Just checked the archive, why havent you guys talked about the newest Cities: Skylines update?

Just checked the archive, why havent you guys talked about the newest Cities: Skylines update?

This is what this game has been missing all along, some degree of random chaos so that its still possible for things to get out of hand and see your entire city begin to burn to the ground even if you planned well. Because once you got the mechanics of the game, it was impossible to fail without doing something incredibly stupid or short sighted, but this changes it completely.

Do any of you know how it works though? Can disasters just happen randomly, and do they happen at a reasonable frequency?

Im so fucking hyped

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this is all i was waiting for for this game, now it should be the best city sim game ever by so far, fuck yes

>newest Cities: Skylines update
You mean the newest Cities: Skylines DLC?

I was hyped for winter DLC and it turned out so shit that I actually get a refund. Never again.

>Cities: Skylines getting better and better
this pleases me

yeah sorry, yeah its $15, thats why im hesitant, but its looking like its even more than what i hoped for

desu i havent really cared about any other DLCs at all and was just waiting for this the whole time, i dont even know why they would bother with all that other stuff before doing something as essential and awesome as this, but i didnt look into it much

is it actually a seasonal thing where its only winter for a fraction of the time? if so thats pretty cool and would be worth the $5 its on sale for now with the disasters DLC, to me

aww im reading there arent actual seasons in the snow DLC, damn, its either constant or never, still im hype for the disasters

just pic relate it

sing merry pirate song about it?


>shilling this hard
wew lad

i was shilling for this disaster DLC before it existed

i was that frustrated that they made this awesome city game but left out natural disasters, i actually shitposted on here that this is what they needed to do, like a year ago

Just pirate it. Selling essential game expansions as DLC is a horrible practice

R.I.P Gatlinburg anons

it's what virtually all games do these days. i dont like it either, but it's just reality.

in either case, if you enjoy a game and arent willing to spend $15 on a DLC that improves the base game, you need to get a job kiddo. $15 is what a drink costs at a nice bar, it's fucking peanuts.

>I don't like it either, but I will continue to support it like a fucking retard
No you clearly enjoy it.
It's not about the money, it's about the message.

like i said, get a job you underage faggot. it's noy fault mommy stopped letting you use her credit card.

also, it's clear you're too young to remember, but xpacs have been around since the late 90s (e.g. when you were born).

Which part of it's not about the money didn't you understand?
>It's what virtually all games do these days
And it's because of idiot fucking retards like you that support the idea that something that should've been in the base game is worth half as much as the game itself.

Kill yourself.

i bought it for like $15 a year ago and had a lot of fun with it for over a dozen hours

but this will easily make me play as much or more, probably more, maybe even ten times as much, i fucking loved sim city when i was like 10 years old but it was kinda hard so i could never get too far, so i was really really fucking waiting on this

whats the big deal

I was interested until I saw 15 dollars. No interest in paying 15 dollars for shit that just destroys my city. I haven't even gotten the other dlc.

>big brown erasers slowly go through the land


>traffic 5 meters from the tornado
>unaffectedly keeps driving without a care in the world
Paradox shills WILL defend this

if you played the game enough i cant see how you wouldn't want this, its just too easy without it, after you learn all the mechanics, if you're careful, its impossible for your city to fail

Like at worst you might put your sewage line upstream from your water line and poison everybody in your town and go broke or something, its literally impossible for you to lose without it being caused entirely by your own shortsightedness, without this DLC

>muh grafix

how do you people not understand that this makes the game actually challenging for people who arent just beginners trying to learn how to play city building games?

>It makes the game more challenging
How? You get fucked by a disaster, you recover from it or you don't.

How do you not understand that if I build a big beautiful sprawling city, and then pay money to be able to drop a tornado on it - then I want it to tear it apart, not slowly replace buildings with a rubble-tile like its 1995.

tornadoes dont really destroy entire cities, they usually go in a line and destroy basically whats just immediately near them and do a 360 and walk away

but if it hits something crucial you're absolutely fucked and your city will spiral out of control

did none of you guys play old sim city games back in like 2000?

>How? You get fucked by a disaster, you recover from it or you don't.

Exactly, when before, you literally could not fail without just being stupid, there was nothing to prepare for, nothing to worry about, just planning and building

I don't give a shit user, I was talking visuals - as you've attacked me, for talking visuals.

These visuals are pathetic.

So now you can fail because you're unlucky?
How fun.

>How you wouldn't

15 dollars for meteorite, and earthquake. This is mod tier content.

thats what made sim city so exciting, knowing you were always teetering on the edge of complete destruction, that there was a slight chance something could happen at a bad place and time and everything would spiral out of control unless you found a way to stop it

like a real city

only thing is, i just realized, i think there's no rioting, which kinda sucks, but i dont think it was too essential

If that's what you enjoy, by all means my dude go right ahead.
I just don't understand why you'd pay $15 for it. It's worth $5 at most

>I just don't understand why you don't care about ten dollars.

It's a simcity game. It's for boring people who are older than you and have stable lives.

i played more city sim games when i was around 11 years old than as an adult

ive been waiting for this for years since old sim city games run like ass and the newest one is shit because EA

whats wrong with you Sup Forums

Some people are born boring.

When I bought at launch it ran fine, now after 20m of playing my computer gets so hot it auto shuts down

Time to look into that case then son

i played games like mech warrior and road rash and star fox 64 too

>road rash

my nig

whatever happened to that reboot they had in the early access works

Sim City 4 (and metropolismania 2 for that matter) are way better desu

>Modding in an F7 multi vortex to entirely decimate my cities.

that's hot.