Zelda and Horizon

Leave 2017 to us

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Well since I like Nintendo I have to say that Horizon looks pretty boring to be honest

I'm pretty excited for Horizon, and I'm not going to watch more trailers since that sort of thing will be rife with bullshots.

The other problem is, I'm not sure why I am anticipating zeldo so eagerly. It doesn't look that good from the footage, so I guess I'm subconciously hoping the parts they don't show you are better.

No thanks I'll still be busy playing GOTYAY Shantae Half Genie Hero

There's 5 playable characters dude, game's loaded down with content

>open world
Fuck off.

I want to like Horizon but everything I have seen has bored me to tears.

There's more to life than corridors.

Don't forget RDR2.

Open world is going to dominate 2017.

Chances are those "5 playable characters" will just be small segments in the game where you play primarily as Shantae.

>Open world dogshit

Yawn. Pathetic that little gooks have to follow the trends of Westerners nowadays, they used to be the trendsetters in the industry.

And following Skyrim's trend is just loathesome.

Post 1 (ONE) good open meme game

Nope, they all have their own campaigns

So is Breath of the Wild a NES LoZ reboot or what?

I'm excited for both but Zelda will be better just because it won't star a fucking cunt who never shuts the fuck up.

>If it's not open world it's a corridor shooter

Ah shut up you little cretin.

These threads are made by paid shills to pit fanbases against each other, keep that in mind.

They work for a company called Zenimax and are issued orders by Microsoft through them to attack Japanese games and Sony/Nintendo consoles in general. Microsoft's gaming divisions sole purpose is to simply disrupt Sony, that's their end goal, that's why instead of funding and developing games for their own platform they rather pay shills to shitalk the competition and that means also attacking any competition Bethesda sees like Witcher 3 and FFXV.

Keep this as a reminder to never buy Microsoft products or give them a cent because this thread is basically the epitome of what Microsoft is as a company as well as Bethesda for that matter. Microsoft literally has a console on the market right now with zero exclusives but they are hell bent on trying to tell you why Sony's or Nintendo's exclusives are bad and why you shouldn't buy them.

I'm 99% sure the mods here have a deal with them too but that's another thing all together.

Any of the Grand Theft Autos.

Not even that user.

I hope that both games are very good.

The Legend of Zelda

I just thought Sup Forums hated jap games because it was filled with reddit-loving teens who grew up in the shitty western-gaming dominated times and never grew to appreciate Jap games.

its a prebootquel

Only retards paraphrase this badly.

GTA 3+
Witcher 3

Nah, it just follows more closely to it than the rest of the Zelda games.

Kind of how Twilight Princess resembled more to Ocarina of Time than the rest of the Zelda games.

I guess you could call it the spiritual 3D remake of it, but not exactly.

Zenimax and Bethesda and Microsoft have been manufacturing console wars for so long on here.

Don't fall for the bait, instead unite against the enemy which is Xbox/Microsoft and Bethesda garbage.

Jesus, how paranoid can you get.

Which will be far smaller in scale to Shantae's campaign as well as adding next to nothing to the game besides. "This is what Bolo was doing for about 2 hours while Shantae was saving the islands."

I honestly can't expect them to make 5 full stories. Something has to take a backseat.

>Gorilla Ganes
>in charge of making good games

>I just thought Sup Forums hated jap games

That's not true but Bethesdas constant anti-Japanese shillposting encourages normies who comes across this website to participate because think that's the narrative here when it isn't.

Man I hope that's true

Zenimax/Bethesda owns Tango Gameworks...which is a developer based in Japan.

Why are shanty fans utter shit ? She seems to attract alot of those guys who called themselves Nice Guys

BotW will run at 720p and struggle to hit 30FPS.

It will be the most fun and best looking game of 2017.

I think you lost this on your way out

Don't fall for the bait and start console warring, it's just Microsoft trying to manufacture superficial wars because they are trying to imobilize the Japanese industry.

Look at what they did to Platinum games and Kamiya, that idiot fell for the bait and Microsoft locked him into a contract, they knew Scalebound would bomb but they did it to destroy Platinums reputation in the west and they've already destroys various other Japanese developers. It's all apart of their plan.

Don't fall for the bait idiots. Don't console war, it's literally what Microsoft wants you to do.

Like I'd ever buy an xbone.

I never would out of principle for what they tried to do before the console actually released.. if it wasnt for competition (Sony), the Xbox One would have to be connected to the internet 24/7, you would not be able to play used games, discs would be useless and they would force you to buy the shitbox along with Kinect.

No thanks.

Exactly, but Microsoft doesn't give a fuck, as long as Sony is not on top and as long as they can destroy the launch of Switch, they don't give a fuck what kind of service they offer their customers, that's irrelevant to Microsoft, they just want to own you and destroy any company preventing them from doing that.

Why the fuck are people excited about Horizon again?

wow, you've played Breath of the Wild?

microsoft seems like they are actually implementing consumer friendly practices now. Probably going to buy the scropio.

