They blew out us gamers yet again!
They can't keep getting away with this!
They blew out us gamers yet again!
They can't keep getting away with this!
I remember when falseflaggin was a art
this game just keeps giving and giving
thank you sean
fuck off, nobody cares what some arabian watchdog thinks
No Man's Sky is literally perfect now. Why are you not playing the GOTY /VEEEEEEEEE/?
There are no misleading No Man's Sky advertisements.
If Sean Murray implied there was "sort of" a multiplayer element in an interview and the finished game didn't have one, that's pretty shitty, but it's not false advertising. No advert for No man's Sky contains lies.
But by all means cling to your memes instead of reality. Hey, it worked for Sup Forums after all.
So a group who did nothing but watch youtube videos says it wasn't false advertising.
This. The advertisements weren't misleading, what was misleading was the commentary by Sean Murray, which are not advertisements.
Still scummy as shit, but not illegal.
Yes, they watched the advertisements for the game and didn't believe it was false advertising.
I know, they should have browsed Sup Forums and watched clickbait youtubers instead.
Honestly people have only themselves to blame when it comes to no mans sky, or any shitty game that comes out and still sells well. There was no reason to believe this indie dev could pull off the game but people still ate it up without seeing any gameplay or knowing what you did in the game.
Some of the reasons for why it wasn't misleading were fucking retarded though. Like how the AI doesn't matter.
What do you want to see in No Man's Sky 2?
It was the difference between what was shown and what was sold that didn't matter, not the feature in general.
this 2bh
Sup Forums has a bad habit of taking one grain of truth and trying to blow it out of proportion until they can't even see the reality anymore
this happens every time Sup Forums decides someone is an enemy who must be destroyed, and once they're rolling there's no stopping it. at that point anyone who even attempts to bring up the facts is dismissed at their enemy in disguise trying to cloud the issue.
That's what I meant. But I think showing that the animals actually react to each other and shit, and basically having no AI is a big difference that definitely does matter.
I have to say, I haven't played the game, and most of the footage I remember was from when the game released.
How to cuck a cuck:
1) Hype a video game so hard it gets false advertising claims filed against it
>ASA says you can lie about anything if your game is procedurally generated
basically you dumbfucks deserve it because we told you why and how the game was going to be shit and some of you retards still sucked his dick all the way to release day
They definitely do interact with each other. Its not the greatest AI ever, but it's not THAT shit. I played watchdogs 2 over the weekend and its AI was way more disruptive.
A game
only, you were going overboard and saying stupid shit. no one on Sup Forums was getting overhyped. on the contrary, there was only excessive anti-hype.
Almost everyone reporting on this is a fucking retard.
Goddamn Jim Sterling of all people managed to figure it out, why can't the people who are actually being paid to write about game news?
The investigation wasn't about advertising, it was exclusively about the game's representation on its Steam store page.
I do not think they interact with each other like they've shown in the trailer that was on the Steam store page. But I have no way to proof that.
Sup Forums was more hyped about it being the greatest failure of all time than it actually being good.
I saw the trailer ahead of The Force Awakens and immediately my friends started going on about how great it'll be and asking why I wasn't excited and going to pre-order.
I think two of the three of them ended up pre-ordering it for Xbone so they could play together. Man they were disappointed.
The pessimists were dead on accurate about how the game turned out, there was nothing excessive
Anyone who still believed him deserved what they got because he
1. never once showed anything that reflected his promises
2. made ridiculous promises that no finished product has ever compared to
3. this exact same shit has been pulled multiple times before, like spore and starbound and 90% of the open world procedurally generated garbage out there
every god damned thread had a bunch of people insisting it was going to deliver or that they had "reasonable" expectations and then it's still a pile of shit even by those low standards
I mean they flock together, they fight with each other, some of them stalk you, some are territorial. It's pretty run of the mill shit.
The most drastic AI thing in that video I can spot that straight up isn't in the game is that little sheep stampede thing.
I was specifically talking about that rhino thing running through trees towards those longneck things. Talking from memory though.
The game isn't shit by those standards, it's bad by hyped up standards. Fight me.
