Blizz insider here.

You might have heard a bit about the controversy over the upcoming LGBT hero that will be introduced in Overwatch. Most of the fan speculation has been about who will be announced as gay. But that's not what the announcement is going to be.

Sombra is going to be revealed to be a mtf transsexual in an upcoming comic set to be released some time in the next few weeks. Only the comic writers and Jeff know for certain. This decision is coming down from Jeff himself. The dead giveaway for us at the office was when they decided to feature Oddish in battlenet, probably to test the waters first, and gauge the fan reaction.

This has already hinted at in the animated videos. Sombra's clothes purposely hide her figure, because she has no breasts or wide hips. The biggest hint is in the Sombra Origin Short at 0.50:00. It shows a purposely an androgynous looking Sombra receiving surgery and the phrase "When your hardware's obsolete, it's time to upgrade".

Other urls found in this thread:

Figures a girl wouldn't be good with tech.

Wait does that mean she had a dick?

Disgusting pandering bullshit. Thanks for reminding me why I don't play your trash games.

>worst character turns out to be a tranny

Just another reason not to play the fucking spic.

Would still smash

Why should I care? It's a video game, what difference does a person's gender make?

Wait, isn't EVERY Overwatch female a tranny?

I just saw video evidence of Widowmaker and Mercy spitroasting Tracer with their horse dicks while she strokes her pathetic dicklet, how does Blizzard explain this?

But I thought Sombra was the little girl from the Soldier cinematic.

pre or post op?

Could someone explain to me exactly why something like this would matter?

Like, when they officially release this as a part of the game, will there be a patch or update to the game as well? If not, what changes? Could someone please help me understand

now I'm interested

who the fuck cares. saged and reported

president of Nintendo here. Mario is actually a ftm trans man from Africa

>giving one living fuck about Overbotch

Was already a tranny as a kid, my dude.

Come on, it is the current year.

She clearly has tits in that picture though, as well as all of her legendary skins - which also display her wide hips.

Besides that, there's no way Blizz would make the trans character be a fucking villain when the entire point of including one would be them pandering to their LGBT fans and trying to make a positive change.

This is dumb bait. You'd have been better off arguing Tracer was gay or something.


Thanks for this, I haven't laughed this hard in a while

When Sombra gets POTG now you'll be able to see her noticeable bulge

Sombra is 30, and she lost her parents during the Omnic Crisis. When she was a kid, Overwatch was still around and Soldier wasn't old.

Goddamn it, please be fake.

no she's not

So there is an update or patch, then? Aight, fair enough, even though you could argue there are actual gameplay stuff that might need the development time better

It's just like my danganronpas!

Does she have a dick? I won't play her anymore if she doesn't have a dick.

who cares

>is shown to be a little girl in the video
>clearly has breasts
>clothing accentuates her body

What the fuck is ambiguous about this? Are you retarded? If you wanted to bait the trans route you could have at least choose a convincing character like Pharah, because she is a tomboy military girl, who doesn't wear female clothes.

>it is impossible for a boy to grow a pony-tail

Fuck you, I can see tits.

OP's an idiot for thinking Sombra is androgynous at all, but trannies can already get implants. Overwatch is like 70 years in the future, so having a curvy body isn't proof against her being trans.

Pharah has been shown as a kid multiple times. Wearing a sundress, if her girly fucking face isn't enough for the tumblrtards.


>was a little girl
So it's a girl that is grown to be a woman want to be a man now but still looks like a woman?

Mexicans are the only exception

Do you think trannies can't have breasts or hips?

there's been a concentrated effort by multiple people or just one determined autist to push trans shit. I wouldn't be surprised if they even do it on boards like /ck/


it's actually a woman

more anyway

She's dead

Team Fortress 2 (2007)
"Here lies Scout--he ran fast and died a virgin."
"The Black Scottish Cyclops -- now extinct!"
"Dominated, hippie, get a job!"
"That'll slow ya down, ya twitchy hooligan!"
"Sorry there, nurse, I mistook ya for an actual threat!"
"You know what you and Jane Austen have in common? You're both dead women."
"America wins again!"
"Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie!"

