Gaming on a laptop

>gaming on a laptop

>Friend buys an insane gaming laptop
>An hour later, his desk is melting

>bought a gaming laptop for 1k dollarydoos
>it works great
>no complaints

>insane gaming laptop
>paying more, to stuff less processing power into a small space
>constantly having to worry about overheating

People who have never really used a gaming laptop

>buy laptop that runs windows 8
>Crashes while running certain parts of Civilization 3
Man new technology is retarded.

>bought a gaming laptop for one thousand (1000) dollars

>buy a $200 thinkpad
>it plays darkest dungeon fine
>people seriously fall for the iGPU meme

What did you buy a $1000 gun and rob someone who bought a $3000 laptop?

Because $1000 won't buy you last year's model.

>my machine can play playing a shitty indie rpg
>it must be good

why are you still breathing user?

>gaming on a PC

I used a custom laptop for about 6 years to game on while I was traveling.
I only ever played rome TW, C&C fable, the sims and snes/mega drive emulators on it.
I never had any overheat issue, only thing was it was not the greatest specs.

Because his self-worth isnt tied to being able to play with toys?

Fuck off to Sup Forums shill

>implying there is more fun to be had with muh grafix

>gaming on console

Laptopfag here. Overheating isn't really a problem for me at all.

Then again, mine has two fans.

"I posted it again!"

>buy top of the line Macbook
>plays Undertale with barely any frame drops
I seriously don't understand how you could justify wasting your money buying really expensive computer parts to play games.

>Top of the line Macbook
So you basically spent enough money to go to college on a toy that will break in a year?

back in 2012 got me a nice 2k gaming laptop, threw it away, it was sucking away my soul.

>top of the line macbook
>gaming PCs are expensive

you're a dumb fuck

>Windows kiddy trying to educate me on computers
Come back when you reach middle school, sweety.

>buy a 5000 dollar alienware triangle 51
>can run half life at a silky smooth 60 fps

I seriously don't understand how you could justify wasting your money on building a computer

>defending his fagbook this hard
i am laughing at you

It runs GTA V, garrys mod and overwatch on the highest settings so i'm not complaining

>buy $400,000 gaming laptop
>can run tetris at a smokin hawt 4 fps
>laptop only heats up to 2000°C
It's incredible that desktopfags are even alive. Why would you have a big bulky desktop when you can have SLEEK and EFFICIENT all at once?!

>Garry's Mod
this is bait

>tfw to intelligent to be a poorfag so I bought myself a 2000$ gtx 1080 laptop that can run 4k

You have a old, outdated box which gives you problems and viruses every day of the week. I have a sleek, modern device that's just as powerful, and basically better. I know it's hard to admit that you wasted your money, but this is just pathetic. Sort your life out, sweetheart.

When I moved out, I bought a used Thinkpad and a GPU with a little board to plug it into which then plugged into the expresscard slot on the laptop.
Then I bought a nice monitor.

Eventually I'll probably build a PC and use the laptop as a media server or something.

>>Friend buys an insane gaming desk
>>An hour later, his laptop is melting

It's actually alright if you plug in a seperate keyboard and mouse.


I cant enjoy those games?

u havent even tried the 60 fps of a true console


>bought a shitty Samsung laptop
>even Morrowind has low framerate

>bought a gaming laptop
>dick is now irradiated

I only played that during the free weekend
I only added it to the list because it's a new game wich i think takes a lot of power

I know nothing about computers dude

>taking such fucking obvious b8

Just how fucking autistic do you have to be? The only way he could've been more obvious if he posted that dobson comic.

Bought a new gaming laptop.
>GTX 1060


>play Witcher 3 on piece of shit laptop
>can no longer bear children for my wife and my bloodline will die.

>takes a lot of power
it doesn't m8, I played during the free weekend too on my toaster pc with constant 60+ fps

Ah shit
Aight, never mind overwatch then

But GTA V must take a lot of power right?

