Post sexy hardware and/or software (game menus, OS's etc) Sup Forums
Bonus points if the design improves performance
Pic related
Great for LAN parties and sexy as fuck
Post sexy hardware and/or software (game menus, OS's etc) Sup Forums
Bonus points if the design improves performance
Pic related
Great for LAN parties and sexy as fuck
GOAT if it didnt lag like shit at times
I really liked this too
Last bump
I liked the simplicity of the Wii and WII U OS. Latter worked well with touch screen. It also looks nice
forgot img
The Dreamcast is the most aesthetic console ever made.
The console looked plain though
Great console.
>the most aesthetic console ever made
Pic related.
How can the NES even compete?
>white version of any console
That Typography is making my dick diamonds
>not maining white
>Basic edition Wii U
you have 10 seconds to think of a more aesthetic handheld.
I got a new sapphire 480 and the backplate is sexy as fuck. Most companies focus on making the side with the fans look good, when in reality that's facing down and the backplate is visible
Just dont look at the front
>wii standing up
do you want to wear out the dist drive faster or what
Can I bully you too?
show more software
pretty hawt
>Not using bing for free amazon gift cards
The original PS4 is a pretty goddamn sleek looking device. It's a shame they botched it in the revisions.
I think the 2nd version of the original ps4 was better where they ditched the glossy section and made the whole thing matte black. It still looks sexy on my shelf
It looks like a chinese shit sandwich.
360 blade menu
>bing instead of duck-based engine
Love that
I adore the proportions of this handbook-sized machine.
>circa-1989 graphic design trends
Pick one.
>someone recommends me Master of Darkness
>try it out
>it's a shitty version of Castlevania in every single way
Th-thanks, I guess.
no it didnt