No Man's Sky

So is it good now?

Should I go buy it again?

Yeah, it's alright.

Wait for a second update

Great game. The updates really saved the game.


>game has 594923982302327 flaws
>add buildings
>lol now its the best game ever xD

I bought it about a week ago. It's probably my GOTY if I'm being perfectly honest. The memers here just wanted it to fail.

I think I might wait for a major overhaul to the space combat first.

so many poor abused people

try drinking cyanide

Tas rite my friend, BEST GAME EVER, I don't think you can call yourself a true gamer if you don't buy at least 2 copies of no mans perfection.


Even fucking Fallout 4 did base building better than the shit they tried to bring to No Man's Sky.

Fuck no you idiot

If Sup Forums memes this game back to success, I'd have seen it all...

You guys should seriously be ashamed.

Hello Games was called every single name under the sun, and then they went and released an incredibly massive update without any warning, even though noone deserved it after what people have done to them.

This is why gaming is dying.

I was clearly being ironic faggot. Anybody praising no man lie is.

the new patch fixed EVERYTHING
buy it again senpai

Really? Damn, here I was hoping it'd get the praise it deserves...

Maybe in 10-20 patches and couple of years of polish it will be good.

>Should I go buy it again?

Haha oh boy you are one stupid motherfucker.

Does this game do literally anything right? I pirated it and played for 5 minutes and even the seamless transition from space to surface that wowed us in the reveal felt like shit but it was still the best part of my short experience.

I bought two copies to make up for the money I cost them by refunding.

It added bases, that are resetted like everything on the planet once you leave it, a thing you do very often.
So it's a totally different game now and devs deserve praise for such a useful feature! Buy it!

Actually, you can teleport back to your base from any space station. Stop being stupid.

Then maybe they should have released the whole fucking game in the first place, and not sit on everybody's pre-order money with no answers.