>224 songs and 300 outfits for $54
Explain why you're not buying this on January 10th.
>224 songs and 300 outfits for $54
Explain why you're not buying this on January 10th.
Digital only shit.
It's weebshit you faggot. It's stupid ass weebshit for losers.
Because it's my birthday
bought it months ago.
you dont need english to get these games working.
i want this so bad
so? like i give a shit what you think about losers, its still fun to me
because i already have it in my jap account.
>don't own a PS4
>I don't like rhythm games
>Miku looks fucking ugly in that game
anything else f@m?
You should just write in the OP:
"Miku day everyday until January 10"
I don't have a PS4 and it being digital only makes me sad.
I can get over the digital part but I find it hard to justify picking up a PS4 just for this even though I'd love to play it.
>I hate fun
What a loser.
But I will, I literally bought a ps4 on cyber monday just for miku.
I just hope it gets a pro patch, especially considering that they announced dlc + season passes for it.
It looks pretty freaky since I never liked the 3D style of Miku or the music in general.
Show me some of the outfits though
I'm liking this one
already have it. Any news on a dedicated FT controller now that it's getting localized?
>just for miku
Spread the love, will ya.
Wish it would come to VITA, I have not plans to get a PS4 in the near future
What do you expect from a Pro patch? It already runs at 1080p and 60 fps. Anyway, it won't get one.
I don't like rhythm games
Already bought it months ago faggot
pretty much this. whats the point of the best miku game yet coming out if i cant play it on the go?
Because X was dogshit. Will this be more of X or more like PD F2?
It would be awesome if it came to Vita since I'm more of a handheld person. I know it won't happen though.
Because for 5 years straight my friend keeps forcing me to listen to this crap when it's not my type of music. I'm also not a fan of idol stuff either.
I already bought the Jap version along with it's season pass.
Direct port of the arcade version
It's literally a menu where you pick a song, a module and start playing without any of the bullshit from X and no dumb Diva room either
Are we getting the prelude/demo?
I'll never understand the obsession with these "games". All you fucking do is watch shitty MMD animations and play dress up.
What is the genuine appeal that brings someone to pay $60 for this shit?
BECause my save data wont transfer over so I'll feel like a sucker getting this one
Way too many modules to get all over again
It's a rhythm game you faggot..........
Are you serious?
That sounds perfect, thank you.
I don't blame you for thinking that, considering most Miku posting is waifushit instead of taking about the actual rhythm gameplay.
i can tell youve been doing your research and based on it you made an informed opinion
>paying $60 to play a 100% QTE game
I like anime and all, but Jesus man, just play Osu or something.
nah dude that stuff is just icing, the game part is a rhythm game
>just play Osu
i have no ps4
i could have bought one last week for 196 euros
but i have a good good pc with a 1060 and have a huge backlog on my 3ds
i made a mistake right?
I want to lick those armpits.
My niggah
Same here
I am waiting for the pc version
i get it you´re a poorfag and paying 60 for anything triggers your manchildyness. get a job.
>100% QTE game
What a retard.
>224 songs and 300 outfits
>these are my criteria for wanting to buy a video game
>those armpits
lord have mercy insta buy
Sounds like a reasonable criteria for a music game, retard
IIDX gives you thousands of songs with actual difficulty for the price of one credit
You're a strange man
I like touchpad rhythm games, not button ones. I have Diva F and Diva F2, but I can never ever git gud at them.
do you have one where both her armpit and midriff are exposed?
Do people really think Osu is any good??
I mean the DS games weren't bad, but the PC ripoff is awful.
God, I can't wait to get the game just so I could make all those lewd screencaps.
You can't move the camera around or anything though, so you're limited by the PV
Yeah, I know, but I can work with that.
im not a weeb or console idiot
I want to lick her armpits.
>explain why you're not buying this
Because I don't like trannies
Because Taiko no Tatsujin is the only rhythm game I'm willing to stomach.
Improved resolution is always welcome. I would be hopeful for better effects.
ive never really played osu but rhythm gamers really seem to hate it, why is that?
Because it's the CoD of rhythm games.
We all do user
is it like that thing where most shmup players hate touhou because everyone wont shut the fuck up about it even though it is mostly average?
Now I feel integrated. Thanks.
>so? like i give a shit what you think about losers, its still fun to me
Why did you make the reply about you and why so defensive? OP asked a question and an that user replied.
Extreme for the sake of being extreme
Nightcore shit
Maps are trash
Need a tablet to have any fun
No PV's like EBA, Project Diva, or any other fun rhythm games.
That's be guitar hero or rock band dumbshit.
That would've been true a few years ago, but no one gives a shit about those games anymore.
because Im not a fucking weeaboo
for all the shit talking weebs do about western crap,
garbage like senran kagura, pokemon, idolm@ster, and this shit get a free pass
>cosmetics make the game worth it
fuck off to Sup Forums or just fap on /h/ and get it the fuck out of your system already
thanks, curiosity was killing me
also fuck just missed highschool days diva edit by 1 note. (havent played in a bit, also nerves got me)
im@s is cool fag.
How is Pokemon either garbage or weeaboo?
Also that's a rhetorical question, I'm just calling you out on your stupidity.
top fucking lel
>you're limited by the PV
How is that even possible?
pokemon fucking sucks
it has sucked for a long time
literally baby's first rpg
its really not cool
its only good if you are desperate for weeb fap material
k fag
she looks like plastic
who else wants to hot glue her?
>who else wants to hot glue her?
Who doesn't?