Are you excited for this game?
Looks fucking sweet to me, I love the setting
Are you excited for this game?
Looks fucking sweet to me, I love the setting
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You can't discuss this game here
What triggered Sup Forums sperglords this time?
It's a AAA game that looks interesting so we have to hate it before other people pretend to hate it.
Female protagonist who isn't attractive enough
The gameplay mechanics look incredibly generic, unfortunately.
It looks like shit. I'm going to be playing Yakuza and Gravity Rush 2 during that time anyways.
I forgot about Nier, but I'm getting that one on PC so I don't have to play it at silky smooth 30 fps in 720p
Gameplay looks bad and is being made by a shit dev
the ONLY reason you are hyping it is because it's a sony exclusive
Its 1080p/60fps on ps4 retard
I hope it ends up good, the setting looks unusually wacky for a AAA game in the 2010s. I hope that the protagonist shuts up after the tutorial and lets you figure out shit without constantly saying "HEY MAYBE I SHOULD GO HERE AND USE THIS TYPE OF ARROW ON THAT DINO".
Robo-dinosaurs don't make any sense and look absolutely retarded. I can't think of any good way to justify this shit in a game that takes itself seriously. If they manage to come up with a good explanation, that would be really cool, though.
Gameplay looks fun. I hope it has decent amount of exploration, interesting side content.
Sure it is. If I have the option I buy it on PC. My PS4 Pro is for weeb exclusives only.
It looks great.
>robot animals
just... no
The more they show of the game the more generic it looks.
A cool premise wasted on more generic Open world shit.
what do you even do in the game besides harvesting parts from those "animals"
I know nothing about it
Somehow robot dinos seem incredibly boring to me. Them being real animals that really existed is what makes them exciting in the first place...
The ONLY reason you hate it is because it's a sony exclusive.
>what do you even do in the game besides fight monsters and upgrade your weapons and craft items and finish quests and gather materials
>what do you even do in the game besides play a videogame
Looks like it would be a fun game that would satisfy by urge to bow hunt large game in a digital world but TOO BAD I OWN AN XBONE
I like the idea.
The E3 video didn't show much, looked much more akin to scripted scenes than actual gameplay so I'm not holding my breath for it, but it was interesting anyway.
From that video I thought the character would take more time to reach that settlement after taming the mecha bull, I was a bit dissapointed with how fast it reached and by how the bull didn't make travelling that much faster.
I'm interested overall, but with way too little information to actually get hype.
>fight monsters and upgrade your weapons and craft items and finish quests and gather materials
I'm hoping this was sarcasm, because holy shit you just described every mediocre survival sandbox game to come out in the last 5 years. This game has NOTHING going for it except an ugly protagonist voiced by Ashly Burch.
>open world
>liberate le outposts
>collect garbage for le ebin crafting
It looks mediocre as fuck. The funny thing is this is the kind of game that nearly all of Sup Forums would normally shit on
It's as if the latest Ubisoft open world meme game was exclusive to one of the consoles then suddenly you had a bunch of people pretending that it looks really good because it's exclusive
>If I have the option I buy it on PC
>choosing to rent the game on steam
This game looks amazing, and I look forward to play it. It combines the best of far cry with an original setting and hopefully a decent story.
You can't discuss it because sperglords attack and shit all over the thread when a single person points out that what we have been shown isn't the least bit different from Far cry primal.
Nobody can even try to denote it.
it looks like one of these ubisoft games and thats alarming
It'll be hot garbage.
So this... is the power... of Western writing and characterization?...
>isn't the least bit different from Far cry primal.
But user...
>There are people unironically excited about a Ubisoft game in the current year
baka desu senpai
Come on, user. Which Sup Forumsirgins do you know hype AAA stuff and make OPs like this one?
>Shows Robot Dinosaur combat at PS4 Pro preview
>It's literally a tower climbing and sync mission like Assassin's Creed.
>fake dinos
>dinos being tamed and turned into mounts like Ark
>new dino crisis never
I wish I'd chosen another hobby after the 90s.
How do U know it won't be gud like the fights in shadow of da colossus?
I'll buy it.
What's the worse than can happen.
Well memed.
Sony CTR has been active lately on Sup Forums leading up to PSX
>ashly "lesbian" burch
I'll wait for it to be on sale. I mean my ps4 is collecting dust at this point but I'm not THAT desperate.
Is that actually for real?
Killing dinobots with a bow doesn't seem very satisfying. Killing robots isn't very fun in general unless they fly into pieces. I'd give it a chance otherwise.
>I love the setting
You do? Really? Can you explain to us what exactly the setting is?
>It's a run of the mill AAA game but this time with a female protag
FTFY. Looks really boring, if you pick this over Nioh you are literally braindead
It should be released as a budget game. Looks like it'll be kinda charming and fun but said charm and fun are gonna run out fast.
Whats this now? What does she have to do with the game, I cant stand her fucking voice acting if thats what it is.
I go digital on my PS4 too.
It looks like concept art: the game. Someone made that pretty but generic concept art where's this landscape and some big monster/robot behind in the distance. Then they started building game based on that image. Not necessary bad thing, but Guerrilla games is one of the blandest devs in the industry.
I'm not hype in the slightest, but it looks okay and i'll probably get it and enjoy it for a while.
nioh is just another generic dark souls clone.
I have a 4k HDR TV, to justify the purchase I will get Horizon even if it is shit
Is this another shill thread?
>being excited for vidya is shilling
Her mysterious mother was actually a machine, surprise!
she was mayuri in steins;gate
food for thought
nioh is too hard, it's bullshit
I don't own a PS4 nor fo i plan or buying one but this game looks amazing from a graphical standpoint and the setting looks great.
I hope this turns out good and that the gameplay is fun.
I was, but then I lost interest. Too much Lords 2 hype.