problem 2,though you could get around it by constantly changing your party characters,even then when you start getting the S/G rank ones they are already so powerful the LVs dont matter that much anymore.
at times the fact some characters just wont join or drop the skills you want get me triggered even after the Zenkai
I dont think the codes are out for the NA version
It's pretty good but god damn battles can take a while.
Go fight the champ team, then Goku and Vegeta in the hyperbolic time chamber. A fuck load more quests become available in all locations after credits roll. And if you go to the final map, there are two G rank rifts that will be there where you can do Return of F and Return of C. Beat those and you should be able to recruit Cell and Frieza when you run into them in other rifts.
Try to get all of the red energy training milestones, too. It is one of the requirements to having your MC fuse with Super Saiyan Pinich, which turns you into a G-rank character with exclusive moves.
Opening Rifts and KO the characters in yet with the guy you want the skill for mostly(its the easiest way to try and escape random rng),be patient though sometimes they take forever 2 drop,i think the higher the skill rank and power the thougher it will be 2 get them
Are there DB Super spoilers in this game?
Just a simple yes or no question.
Yes,if you have not watched DB super several characters and transformations from super are in the game
though you dont play through the DB:super storyline that game has its own story
Thank you. Will avoid then. Enjoy your game and the thread.
Its heavely geared toward DB fans,with the whole make your own fusions with the fight you love thing,even then the game exclusive characters or *generics* are kinda fun in their own way,which makes for a nice balance
im sad that you can play as master roshi though i wanted to fuse him with some girls like oats or 18 it would be funny
so, why haven't i hit fusing yet by the third world?
for a game about fusions, there hasn't been any yet...
There's also DLC for more recent Super characters, but we aren't getting them until next year.
you can make the normal fusion with goten and kid.trunks already,and ultra fusion is avaiable at this point 2
You will get the power for EX-fusion in the 3 world,and then you can start mixing characters
No actual story, so you know. Half of the Super characters are basically just a cameo mission, and the other half were in the two movies that came before the series.
you can make the normal fusion with goten and kid.trunks already,and ultra fusion is avaiable at this point 2
You will get the power for EX-fusion in the 3 world,and then you can start mixing characters
Replied to the wrong person
For a game that focuses so much in fusions I'm kind of disappointed by the number available with the non generic characters.
There's 4 Gokus, but only child and one adult one have fusions, some that would've been obvious like 17+Super 17 or Teen Gohan+Future Trunks aren't there, and there's too many characters that can't EX fusion, including the super saiyan versions of other characters.
The game has been fun otherwise, making your opponent bounce everywhere in the arena feels really good.
I wish it was easier to tell what races are which, Humans and Saiyans look almost exactly the same aside from the tail, and they're impossible to see during battle
Man, I just got to the part where I gotta collect the Dragon Balls, and I've pretty much done every side quest and recruited every new character I can at this point.
Is all thr actual good stuff onlyin post game? I keep opening TimeSpace Holes and fusing them but I can't get any characters to pop up and join my team.
That feel when no streetpasses, so can't access the wacky freeform fusions...
That feel when no LSSJ3 Broly+Kid Goku for me...
Blue Goku is going to form super vegito when the free dlc comes out in NA probably at early january
The game does focus a lot on the game exclusive characters though some of then are interesting like Saibaking,Pinich and Oats,i do miss playing as the likes of master roshi and grandpa Gohan
Use the Check Power command to find out what race the enemy is if you're not sure.
I want to buy it because I've wanted a good Dragon Ball rpg since Buu's Fury. Angry Jose's review/video got me interested and it looks pretty good.
I CAN'T HACK MY 3DS SO FUCK OFF, I rarely buy new games anyway because most of them suck.
I like supporting devs and hope for a sequel if it's good
Mostly post-game,and there is also another world for you 2 open
I wish we had gotten obscure and old DB characters instead of the generic OCs
Like imagine Eighter+17
General Tao+Piccolo
Master Roshi+Goku
Launch but Toriyama forgot her anyway. Super is fucking cancer and I would never watch that shit.
It's kinda fun, but it's starting to feel too grindy. Having to use zenkai attacks to recruit noname characters to obtain energy is gonna become old fast. Also, no way to skip battle animations is gay.
Tao and android 8 would be great characters 2 have,we have very few DB characters here,mostly Z,Gt and super
there a few of the movie villains that aren't here either like whello,Hatchiyak,,android 13,slug and garlic
But Blue Vegito and fusion Zamasu are still something that happened in the series, I expected some more crazy ones. I think Saiyaman+Mr Satan is supposed to be available too, but is that it?
I guess there's the option to use streetpass too like but I've read you can only have one streetpass fusion at the time, and getting one can be difficult if you don't have anyone close with the game in the first place, even harder with a character you want.
Is based Cooler and The Big Gete Star in the game? I'd rather watch the movies over Super any day and best thing to come from GT was SS4 and that beat em up game on gba.
Are the Dragon Ball movies worth watching? I'm just starting watching Dragon Ball and want to know please, I'm liking Dragon Ball more than Z so far honestly. Wish we could get a Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest anime because Toriyama's art is comfy even if it's same face.
Kek and well my reason is my computer is dead/have no desire to replace it.
There's Cooler on his final form and Metal Cooler. The former has a fusion with Freezer but the later gets nothing.
it's okay user I'm just being a jackass. Why not buy it used on ebay or something? I got the game and I gotta say it's a pretty refreshing take on the dragon ball games
The DB movies are mostly retelling the anime story so they are not very good,though i agree that of all the series the original DB is the best one as far as characters,story and adventure goes
The funkiest ones are def by the usage of the streetpass
Did you not like Attack of the Sayians?
How's that Dragon Ball Origins game? Wish we could get Legacy of Goku 4 so bad.
The Origins games are decent. First game covers DB up to the fight again Chun and the Second does the RRR saga and such.
The gameplay itself is pretty decent. Top down action stuff. First games uses the Stlyes the Second game lets you use buttons.
Webfoot has shown SOME interest if their recent facebook posts are any indication but it probably won't get off the ground anytime soon
Honestly I'm kinda worried. They somehow managed to make two games with quite a following and good gameplay but everything else they ever churned out was pure garbage. There's no telling what'll come off a new title on the 3DS
Did you like that GT beatemup? That was pretty fucking good imo one of the few good things along with Pan and SS4 to come from GT.
never got far into it. as far as beat 'em ups go it's just passable but I guess other people liked it for one reason or another
goku's ssj4 face concerns me
That last level and the level when they go to evil earth was difficult as a kid when I played it and something about that image charms me.
I personally loved a good beatumup on my gba as a kid so just play it in small doses and you'll be fine.