>buy my sister's 5 year old shitty laptop for $50
>have access to a lifetime supply of free video games from DoS and SNES emulators alone

Toaster gaming is seriously underrated

yeah gta 5 takes a decent rig to run at max

You can bet for sure Mac does fucking get viruses. They don't have fantasy immunity to attacks. Other platform only receives more possible threats because its far more common and thus attract more attackers' attention.

Only fucking retards like you could have any trouble with PC. Its why Apple don't fucking trust you AT ALL to do anything right and treat you like the idiot that you are. Making sure the Mac serve as your padded cell

>lifetime supply

most of those games you could finish in few hours.

sup beeches

>63C on the cores

pop an egg, cunt

>buying things from your fucking family

Is this an american thing or something? Why couldn't she just give you the fucking thing?

>bought a 400 dollar laptop
>1080p ips screen
>runs dolphin at 3x res and dishonored on high settings (940m gpu)
>latest generation i5 laptop processor
hey i can emulate ps2 games so im more than happy.

Because things have value, people want money and I'm not an entitled fuck.

>most in a few hours
780 games x 4 hours = 3120 hours

I play roughly 2 or 3 hours of vidya a day
That's 8 years of free vidya just from one emulator

>runs every new vidya, even if I need to lower graphic settings
>runs Citra
>runs pcsx2

ain't complaining

>He doesn't run Dolphin at 8k with x16 SSAA

Me too, but dell.
>attempt to play Oblivion
>crank all settings to bare minimum and get tweeks that reduce graphics even further through ini
>actually runs at a somewhat playable FPS while in the sewers, but still pretty bad
>mfw 2 FPS when walking out of the sewers with Morrowind tier view distance

It's got nothing to do with entitlement, the family unit is a communist entity in it's truest sense.

If I don't need something anymore of course I'll pass it down to my sibling if he has use of it, especially is if it's something so trivial like electronics that rapidly decrease in value on the second hand market. I guess familial bonds are non-existent in 'murrica.

>friend buys gaming PC
>only plays titles that test the PC for a week at most
>goes back to playing low req indie games and brogue after he gets sick of the newest AAA title

What's even the point

>emulating on an AMD processor

>Weeaboo friend has shitty laptop
>Still managed to beat kingdom hearts on PCSX2 at like 15 fps using tiny laptop arrowkeys

I am still can't truly believe it

was thew sound all retarded and jittery?

>I am still
You bet

>it's got nothing to do with entitlement
Expecting Y to be free solely based on blood relation is entitlement

>the family unit is a communist entity in it's truest sense
Where the fuck do you live cuz family members are typically never treated equally when it comes to gift distribution, opinions which are deemed acceptable to have, which behaviors are tolerable and what you're physically expected to do around the house.

Your family is a house of intellectuals if everyone is treated 100% the same.

>got a laptop with broken screen for 50 bucks
>20 bucks for a new display
>repair it
>can play dungeon keeper, warcraft 3 and diablo 2 without a problem
>can play league of retards on low but the game is shit I was just curious if it would run at all
>comfy bed sessions with childhood games for less than 100 bucks
y'all niggas are retarded spending all that money on hardware you don't need for the 3 multiplayer games you play

Its fascist in our house

You okay with the fact that you use something your sister flicked her bean right next to once? And that you've probably had your dick out at this laptop too? Are you aware your dick has pretty much touched your sisters clit?

>dream of having a gaming PC as a kid for 10 years
>finally have enough cash to spare after working my ass off
>build my $900 dream PC
>Play Deus Ex 1 and 2 (fuck you, Invisible W is alright)
>realize a year ago that AAA gaming has regressed a fuckton when it comes to game mechanics
>Play DoS games, Rocket League, Recettear and cheap indie stuff like Retro City Rampage

My only regret is the $300 SSD

Well the fuck else am I supposed to play Risk of Rain, Jet Set Radio HD, Spelunky, Hotline Miami or Nuclear Throne on the go?
Do you want me to carry around a fucking desktop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and generator on a fucking train?

