And what do YOU want for Christmas, Sup Forums

And what do YOU want for Christmas, Sup Forums.......

My mom

A good gaming PC

I'm content with my life


I want my mom's life to be much less horrible.

My sister's health.

To die in a way that could cause others the least suffering.

A gaming pc that doesn't use a card that's four years old.

I want irrefutable proof of life after death.

I want you to fuck off you fatass communist kike. Fuck you and your witchcraft sleigh. You're nothing but staling with a gut and a beard. It shows in your shit tier reward tactic by giving good goys presents and bad goys coal. How much more communist can you get? Oh right your entire fucking outfit. I hope you have a hear attack mid flight and you crash back to earth in a fiery heap. I want to see the tears as news vans surround your pulpy mess as your magic antelopes feed on your carcass you fat fuck you. Fuck you Santa Claus.

He's Santa Claus, not a miracle worker.

I want you to be my slave Santa.

a furry gf to nom me lik a good snack :33

A meme chair, a detolf, and this figure.

I want this to be real


Translation for hi to tetsu no buresu

I want Sup Forums to be able to discuss games for an entire day without shitposting.

I want a Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle.

All vidya of 2016 with dlc
>tfw not rich

All I want for Christmas, is you, baby!

To be with Fuuka for the rest of my life, please

I want that handful of rare N64 games I'll never be able to afford! Particularly Harvest Moon 64
>inb4 just emulate them
It's not about that, I have a collection going.

Kill your father/stepfather and then yourself.

Now your mom is free.

I want Sup Forums.


I thought Santa was supposed to be a miracle worker, you know like Jesus.


Enjoy having all your relatives sell it the moment you get hit by a car

An escape from my mind.
All I ever do anymore is hink. I think. I think. Constantly. About everything. It hurts. And I can't escape the thoughts. It's as if I have a radio in my head, constantly thinking about things. It's not like schizophrenic voices or anything, but at some point my isolation turned my brain into a factory of deep thought, constantly thinking about this or that.
I've thought about so many existential things that I now constantly dissociate from reality. I don't feel one with my physical self half the time. I'm not me. I'm just a spirit, floating in a physical body, all my actions are unconscious. My consciousness is spent in thought.

Twistor 8 volt screwdriver.

Fuck that
I want my death to DESTROY those who were hard on me

A nuclear long range ICBM and the equipment to launch it.

Proof global warming is fake

>I've thought about so many existential things that I now constantly dissociate from reality. I don't feel one with my physical self half the time.

This sounds like me in my late teens. Exactly like me.

To not be depressed anymore


S-Santa all I want is for Sup Forums to talk about video games again...

But Global Climate Change is a natural phenomenon that happens in cycles.
The patterns of ice ages this planet has had shows this.

Despair slut.

this please, i've been playing with a garbage setup all my life and want it to end

To make America great again.

Also the cap.

t. naughty little boy

A lamia girlfriend.

a job so i can give other people gifts

Same thing I ask for every year: a harem of sexy demon girls.

Or at least a really hot succubus.

Tell Death he can get this one early.

Joke's on you, I'm a lich and my phylactery is my 64

Make all the printers in the word work flawlessly.

I want the EM drive to be proved to work.
I want all physicsfags to cry into their pillows and feel their laws go out the window.

Damn, I wish I could just not have fucking words in my head every waking second. I wish I could think however I did before I learned English.

this desu

>just started my first job
>have huge backlog, so don't need more vidya
I want to make some poorfags happy one day

cure for autism and a job

Also qt virgin to give succ to

A job.

Recently unemployed and it sucks

I wanna kill Sup Forums.

too make my father geppetto to be happy

or a pony

Hey user. Check into meditation. It's very hard to get into and actually 'meditate' but I've been using it as a go-to-sleep aide for years.

I am constantly bombarded with thoughts - most negative, worry-some, etc. I'll remember social quirks and things that I've said in the past, guilty conscience, etc. Look at it like this:

Imagine a sheriff in an old Western town who sees a known outlaw calmly stroll the main street. The sheriff remains polite but firmly encourages the outlaw to keep on walking, right out of town. He projects confidence and stays calm. That’s you, acknowledging those negative thoughts while calmly telling them to keep moving along out of your mind.

Instead of pushing and prying your negative thoughts out, you are acknowledging and releasing them. And when they come back (which they will, out of habit), acknowledge that they are still coming and release them again. Look them square in the eye like that sheriff and tell them what they need to do – keep moving along. You don’t try to wrestle them out of your mind, you simply let them go on their way.

This has helped me a lot in my troubling times. I had a good two years but then recently lost my job and I am low on money. This continues to help me deal with the stress

Santa's not black yet? The tumblr scum are slacking off...

Good internet.

I really wanna have a new game to play, but they're all multiplayer, and I hate lagging.

Plus I never liked playing against a laggy player either.

These people know what's up. I prefer my snek purple, though.

Three more inches

a PSU and DOOM

I want to stop being a social autist, and to be able to communicate with people on more than a superficial level.

I want a reveal trailer of Total Annihilation 2

I want my dad to stop being disappointed by me.

Fuck, this is totally me too right now

We'll figure out a way out of this hell, somehow.