I haven't seen a large animal run but if one is aggressive it will chase other animals. Or flee from you.
Pretty sure it's not on xbone.
dont get 2 ambitious
keep ur game scope reasonalbe and realistic
it best 2 have a specific audience in mind instead of making a game 4 every1
>us gamers
What part about saying there is multiplayer, was not a lie?
Does the game secretly have multiplayer after all?
Shouldn't someone's spoken word be less misleading than an advertisement?
I hope you die.
Please show me a false advertisement for No Man's Sky
Nobody was arguing about advertisements, people were citing a man's spoken word. If your own word has no value then you have no value as a person.
>investigative body actually investigates claims instead of just believing memes
Who the fuck do they think they are?
>having any power at all
You guys really fell for it, didn't you? Bullshots have legal precedent already.
>not false advertising
>forgetting the fact he fucking lied about the E3 presentation just being a random thing
>implying that's not literal false advertising
Please choke on all the dicks, faggot-kun.
For all you know at the moment they asked him those questions they were working on implementing MP (which I clearly remember he never outright confirmed) and then it got scrapped for whatever reason.
Sean didn't even hype a lot of things that didn't make it into the game, it was the fan themselves who hyped all that shit. I remember they were mostly silent about the game, except every few months when there was an interview or something.
I'm pretty sure if it had been up to him he would have just released the game one day without doing interviews, coverage or anything at all. In fact he said it because he knew the expectations where unrealistically high.
The ASA complaint was just about the Steam page, which you know if you'd followed this at all.
it has this kind of multiplayer
>so many assmad faggots ITT, raging now that NMS is doing better with the update
>muh multiplayer
>assmad over this one feature that turned out to not be in the game
Stay assmad, ya faggots.
>time he spent shilling in interviews
>not counted as advertising
mfw he did it for free
If nobody was arguing about advertisements, you should have no problem with the advertisement standards committee ruling that there was nothing wrong with the advertisements
My problem is them completely dodging the issue by not going after his spoken word.
>If your own word has no value then you have no value as a person.
You're posting this on Sup Forums where lies, lies of omission, half truths and other falsehoods make up significant portion of posts so don't be surprised if your message falls on deaf ears.
Do you not read?
The complaint was about the screenshots and the Steam store specifically. It literally doesn't matter what he did or did not say, as that's not what the complaint was about.
Truth is the one thing I expect the least of on here.
Their job is to investigate if advertisements mislead customers, their job is not to comb through every statement Sean Murray ever made. Stop using meme logic and use real logic. You sat in an echochamber where a bunch of idiots convinced yourself Sean Murray would be going to prison for saying the game sort of had multiplayer in an interview, but then when the game came out, it didn't.
It's not going to happen and if you could set away from the memes for one damn minute you'd see that.
It doesn't matter.
Just look how many are playing now.
The damage is done.
>Its a false flag thread.
So then what was the point of the investigation? Why can't we comb through every statement Sean Murray ever made?
Don't interviews count as advertisement?
>You sat in an echochamber where a bunch of idiots convinced yourself Sean Murray would be going to prison
I never thought anything was going come out of this investigation, but i think most people expected him to be fined not sent to prison.
Idiots demanded it
No, they're not supposed to be. If the interviews done by journalists were adverts, that would be a breach of ethical standards on the journalists fault. I thought we didn't like that sort of thing?
The game is still alive on PC thanks to their sheer amount of autism they have for base building.
user, just stop. I really am glad to see someone else on this site isn't a complete fucking mongoloid but you're wasting your time. It's like said, once kiddies on Sup Forums have an ENEMY there isn't a single fucking thing anyone can say to help them see sense. They're satan and that's the end of it.
But why is there no accountability for recorded interviews? Actually physically lying is more abusive than false advertisement.
>a art
Holy shit calm the fuck down tumblr
>I die
>I live
>I die again
>Defending someone who left an unfinished "game" to rot for a few months before deciding to add a "foundation update" that included fucking motion blur as a feature
>Tags say online play
>There is no online play
>Not misleading
Probably because of legalese I don't understand. Him going around and advertising the game, showing it off and generating hype should be considered but I guess won't be also because of legalese.