Mistwalker's best games were with Microsoft.


Or just shills trying to salvage yet another garbage thead they get paid $1 an hour to make.

I concur.

>microsoft seems like they are actually implementing consumer friendly practices now.

Cause they have to.. otherwise they'd be a long 2nd place to PS4.

Microsoft is like that boyfriend that would enslave you, abuse you and make you his bitch if he could, but since there's someone else competing for your love, he tries his best to hide his real personality by being friendly, loving and giving you flowers.

I'd say both Sony and Microsoft are like that, but Microsoft moreso.

They said this in the E3 Treehouse gameplay demo.. It resembles the original LoZ in many ways.

i dont give a shit about that. I just care about what what is in front of me when I want to buy something.

Only Sonyfags can be winning and still be paranoid


>made by dev who has never made a good game
>gameplay previews already show it is an Ubisoft game where you climb towers to unlock your map

Fuck off. This game is doomed, like every Sony IP. They come up with a cool idea/premise and fuck it with horrible gameplay.

Zelda is tumbrl bait.

And here is a real picture on how those two games stack up against each other.

>>gameplay previews already show it is an Ubisoft game where you climb towers to unlock your map
Well it even looks like the sequel to Far Cry Primal

Thanks for Correcting the Record™

Zelda is tumblr bait, but not the game with a STRONK RED HEAD FEMALE LEAD WHO ISN'T SEXY AND IS ALSO VOICED BY ASHLY BURCH isn't?


agreed sonynigs must feel bad about missing out on scalebound

If you're asking about the story, then there's no details on that.


Kill yourself gladium you fucking rat

How is having a female protogonist tumbrl bait?

Link is a male (female) and tumbrl whales are already masturbating about him (her).

>I just care about what what is in front of me when I want to buy something.

But you dont realize that if it wasnt for competition, they'd treat you like shit.

If you dont want to be treated like shit, you shouldnt support that company out of principle... but you're like most people. You dont care until it actually happens.

Dumb consumers.

It's not, but Horizon's main lead looks like a shitty retread of Merida from Brave.


inB4 THAT user shows up


nah i think you're the stupid one.

I am a consumer so why would I care about all this external bs that is not relevant to me. As a consumer I just care about the end result, and nothing else.

Are you really going to play this whole "I'll pretend to be stupid" game instead of taking two seconds to google either one of those things before posting?

>61 replies, 28 posters

>robot literally aims 5 feet away from you when it charges and shoots lasers
What a challenging game

How am I the stupid one? I'm simply telling you that you shouldn't enable bad business practices.

Yes, the end result for the xbone came out differently thanks to competition (Sony). But if it wasnt for that, you wouldnt be able to play all those used games you bought at GameStop . Or you wouldn't have bought that Xbone without the Kinect, because Microsoft would be forcing it on you.

It's fine if you dont care, most people dont. But someone has to, otherwise you'd be whining about why you cant play offline on your xbone right now.

We know you're a paid Zenimax shill. Stop trying

How about you leave this board to us?

because your saying that consumers are stupid for not caring about past practices.
>xbone came out differently thanks to competition (Sony)
external factor that is not relevent to me

Thats why we have are dollar vote as consumers. I wouldnt vote my dollar on the og xbone with kinect. Since, xbox has responded to criticism from outside factors eg competition, and made a better product as a result I would vote with my dollar.

Zelda started off as open world.

According to who

>bullshot vs reality
At least Nintendo isn't lying to you.

Anybody who played the first game.

How come the Xbone has games no one cares about?


The original Zelda was open world. Also, skyrim didn't invent open world

Because Microsoft isn't interested in making games. They wanted to sell you a media top box and get you paying for Xbox live and call it a day.

Horizon zero dawn more like Horizzzzzzzzzzzzzon zero fun

>that top texture
kek sony always wins

Who cares? How does that change that Horizon is shit?

I forgot that existed.
And I remember why I blocked it out of my mind.
Still might be better than Horizon though.

Zenimax is the parent company of Bethesda, they are the same.

There's more to life than just a field-of-nothing too.

I like open worlds but there are some games that are just plain shallow to explore in.

>Donte Does Dragons


Dragon's Dogma

Suck it

What's wrong with Horizon?

lol, they actually call that open world?

It looks great.

Apocalyptic future Tomb Raider looks interesting as na idea though the things in this trailer were unexciting

What's good about it?

How do people always fall for this?

>people hating croatian video games of oriental nature
>on the mongolian finger painting site

Yeah idk about your analytical ability

>Not Nioh

Ya dun goofed.

Why not?

How can we improve the open world genre Sup Forums?

Because I'm not stupid enough to fall for the oldest marketing lie in the book.

They're just eye candies user.

It's not like you're going to marry a girl just because she's beautiful.

Bullshots are there to make things look good.
When in reality the game will be changed to make it far far worse than any of the bullshots shown.

Every game does this.

If this was just called Zelda, you fags would be fallin' out

If these games fail I'll probably stop playing open world games