Claim your Dark Souls weaponfu

Claim your Dark Souls weaponfu

pic related or bass cannon desu

I got the Zweihander~

Fire Flamberge +10


Baller Swag Sword

get the fuck out of here cunt. You best back off my GREAT SWORD.


DS2 Longsword

Cant get more perfect than that


a rusty slab of nastiness with a great, versatile moveset
pretty good speed too, it hardly feels like a greatsword

Still GOAT after the nerf

As for Dark Souls 2 it would be the Crypt Blacksword.

Dark Souls 3 the Butcher's Knife, Flamberge and the Great Club on fire.

Bastard Sword in Demon's Souls, second place going to the Dragon Fag Smasher

Scimitar in Dark Souls for that baller moveset.

I honestly haven't found a weapon I genuinely like in Dark Souls 2. I don't hate the game, but all the weapons feel kinda funky. And this is over like 3 or 4 playthroughs, it's just all eh.

Haven't played Dark Souls 3.

MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS in Bloodborne.

>obtain fire longsword in FotFG
>ride it out for the whole game

fun first playthrough desu

>it's just all eh
cmon get that crypt blacksword, best weapon in souls series

I'll give a go, thanks user. Just got the PC DS2 so let's see where it goes.

Heavy infused brigands axe +10.

Fite me ya cunts, I'll tear ya a new one

Yeah try hex fth/int quality with just enough stats to two hand it and infuse it with dark. It's a beast

What armor is that ???

bone fist is my weapon fu try that as well user it's really fun

Dark Souls 1: Great Lord Greatsword

Dark Souls 2: Greatsword (Bonefist for fun)

Dark Souls 3: Greatsword again

I think I have a thing for big swords...

Dragonrider helm
Throne Defender Chest
Gloves of Judgement
Chaos pants

Mirdan Hammer goes hard as fuck


Mastolol Greatsword

I wish they would bring it back in 3 in the last dlc.




I +10nd it but it has a short reach and is heavy as fuck and so it's better to just use the more hard hitting UGS that have kinger reach


You don't need another weapon in that game. Mostly because there's too many fucking armored enemies

Best weapon in the game.

Claymore all day erry day.

The 1h moveset is just too good.

I used it as an off hand in DS1

How can other weapons even compete?


By not being hilariously easily countered and parried.


*ranges u*
pssh.... nice parry kid...

>with dark souls netcode

Laggiest games I've ever played. Don't know how pvp is so popular in these games not counting griefing and silly stuff.

I herevy claim the Black Knight Sword, it got dropped on my first playthrough and was always good to me and my family. Bless him

>not chaos
chaos is love
chaos is life
chaos is great
chaos is all


Guess I'll go with my back up.


Enchantable Lifehunt Scythe with a decent moveset, what's not to love?

Powerstanced KUGS.

The flamberge blade looks like a flame, dude. Of course I'm gonna fire ascend it.
Chaos is for Dark Sword and Zweihander and Murakumo

I never did PvP

Only the edgiest

Great scyth is mine

Tumblebuff makes this weapon godly beautifull.

Grand Lance all the way

Zwei in Demon's souls.
Silver knight SW in Dark Souls.
Heide knight SW in DS2.
Pizza cutter in Bloodborne.
Followers sabre in DS3.

Large club was the shit

PvE: Claymore, Great Club, Halberd
PvP: Right hand Claw, offhand Whip

Guys, please bask in the brutality that is the Lothric Knight Greatsword.
The weapon with one of the highest AP in DS3

i wish they had kept the particle effects in dark souls 3


Great sword you anal retentive nigger.

>not dbs

Bless him

DS1: GoA
DS2: My revolver to shoot myself with
DS3: Profaned Greatsword

DBS looks fucking goofy, I play fashion souls.

Dark Souls 3 is literally a downgraded Bloodborne.