Other urls found in this thread:
>being nostalgic for MW1
Nani sore?
I dont know what the fuck the implication is here.
This is gonna be ironic in a few years. What's better, /vr/ or just leaving?
cs 1.6 best competitive fps ever created. fite me.
Literally anything is better than Sup Forums. Even fucking Sup Forums
Just a tip for most idiots here.
Nostalgia sets in at 5 years.
Anything you do 5 years from now you will get nostalgic for
>it's a Sup Forums pretends cod4 wasn't released 9 years ago episode
>faux-"oldfags" will actually fall for this bait
>what went wrong
Um... The progression of time?
>Quake 3
Nobody has nostalgia feelings for Cod you faggot.
The cod audience does, thus the remaster.
I miss capture the flag 24/7 El Alemain in Battlefield 1942.
Servers are dead now.
I could cap the flag by jumping out of the pilots seat of the plane mid-backflip, fall past the flag pole and grab it, then land back in my pilot seat as the plane finished the backflip on momentum.
It's not nostalgia, it is more like the lastest CoD is doing so bad that they thought bringing their old successful games will revive the franchise.
damn remember the good ol days of bf1
Remember the good old days of FIFA 16
everyone has nostalgia for 4 and 6 they were fucking sick
leik if u rember lejend of zelda xD
us gaers am i rite xD
That would be quake, but cs is a close second.
>black nazis
>in WWI
>in wwi
Quake 3 is 18 years old.
you know I have more nostalgia of OFP 1985 and old R6 games than an arena game on which you had to take your timing,blast nuggets while doing the very same things in the same map over and over again
Yes there were blacks in wwi
>18 years old
>Quake 3 is 18 years old.
Shit, am I 35?
So it's older than 99,999...% in this thread
Nostalgia only works for vaguely remembered childhood experiences or significant experiences that for some reason you rarely think about.
You don't get nostalgic about anything, and it usually takes more than 5 years.Stupid weeb.
There are people nostalgic for GTA IV, the first GTA they've played, so there are people who nostalgic for MW1, the first CoD they've played
>Quake 3 can now post in this board
>you legally fuck quake 3 now
'bout fucking time
Why were you so good to me even though I was a little shit back then?
How's it feel knowing that Unreal Tournament was cooler then you
You could four years ago you silly Amerifat.
>logic on Sup Forums?
not on the german western front there werent
/vg/ is good when the generals aren't waifu spamming. i just come here to laugh at some shitposts then leave.
>nostalgia for fps games
DF2 best fps ever. Fuck all you crybaby niggers.
Its kinda weird seeing this people on my board. it unsettles me
>time ticks
>wow time goes on?
Are you stupid?
BF1 is way better than CoD 4 though.
Not him but I can see where he's coming from. This place is a dinosaur, no one expects people to find this place and come here unless they're oddballs. By oddballs, I also mean people who are interested in older things and are likely to shun newer things. I'm not saying it's impossible for people to be newfags, I'm just saying that the newfags of today seem to have bad taste in things. Plus, gta4 was released like 7 years ago, you'd have to be particularly underage to say "man, things were so much better when I was a kid" while talking about fucking cod4 and gta4.
Nostalgia is not childhood only. By guessing that Sup Forums is composed of mainly 18-25 y old a lot of them could have played it in their teens.
>playing R-rated games when you're underage
I'm pretty sure that's impossible.
CSGO is objectively better than 1.6, fite me IRL
And I'd unironically say it's on par with Quake 3 in its own niche.
>R-rated games
>implying all the underage niggers don't just drag their moms to fucking gamestop to get their vidya on 360
>man, things were so much better when I was a kid
This has been said by every generation BACK to BACK since the beginning of time. What you are seeing isn't new. Just suck it up and move on. Those kids that played cod are now young adults, whether you like it or not.
t. 23yo
>tfw they missed Quake 3 in its prime-time developed body
Have fun with your road-worn granny, americans.
Well they're rated R so underage kids can't play them so how could they play them?
You're really fucking stupid my friend.
This. I find it fun how every generation wants to think that they are the gold standard, when there's always someone who sees them like they see younger generations. It's an eternal cycle and you aren't any different than any other generation, deal with it.
That's some pretty decent bait. Fills out all the criteria. 8/10 v. good
I get nostalgic for shit that has happened around a year or two ago.
whether you like it or not cod4 is old
What a great post
WHOAH there skyrim was pretty much my childhood
Fuck off, you shrill voiced little cunt.
pls sauce me, reverse image didn't help.
That's not much older than CoD4. Stop being such a wannabe oldfag.
>be 16 year old, shittalk on IRC and then waste the guy I called out in Quake while slamming energy drinks completely fucking me up
>feel awesome and have a bright future ahead
>now 30+, forget the last time I felt happiness
>will soon transition into a bald fat faceless man