Overwatch (2016)
Dude LGBT character!!
Dude diversity
>Le gamer girl XD
What happened to videogames, i see pandering to fags in movies, in commercials, in TV shows, kids cartoons, but now videogames?

I do not want this LGBT bullshit in the media, i can't fucking stand it, no anymore, this needs to stop, i am dead fucking serious.


I fucking hope so. Think of all the porn.

Lucio will come out as gay. His VA is also gay

Why has God forsaken us?

>Dude LGBT character!!
>Dude diversity
>Le gamer girl XD
>What happened to videogames, i see pandering to fags in movies, in commercials, in TV shows, kids cartoons, but now videogames?
Are you retarded? The people at Blizzard just make shit that they think is cool. When people complained about the Tracer pose, it was replaced with an actual, literal pin-up pose. Everyone thought Zarya was le tumblr character because of her hair, but then it turned out she's a hardworking, traditional woman who wants to remove toaster scum from her country. There's a gay character somewhere, but they intentionally kept it hidden this long so that people would like the character for their other traits first. Overwatch isn't even pandering bullshit. You're just showing you haven't actually played the fucking game.

No, it's mercy.

Widow says to her
>you must really like me

I have seen that person before, that is not a born woman. Now where is the sauce because I lost all the other pictures

Screencapping this. We'll see if full of shit or not later.

If true only as a side effect of her brainwashing, she already lost to the power of her husband's cock. And you can't beat the cock

But Mercy is already in a canon relationship with roadhog.

Fuck off nigger

how is this the first time ive seen someone say lucio is the gay one? he's very clearly the gay one

Lucio's the gay character.

Nigga, this isn't fucking Room, most boys don't have girl hair.

People say I have man hips.

What are man hips?

Mexican family would never let their son dress up as a girl.


As a MtF trans myself, I REALLY hope that this is bullshit. I don't want that ugly ass design and ugly ass hairstyle to be representing people like me.

>The dead giveaway for us at the office was when they decided to feature Oddish in battlenet, probably to test the waters first, and gauge the fan reaction.
huh? you mean the pokemon? am I missing something here

Why not? I'd be pretty accurate tbqh family

>Waifufags and Yurishitters still on suicide watch



>$0.25 has been deposited into your PayPal account.

Better than being on suicide watch for being a delusional freak

It's bullshit, based on a "deep reading" into something that is pretty f'n obvious. You know the stupid Postmodern shit, where everything has deeper meanings and secret homoeroticism? Yeah, that's what OP is doing.


Sombra is more feminine looking than 99% of you people

real life trannies aren't that pretty
its sexualizing them in all the wrong ways

>your feels when you only play lucio so you won't get called a heal slut but nobody can hide the hours you played and your friends now think you're gay

How long till my buddies start asking for a blowjob?

>tumblr tranny spic

glad i haven't played a blizzard game since WC2

Trannies don't have nice hips, what you posted were thighs.

You will always be able to tell a man-ass from a female-ass. Always.

Fuck off Stev.


Literally who?

>thinking trannies care about anything but themselves


This. Thread closed.

Depends if she is pre op or post op

I hope her dick is feminine



>All trannies are selfish meme


Oddish is a trans streamer on twitch

First post best post

Another dropped game

Transexuals ride the coattails of gay rights

The LGBT character is is gonna be a one that isn't in the roster yet.

Doomfist. Only a flaming homo would call himself that. Screencap this post.

why do you retards always post in these threads?

I hate you people.

even more ghost in the shell fanfaggotry
>motoko is a guy in a girl shell!

gasp! A CLUB member!

Fuck off double nigger get over it

Trannies take estrogen, which gives them tits and wide hips.


I'd still boop her (him).

Remember when video games were just video games?

Of course he is, look him in-game, he's got man shoulders.

It's obvious

>Blizz insider
your games suck

>"When your hardware's obsolete, it's time to upgrade".

when your dick is obsolete to sjw women, get a pussy so you can be cucked and fucked by the bull...... sounds like blizzard

yea sure, if you've been inspecting man asses you faggot