Playing this for the first time, FFXV was so shit that I had to wash the taste out of my mouth and I remember people saying this shit was the greatest ever. I just finished the first bit of ship combat and so far the game's pretty great, though I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do with all these moonberries.
Also what element should I be focusing on with each character?
I also didn't realize that Vyse and Aika and the other chick cameo in the original Valkyria Chronicles.
>Also what element should I be focusing on with each character? Inch Vyse toward silver so he learns Riselem as soon as he can (assuming you're playing Legends and not the original), and then the rest is all preference because you'll want to switch weapon colors versus different enemies anyway
>I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do with all these moonberries. use them all on Fina if you want to break the game early using them all on Vyse can have a similar effect, but this game isn't remotely difficult anyway so you shouldn't worry about needing to play it in a certain way, just use them whenever you feel like it
also DON'T RUN AWAY FROM RANDOM BATTLES EVER you'll thank me later
Jace Lewis
>DON'T RUN AWAY FROM RANDOM BATTLES >EVER but-but there are so many they happen so often
Jeremiah Johnson
the game is self-aware about that fact
if you do it too much, you'll lower your swashbuckler rating and make certain sub-events lategame nearly impossible to access, thereby locking you out of the best equipment and preventing you from getting 100%
it's some shit
great game otherwise, just try to use Aika's s-moves to clear out random battles instead of running since you can skip animations
Evan Moore
Alright, fair enough. I wasn't really planning on running unless I became drastically overleveled anyway
The whole MP/SP thing is a little confusing. I get that each spell only costs 1MP and the listed SP, but am I supposed to be using magic really sparingly? How rare/expensive are MP recovery items?
Michael Gray
>element try to make each of them specialize on one, that way you need less grind. Have at least one person max green and another silver, the others are not essential.
Here's a tip you didn't ask but I'm giving anyway: stock up on ship healing items and you will never lose any ship battles besides the ones you weren't meant to lose. They are so cheap and broken. The same goes with magic boxes, they break the game.
Nicholas Cooper
You can get an item called the White Map that cuts down on the random encounter rate. I think you have to find a lot of discoveries to unlock it though.
Juan Nguyen
Pretty rare but Aika learns a S-Move that recovers her own 10 MP.
Brody Brooks
Magic also comes in crystals/boxes (the latter of which have a random % chance to break after being used, making them last longer) which is generally preferable to spending MP if you have them
Also, magic you learn is tied to the color of your weapon at the end of a battle, so you don't even have to cast anything if you don't want to Increm is ridiculously useful, though
And SP you automatically gain every turn, and can use Focus to get more if you really need it- it's self-contained within battles, whereas MP is lasting in typical JRPG format Around the ~halfway point of the game (you'll know when you get there) you gain moves that you can only use when your SP is maxed, but they're sort of ridiculous and you'll get tired of their animations pretty quickly
This is true too, but it also gives you 100% chance to run away so be careful with it