Deception is literally the worst and most prevalent sin of mankind
Now extend it back to the first few days.
Those dips are troughs are meaningless compared to losing like 98% of players in a week.
It's official now
Sean/hello games never lied.
It was real, in my mind.
So, what did the update actually add?
>Tags say online play
They put a sticker over that one at least on PS4 physical.
Wasn't it also labeled in Steam store as well? I remember something about that.
Don't know. I only remember PS4 sticker because Sup Forums was kind of spamming it as the main drama unraveled.
I understand what you are trying to say. But don't you think it's shitty that developers can lie outright. Now any commentary by developers should be discarded
Even though I realize there's no way they actually like it, I find a woman who can at least stomach weebshit to be slightly less of a cunt than a normal one. Look at her face, you can see she is trying hard not to laugh at every faggot who walks up to her, but at least she is trying. It's still undeniably 3DPD and therefore a boner killer, but at least we could be friends and have something to talk about that she pretends to care about, instead of clothing or fucking black guys.
It was always meant to be one but they never told us like.. Ops didn't work out.
In the post you are replying to he literally says that it's shitty already. Read posts if you're going to reply to them.
Nobody is saying it was fine for Sean Murray to imply there was multiplayer when there wasn't. But the fucking fact remains that the game was never advertised falsely.
I don't get this. How does Sean going out, showing false footage, talking about it and giving it press on rather popular shows not count as advertising? Because it's not a TV ad or poster? Even if it was a single guy talking what he was doing is advertising. If I go out on the street and start telling people about a product and shilling for it, then I'm advertising am I not?
>It's not false advertising
>You can meet and see other players, only the possibility is practically zero
>The only way to know how you look like is by having another player tell you
I'd say outright lying counts as false advertising
>make game
>lie about it in every interview
>claim it's the best game ever made
>only put out screenshots in advertisements
>release terrible game
>make millions
Which advert says this?
As someone who gave zero shits about the game until after all the shit hit the fan I thought this too.
But once you go and actually see all the prerecorded "gameplay" footage in E3 and other cons you realize, no, they lied about a whole bunch of other shit to.
Or the very least cut out about a quarter of the game.
>implying he didn't mean abusive as in "abusing people's trust"
>the finished game didn't look like the first trailer shown at E3!
woah seriously someone call the police
It didn't look like ANY of what they've shown throughout.
It didn't even look like any of the trailers in any release friend.
It was marketed to be far more grandeur with epic space battles from beginning to end of the development cycle.
It doesn't matter what they say or who they bribe. They're dying a slow death. Nobody is buying their shit anymore.
>There are no misleading No Man's Sky advertisements.
>EVERYTHING that is in the trailer on the front of the game's Steam store page NEVER HAPPENS IN-GAME, and the graphics are nowhere near as good
>not false advertising
kill yourself
Everything in that trailer can happen in the game it's just boring as fuck while the trailer tries to make it seem epic and exciting.
This whole "issue" seriously feels like trying to explain to a child why their burger doesn't look like the one in the photo. That's advertising. Get used to it, faggots.
Unless you actually start crying THEY LIED every time you go see a movie and it turns out it wasn't as good as the trailer, or the deodorant you wear doesn't make you irresistible to women.
The ASA said there were differences in animal behaviour though.
>Everything in that trailer can happen in the game
>the animal design
>the sudden huge giant animal
>the animal behaviour
>the abrupt space-fight that you can join and take sides
>space fight with allies
fuck off
>sort of
nice job making up scenarios in your head and then responding to them.
Educate yourself, he was asked if there were multiplayer combat and he said yes. he didn't "soft of" say anything. he outright said yes to every question asked about multiplayer, he may of said "soft of" to a few towards the end. But it's shit you can't even "sort of" do. Outright lied about multiplayer from the beginning.
Please show me an advertisement which claimed there was multiplayer in No Man's Sky
Pretty much everything in that trailer is scripted with hand crafted assets and almost nothing in that trailer can happen in the game.
I guess the ASA didn't actually play the fucking game for more than 15 minutes.
>mfw I didn't buy into the hype