>flicked her bean

Defining shit like this makes me gag for some reason
I used to shine a flashlight in her eye when she was asleep when we were kids so it balances out

>Where the fuck do you live cuz family members are typically never treated equally when it comes to gift distribution, opinions which are deemed acceptable to have, which behaviors are tolerable and what you're physically expected to do around the house.

Your parents are retarded if they do not treat all of their children equally.

>Your family is a house of intellectuals if everyone is treated 100% the same

No, we're just fucking normal. Jesus Christ.

>Your parents are retarded if they do not treat all of their children equally

Except I wasn't talking solely about parents vs offspring
Differences in treatment ranges from how the parents treat eachother to how grandparents treat the grandkids to how siblings treat eachother and it can vary just on the genders between the two people

>No, we're just fucking normal. Jesus Christ.
"I don't understand biological predispositions" is all you had to say.

OK, Sup Forums
I am unironically asking your opinion on GPD WIN. Technically it is a laptop, but with gamepad controls integrated into its case making it a handheld. I am planning to use it for emulators, maybe some indie titles, platformers and occasionally steam in-home streaming.
CPU Atom Z8750
4 Gb RAM
64 Gb ROM
720p 5,5" IPS touchscreeen
WiFi, Bluetooth

If you can get it for cheap then hell yeah, might be worth it for gaming just because it's running Windows.
Otherwise get a cheap Android, hook up a gamepad and play emulators/pray for more god tier ports like Sonic CD.

What do you consider 'cheap' then? Right now I can get it at $360. Is it cheap enough?

That's reasonable enough. Just don't expect too much out of it.

Right, user. Thanks

I should add one thing. the steam streaming doesn't work well on wifi (even the 5ghz band). Or well, at least when I last tried it last year.

Bought a $1000 gaming laptop to play WoW with all my friends.
Go to anons house to play wow. Next night go to the other anons house to play.
Those were fun times.

you understand you could have played wow with your friends from home right? thats kind of the point of an MMO

Lol I know right. True hardcore gamers play games on their phone

What phone is that?

Got a huge burn scar on my thigh from cpu heat when playing games from my old labtop. Honestly couldn't feel it all too well but the exposure over time cooked my skin.
Got a gaming desktop since then though, but labtops are seriously shitty for a ton of reasons.


Old ass shit, but the keyboard makes it perfect for ssh

I mostly play Doom mods so I don't have issues, unless I'm playing nuts.wad or something.

>they no longer make 'slide out' style phones
>physical buttons on phones are gone

Please tell me I'm mistaken

being in the same room is literally superior to whatever VoIP service you use

I wish I could user, I wish

I tried gaming on my laptop. I could play many games that I first downloaded, but then I tried WWE 2K16 and it ran too slow. Playing on a laptop is fine I think but you can't play certain games.

>playing arcades on keyboard

>Buy laptop for 500 dollars
>It plays all the games I regularly play and enjoy just fine
>Never overheats

>Buy $200 laptop
> Hook up a e-gpu to it
>Mfw playing games on high settings

Y'all nigs doing it wrong

Damn what am i laughing about this

>play mostly old games and non-resource intensive games like indies and weebshit
>have a Vita
I'm literally enjoying my videogames more than half of you mustard race shitters and there's nothing you can do about it.

i just have a regular HP and ive been playing a bunch of great indie games i wouldnt have played other wise.

i am playing baldurs gate, morrowind, witcher 1, gothic, ultima series and emulated games on a 200€ laptop. but congratulations to your 2000€ pc to play cinematic experience shit and competetive e-sports cancer.
cry about it on your tumblr faggot.

are you peanut butter and jealous? cause i think you are

>he only plays runescape and league

>i can play old games on my toaster

glad you shared that with us you worthless autist