Wow, the faggot loving SJW janitors we call MODS get butt hurt about anything and everything

Wow, the faggot loving SJW janitors we call MODS get butt hurt about anything and everything.

Also what game are you playing?
>pic very related

Other urls found in this thread:

Also was the second one any good?

>someone else playing DC1

where are you? i just got to queens

>Dark Cloud
You're alright.

Just started playing pic related. The soundtrack is nice.

I liked it. Though it was better honestly but that's not a common opinion.

It was cool. The use of the camera was pretty nice, and Spheda was surprisingly fun. Gameplay was mostly the same if I remember, same for everything else. Overall an improvement that anyone who liked the first should enjoy. Just don't burn yourself out on it as it's very easy.

I've been considering buying a ps2 and everything just so I can finally beat Dark Cloud 2.

I beat the shit out of the first one, and I loved the 2nd one, but I got stuck on one of those stupid as shit, mandatory golf mini-games and never picked it back up until it got stolen.

I just defeated the ice bitch and I guess they're going to send me to that small Ethiopian hamlet.

>ice bitch

just spam fire gems and bombs

she will be stunlocked

the dungeon music was nice though

Playing DQIV. Plan on playing all the DS ones.

they're both on PS4 for very cheap
during the summer sale they were £3 each

Do I still have to grind through levels of weapons like stacking witch hunter to death on that stupid crystal ring?

I personally liked it more than 1, but I think opinion is fairly split on that

but the way i see it, if you like DC1, I don't see why you wouldn't like 2.

Playing through sonic advance 3 right now. I don't know why this game doesn't get more attention here because the skill ceiling is insane. No seriously look up a tas run. It's nuts

>tfw was playing Dark Cloud for the first time last December
>Had to get up early in the snowy mornings to make sure I got at least an hour of free time to play it before leaving for work

One of the coziest memories I have playing vidya. Right now I'm playing Kingdom Hearts and I'm not sure how much more of Donald's voice I can take before quitting.

Yeah it's eerie and comfy at the same time. I also spam stamina potions since it's basically invincibility.

Jesus, that's a bit fucking much

>do the entire demon shaft

I remember playing that as a kid and Everytime he'd start talking, my sister and her slutty friends would come downstairs and make fun of me for playing a "Disney video game". The level of Autistic rage I felt rattled the bones of the dead everytime.


I don't want to fall for it, but why do you play?

I'm playing a few, Dark Cloud included. Just got past the first dungeon, about to arrange my town perfectly.

Other than that, I'm working on GG Revelator's arcade mode and I just got The Witcher 3, but after an hour I'm thinking I probably shouldn't play it without playing the first two.

I think Disney is pretty fucking gay and I hate most of the movies the levels are based on, I'm only playing it for the gameplay and I like the original concepts of the game like the heartless.

Playing any rpg on a snowy day is always comfy imo. I still get goosebumps thinking about when it would snow and I pop in the Dragon Age Origins disc as my parents left for work.

We're in the same boat then. I picked it up, because of the Sup Forumsemes telling me to, and I couldn't get into it and felt lost when lore came up.

I don't know. I want to enjoy it, but every step is a pain in the ass. Probably just gonna file this game under no go

We'll that didn't matter to my spaghetti-cunted man's ass I called a sister.

Disney character touching a product=Disney product

I do like it, but since it's so lore and character-based, I'm thinking I'm going to hold off on it for now. I don't know who any of these people are, and consequently don't care about them as much as I probably ought.

We'll at least your giving it a try. That's actually pretty respectable since most people on this board will regurgitate an opinion rather than giving it a try for themselves.

It's almost intimidating in a way. It's like walking up on a group of people who are having their own conversation and inside jokes and trying to be a part of it.

this game is absolute shit compared to #2

DC1 was way better than DC2. 2 really failed to recapture that feeling of exploring the unknown in dungeons, and the homely feel all of the towns and NPCs 1 had.
That, and the combat was more complex and based on learning the enemies different attacks so you could dodge and move in and out of range with damn near perfect risk/reward balance. 2 was just about holding block and waiting; which, if that's how you played 1, I can see why you'd like it more, but I thought it was just boring.

2 improved on 1 in just about every aspect and aged much better IMO

>2 improved on 1 in just about every aspect
In what way, really? The story and characters sucked and had no personality whatsoever, all while being shoved in your face. Georama was turned into a chore list instead of the relaxing little puzzle/lego set it was in the first. Combat felt like a dance of death in the first too, while in two I never really felt in danger of anything.

Dark Cloud 3 when?

Luna Lab for best feels music

>not matatakli village
>not blounpou
>not queens

Oh shit I just got rekt

I thought the story and characters were campy and fun, georama was more interesting because I had a little more freedom and combat was better because it played out the same but I didnt have to worry about 6 fucking characters.

Also, spheda is fun as fuck and I don't care what anyone else has to say about that.

This is all just my opinion though. I loved both games but I just can't play the first anymore. It feels old as fuck and the 2nd doesn't.

Both games had great soundtracks.

what the hell, I was literally just playing that game too. 2nd time ever playing it through to the end and it still holds up pretty well but not as good as I remember though.

now onto gravity rush remastered, which I am also playing for the 2nd time. just relaxing with casual games I've played before in between bloodborne sessions.

>i will just clear this back room
>just play it safe
>get 2 shotten

wait DC1 has trophies?

this smug fucking cunt

I'm trying to get through the story mode of Dragon Quest IX.
Just got through Gleeba after realizing I wasn't supposed to be at Wormwood yet

any ps2 game that gets a ps4 port receives trophies

awww sheeit nigga is there a list?

>broken dagger glitch

its too easy not to use...

it got a ps4 re-release. pretty fucked to be honest but maybe it's just my machine or something. the audio cut out sometimes, there were a couple visual shadow glitches, and the theme song didn't even sound the same for some reason??

also save stating in between dungeons is way more convenient than leaving every other floor to save in case of a weapon breaking.

just go to the playstation store site and click ps2 games

Wait, you can fucking save state on those PS2 classic versions? That's pretty neato, but I still prefer emulating in true 1080p.

It was fuckin fantastic.

>sunken ship music

I feel like IX is the worst DQ.

I'm playing that too, got it off PSN when I got my PS4 this week.

I'm also loving the shit out of Gravity Rush remaster, and just starting on Odins Sphere.

I hear it's generally one of the better ones, especially since the postgame is known for being huge.
I'm having fun with it at least.