I've been thinking of trying out Warframe to scratch my grinding itch...

I've been thinking of trying out Warframe to scratch my grinding itch, but after looking at the Steam reviews it seems like a very recent patch released this month has caused an absolute cataclysm of butthurt among the playerbase.

What happened and is this game still good for someone completely new to it?

Patch info?

thought about getting back in again but apparently the grind is even worse now

I dont know how the devs keep fucking themselves in the ass, but here we are

It introduced more randomness on top of randomness and grind.

Grind on top of grind on top of grind.

The high end gear is locked behind such a sheer amount of confusing and time-wasting bullshit that, sadly, I can't say the game is really worth playing anymore.

Its not terrible, it just suffers heavily from a lack of interesting end-game content. There are a few "Raids" here and there but they're underwhelming, unnecessarily tedious to access and most require a one time use consumable to access, meaning you have to get multiple keys to fight the boss more than once. The primary gamemodes consist of

>defend thing
>defend thing, then move to another and defend it
>literally "Objective: survive"
>kill all enemies
>blow up the core of a base/ship
There are a couple of other modes but they don't come up as often as the others and they kinda suck anyway. Each planet has a standard boss as well, but most of them are just beefed up units with maybe a gimmick or two.

The weapons and armor all have to either be bought using real money (or traded for, but you won't have anything of value at low level anyway) or grinded for in certain missions. A weapon takes 12-24 REAL hours to craft, and a frame takes 3 days. which can also be sped up by spending real money. The whole damn game is basically "pay to not grind" but grinding is all the game has to offer. Honestly, I'd still recommend at least trying the game, because despite all its shortcomings, which there are a LOT of, its still the only game like it.

Also if you do play, pick Loki as your starting frame because hes fucking stupid.

loki isnt starting anymore

Oh well FUCK this game then. What did they replace him with, Mag?



whats the new content?

The most recent patch was fine, it updated the story, and as far as I know, most people were fine with it. It introduced some new weird randomized mods, but they're fun and not in any way necessary.

I can guarantee you will have fun playing it and getting everything, but unless you really like the game, once you have everything you're interested in, you're only going to play it when new content is released, because there's pretty much nothing else to do in the meantime. There really is no endgame anymore since they gutted the void, but I would definitely say sorties will entertain you for a while if things seem too easy.

Should you play it: Yes. It's free, and if you're looking for a real fucking grind, you're gonna get it.

I will make a recommendation though: there are build times in this game. Yes, like a fucking mobile game. If you want to skip that shit, look up when the first 50% off login reward comes, and buy some Platinum (the IRL money currency) with it. You can buy weapon and warframe slots, and rush build times with it. Use it for nothing else, the shop is a scam for new players.

Good game, been playing it on and off for about 4-5 years. Worth a try.

>using platinum to rush builds

Fuck that, save your platinum and buy shit from other players with it.

From what I've gathered the patch really only changed/fucked up the content you won't be getting to for literal months.

Like said, there's buildtimes on fucking everything, hell even this item you're forced to build after your first mission or something. You've got to grind (what seems like at the time) huge amounts of resources to build weapons that are the slightest bit better than what you're going to be starting with.
You can't use a shitton of weapons until you level your profile, not your actual warframe, and leveling that entirely depends (at least i think so) on leveling up things like warframes and weapons. There's a bunch of weapons that are locked behind walls that you can't even begin to knock down until you're a certain level, and then you can't even use said weapons until you're a certain level.

In short, it's a fun game, and it'll definitely fill your grinding fix

I'm making a recommendation for someone new, idk how the game works in this day and age. I'm a richfag with more money than time, I rush all builds, buy all catalysts/reactors/forma, and buy new frames and weps that look decent. The only time I buy something from someone is if I cannot buy it, and I usually overbuy by about 10% to guarantee I get a fast reply from trade chat and don't have to send more than one message.

New weapons, new mods (which are objectively shit due to how they're entirely random both in what weapon and effect they provide) and there's a new cinematic mission, which, while it's pretty cool, it's not as good as Second dream imo. And it's also pretty short. Honestly, if i were more into the game, I'd feel cheated had I been actually hype for the update, considering how long the damn thing was delayed for.

it's pointless to get into the game now and even more pointless to get back into it after not playing for a while

it used to be a pretty straightforward game but now everything is so goddamn confusing, jesus

I suppose if you're willing to dump money into the game then yeah, rushing builds is fine, but it still breaks my blackened Jew heart to see people throw away platinum.

The Riven mods are pretty fucking gay.

so they add more RNG in the game that get fucked by RNG

I stopped playing when they removed charged melee strikes and it permanently stopped giving a fuck when the frames were just LMAOPSYCHICKIDS

I used to play on and off since the game was released but since the Saryn update I think, everything became so nonsensical and pointless, killing any sense of progression, that I just stopped playing.

