Who do you want in the next game?

Who do you want in the next game?

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Ethan from Ctrl Alt Delete

something other than poker

and no bad apple (tycho/claptrap) and no voice actor switcheroo (heavy/ash)

Senor Cartgadge

Rick from Rick & Morty.

Maybe Handsome Jack and Marty McFly?

As for the Comic representative, I guess Deadpool? That would boost sales.

Clementine or Bigby

Randomized players each round so that every round won't be fucking predictable as all hell

>Rhys or Jack

Heavy was Gary Schwartz in that game what are you talking about

rick sanchez
sam/ max again.they cant do one without them
for movies i have no fucking idea.

>Rick and Marty
Dear sweet buttz i didn't realize how much i needed this

The Animaniacs

Oh, huh, I thought it was some replacement guy. He sounded off. Must've had bad direction.

A few more card games besides just Poker (or at least variations of it) and a DLC scheme where instead of doing new games they release a new roster every few seasons/once a year. Base game should launch with six at a minimum, with players being randomized each round so its not so predictable every single time.

Doesn't need to support mixing the characters from different rosters since that'd obviously be a fucking insane pain in the ass to organize with all the different VAs and such.

My ideal squad would be:
The Narrator from the Stanley Parable or Rucks from Bastion
Bigby Wolf, Marty McFly, or Fiona as the rep from Telltale
Miss Pauling or Barney Calhoun as the rep from Valve
>Other players
Dante (DMC4 era)
Lo Wang
Duke Nukem
Dan (Street Fighter)
Daud (Dishonored)
Rick, with Morty assisting him like Sam & Max in 2
Lamar (GTA V)

Mix in VR support and a smooth jazz soundtrack for ultimate comfy

Frickin' Carl from Aqua teen



Rick for sure.

We can have Sam & Max getting drunk at the bar.
If you lose 5 games in a row, Max chimes in and replaces one of the characters at random.

Bigby could be a neat bartender.

If Rick doesn't make the cut, then Carl for sure.

Fucking this.

Listen to this man.

I tried to think up a whole cast, but I couldn't get further than Roman Bellic.

So, maybe Bayonetta?

>Rucks and The Narrator change from round to round
>Bigby is working the bar
>Barney is just there to chill after a long days work
>Dante is just having a laugh fucking with people but gets increasingly more serious the higher his losses grow
>Fiona is blatantly trying to cheat and failing every round because Dante keeps catching her
>Rick is drunk off his ass and Morty is pretty much playing FOR him, with Rick blaming him for every loss and taking credits for the wins
>Can swap in Lo Wang and Lamar to mix things up if you want to

sounds pretty fucking perfect desu

Space Ghost.

>Always wanted to see a table based on the Coast to Coast set featuring Zorak and Moltar on the sidelines
>Will probably never happen now that their VA is gone

I hate to tell you this user but Gary is finding it hard to do Heavy's voice these days that's why if you play MVM all his new lines also sound off

Would make more sense to have Fiona's sister working the bar and trying to get everyone drunk to try help her cheat desu

I'd love Bigby as a player though

Oh you know what? Rick & Morty is a comic series.

Movie: Marty McFly
Game: Handsome Jack or Duke Nukem?
TV: Carl
Comic: Rick Sanchez

Dealer could easily be Sam or The Monarch from The Venture Bros.
Dealer would be hard to choose to be honest.

Where did he go?

Each one rotates after every game
As much as I love Space Ghost, I think Zorak should be in

Nah man think of it
Rick and Marty together
Rick constantly confuses Marty for Morty

TV should be Sterling Archer.

If it is Rick or Morty it will be a pass for me, show is reddit tier.

Special key event, Marty is randomly turned into Morty.

Rick is the only one that sees it aside from the player.

fuck man. telltale you here? we need this

fuck off

Rick and morty
Harley Quinn

>As much as I love Space Ghost, I think Zorak should be in
Uh... user, I...





Don't advertise shit on Sup Forums


Archer wouldn't be that bad of a choice
I have to catch up, I left off on season 4 I think

Id like to see Krieger

trying to fund his uh...pet projects

Hellboy goes with everything

I second this.

the 2nd game is already out user

Master Shake/Carl
Peacock/Big Band/Beowulf (preferably Peacock, because we haven't had a woman yet at the table)
Marty McFly/Doc Brown/Biff Tannen for Telltale rep
Harry Enfield

Narrator: Stanley Parable
Dealer: I don't fucking know, the Trader from Killing Floor or something, but in like a dealing machine or something like in Killing Floor 2

Marty McFly
Jack Sparrow

Sterling Archer
Carl Brutananadilewski
Master Shake
Rick Sanchez
Space Dandy

>(Web) Comic:
Johnathan Gabriel (PA)
Erin Stout (Critical Miss)

>Video Game:
Handsome Jack
Serious Sam
The Scout
The Soldier

My choices aren't good, I know.

Rick and Morty for the cartoon character
Batman for the Telltale character, and he's 100% serious all of the time.
Nick from L4D for the Valve character
Laverne from Day of the Tentacle for the wild card
Stanley Parable Narrator is dealer
Jill from VA-11 HALL-A is bartender

Carl from ATHF is still around

>2010 release
>a year where TF2 was SORT OF relevant enough to be recognized as a game and not a trading system
fuck has it really been 6 years

I want Rick and Morty, Carl and Shake, kryten and lister (and a telltale game to go along with it), and then I dunno, Bojack and PB?

Rick and SHODAN.

Saddam Hussein (South Park version)


This. A pool of like 25 guys. The characters rarely interact with each other anyways and when they do its super gay