If He had a video game, How would It work?

If He had a video game, How would It work?


Was this movie related at all to cloverfield lane?

I wish he just had another goddamn movie


Yes, that giant monster was just one of the weapons the invaders used in a large population center.

Michigan: Report from Hell

it would be the shittiest...mf survival horror film to video game adaption man...
and i lov the movie ok

Kind of, but tonally completely fucking different.

Nether but it's dead

was 10 cloverfield lane a good movie for someone that liked cloverfield? thinking of watching it now

It's good but who knows if you'd like it, it's not at all like Cloverfield.

You would try to escape the giant alien and it's babies by going through the city and out the subway. Only catch is that your mouse sensitivity is at maximum and you can't change it.

does it have any references to the first movie/discussion about what the monster did after the events of the first movie?

Can someone explain the appeal of this movie? I remember watching it and being bored out of my mind, and feeling slightly sick after.

References yes.

Take the camera perspective from Outlast, add the shakey cam effect from Kane and Lynch 2, and then have an x hours long game where you wander around aimlessly, then at the last 3 minutes of the game the monster pops up.

That'll be $60

Sounds like every horror walking simulator ever.

>that feelio when Cloverfield is your favorite movie

same senpai

It needs more recognition

he would play it and not emerge from the ocean.

You would try to escape the giant alien and it's babies by going through the city and out the subway. Only catch is that your mouse sensitivity is at maximum and you can't change it.

how about that one game that Japan is making where you are a guy trying to escape/survive a fight that happens in a Kaiju movie?

Agreed. Wish we would have gotten the proper Cloverfield 2 instead of this unrelated bullshit with the name slapped on.


Such a shame about that ending though.

Great movie! Could've done without the last act. John Goodman is good man

Wew lad its been eight years?

Yes, until the end.
Was a great suspense movie, should have just ended when the woman left the bomb shelter and saw that there's birds flying.

>Be me
>Watching this movie
>Ayy this is fucking good
>mfw the ending
>Suddenly I make the connection between the movie and fucking Cloverfield
What the fuck, I wasn't expecting that at all

I'm more of a The Mist guy but it was a great movie.

>The mutant space worm conspiracy was real

>The Mist
Seriously can these horror movies ever do an ending right?

>City Shrouded in Shadow
I was thinking the same thing.
Hope it wasn't canned. The fact that there hasn't been any updates since march worries me.

At least the director got the tone better than Stephen fucking King. The books shitty cliffhanger ending is way worse.

honestly i thought it was heart wrenching and hilarious and the same time

seriously what the fuck where they thinking? its absolutely insane