I just wanted a relaxing ninja robot FPS

Charged melee is still a thing, but I kinda agree that the lore behind the frames is dumb. I wish they were just people who were once in armor but have over centuries fused with it or some shit. Sentients are also dumb because after the quest they became completely fucking irrelevant despite still being a "threat". Also, we just killed the fucking leaders of an army of mentally retarded slaves, how are they still functioning as a force?[spoiler/]

Warframes being mindless suits controlled from a distance by disgusting potato children straight up killed the game for me. And now those disgusting potato children have abilities so I have to look at them EVEN MORE.

we are the potato children

You are a potato child


Yeah yeah, I get the irony, I still don't want to fucking look at it.

Yeah, at the very least, I wish the frames had some kind of sentience and weren't just human shaped tough pieces of infested shit. I don't care enough about the lore to stop playing the game due to changes i don't like, but I just put the hood up and ignore the child as much as I can because I think it's also stupid. There are literally no good hair options except for the fucking buzzcut.

I was actually surprised how easy it is to trade your shit for platinum with other players. You don't have to spend money on the game to get more slots and stuff anymore

It's not hard and it's even easier with special site but i would still prefer an actual auction like in WoW without needing to contact other people and invite them at your dojo and trade. Would make things so easier.

When will I get decent stuff to trade?
Playing this game for 3 days now. And only have some Fang Prime, and Paris Prime Blueprints

I have 570 hours in Warframe but at some point the lust for grinding just died inside and I haven't touched the game in like 2 years, still no desire to. Should be fine to keep you busy for a while

this is ember

Nice gif

Could take some time up to a few weeks depending on how much you're into grinding


That's Valkyr you nigger.

historçically, the 1 flaw of the game was RNG, this time, they added new mods with random effects that basically have the potential to break the game with absurd bonuses in some cases and are shit in other sases, the thing is, thoose mods are a pain in the ass to grind and the lucky few who got good mods are selling them for hundreds of euros (thousands of platinium), thoose mods are now THE thing to have because everything else in the game is shit in comparation, the RNG is as follow: do ONE dayly mission to have 20% chances of getting 1, then upon activation, it will atach to ONE RANDOM weapon, and then it will have once again random stats, you can reroll the stts but its a pain in the ass because you have to grind for a particular ressource, so unless you are ready to grind for months to get the mod for the weapon you want and then reroll it enough to get the stats you want, you'll have to buy them, and shit is expenjsive because everybody in the community is out to scam everyone.

My build was a stealth loki that fisted enemies while invisible ever since they removed the faster charge time mod, I lost interest.

>everybody in the community is out to scam everyone

fucking this

>mfw people trying to buy Trinity's Aura helmet for 50 plat


>hadn't played in like years
>install it again to see what's changed
>they literally took away almost all of my warframes I had grinded back then like Rhino and Saryn
>only thing I have left is Loki, Trinity, and Excalibur
Well fuck you too devs. I'm not grinding that shit again.

Good thing loki still absolutely demolishes everything.

Ember doesn't have claws, you double-corpus

Great game, definetly one of the best f2p. But it's content is grinding gear/resources most of the time, so it depends on you if you're up for that.

have this ember to calm down

>most of the time
There's nothing else to the game

Ember's Noble stance should be the default for every female frame.

If you've got Loki, Frost, and Nekros you don't need any other warframes.

I couldn't care long enough either way.

Got bored again after a day or two of gameplay. It's still the same old shit but with some extra parkour mechanics.

It's actually better than ever for newer players. They had been doing a lot of updates for the game the past several months to improve new player experiences. They're pretty shit at explaining things to the player tho. Be prepared to look stuff up on the wiki often.

The core gameplay is pretty smooth and fun. It is a grindy game, but the combat is good enough to keep you going. It's one of those games you can log in for an hour a day, do your crafting shit, and do some missions, then get out. I often play while listening to podcasts or chatting on Skype with friends to just relax and unwind.

In terms of the new butthurt comments you saw, I wouldn't put too much weight into it. The developers are fairly jew-y, but the playerbase for the game bitch and moan about every design decision. Compared to a week ago when the patch hit, a lot of the big issues have already been addressed with the new systems they've implemented. It's a WIP.

Anyway, the game is free. Just download it and try it yourself. Form your own opinion on whether it scratches your grinding itch. It scratches mine.

Man people are fucking bad at pvp.

I hadn't played this game since before it was released on steam and I am completely stomping all over everything.

How many tanks you want senpai?

PvP in this game is close to nonexistent, it so terrible, mostly because it's client side. You stomping not because you good but because you are host.

>collect all the fragments to find out what the fuck is happening
>they don't tell you jackshit and they are only good to hear the backstory of Ordis