>main character/love interest is a redhead
Things that make you drop a game
>game has male characters
Transistors a good game you fuck
>made by a western studio
>competitive luck based PvP
>No online coop
I'm not very good at hardcore games
>game has enemies that have levels and level based stats when the game is trying to be an "action" game
xenoblade, fallout, etc
any game with this is complete, absolute, total, utter garbage and should be avoided at all costs
I she's a curvy redhead then I'm ALL IN
>Nintendo Treehouse did the "localization"
I really hate it when video games force you to make really stupid decisions.
When I was younger I didn't care because video games, but nowadays, man some of the shit protagonists decide on is embarrassing and just plain dumb.
It ruins the whole self insert thing completely.
Has there ever been a video game where the protagonist is given a choice to do something and instead of doing the dumb cliche video game/movie one he's like "well fuck that, that's really dumb, i'm doin the other thing that is less dumb" and does the vastly more common sense decision?
>story gets caught up in filler arcs
>forced love protagonist for LITERALLY no reason whatsoever
What the FUCK did you just fucking say about my favorite game and character?
>moral choice system in a game
>both are embarrassing in the way they are handled on both sides of the spectrum
>middle ground is annoying to do and also boring as hell
>both extremes have different endings that youd have to either look up the other or play through it again
Pretty much all games with moral choice stuff.
>video game with multiple endings
>instead of changing how you get said multiple endings, almost nothing is changed AT ALL whatsoever beyond something arbitrary
Fucking eternal darkness and it's play the game 3 times nonsense, the only gripe I had with ED.
>random encounters
>game has an easy mode feature for bosses
>requires you to use it to get items a dozen hours later on in the game
>doesn't inform you before then
>weeb garbage
>it only gets good after +10 hours
>almost every single part of the game/series is slow
>literally everything you can do in it should be much faster/near instant but its not to pad the game out and make it seem like a journey when in actuality a casual run of it should take no longer than a few hours
Guess what series I'm talking about. I bet someone knows.
>it gets good after 20 hours
>because it's less than 20 hours long
really OP?
What games boil down to "luck based" PvP? Just curious
Stuff like Hearthstone for sure.
>mfw I was told this about dragon's dogma
>mfw I played 100+ hours and it never got good
I got memed hard
>game has a season pass
>game has exclusive pre-order dlc
its good from start to finish, you just have shit taste
>chest high wall linear corridor cinematic hand holding third person shooters with long ass cutscenes and boring walking sections and qte final boss
Fuck you naughty dog
If you didn't like it why did you play so long?
>it's a video game
>bad graphics
>bad writing
>bad voice acting
>all sidequests are fetch quests
>empty world
>palette swapped enemies
>retarded ai
>repetitive combat
>once you figure out how to kill a monster every fight after is exactly the same
>it gets good after 10 hours user
Played 10 hours and it was shit
>while it only gets good postgame user
Play to postgame
>while it only REALLY gets good on BBI user
Still shit
If a game bores me for 10 minutes, i drop it and never touch it again, but 100 hours? You just want to shitpost and get replies
>RPG whose story isn't at least 50 hours with another 50-100 worth of exploring and side quests
see I really wanted to like it and had nothing else to play.
>repetitive combat
>Game forgets to advertise the type of game it is for the majority
Im still upset about Brutal Legend
Competitive luck can be controlled if you had a good set
>every vocation is just spamming the same handful of skills
>climbing is a shitty useless gimmick
>games with one or more gay main characters
I'm not faggot and don't wanna have anything related with this shit
>game has 3 or more super duper special collectors once in a lifetime edition EX plus
>female lead isn't (male)
School settings.
Fuck school settings and writers' obsession with them with a rusty, AIDS-encrusted knife.
What kind of games are you playing that you find gay characters to offend your childish sensibilities?
In before only bioware games
You gotta keep playing it doesn't get good until you hit max level.
>theres no gender slider
Oh the irony. Take your medicine before playing vidya you ADHD faggot.
I don't think so user
>the game is shit
fucking hate when this happens
i have to spend hundreds of hours on a boring game? GTFO you redditor faggot
>game has a lot of romance options
>you as protag can romance with different characters
>some of them decline you because they aren't gay/lesbian have different set of morals, are different culture/race or just don't want you
I want to see game like this, I'm sick of games where everybody is bi for protagonist
Ignore that shitposting weeb, he just wants (You)s.
then keep your shit opinions to yourself until you REALLY start the game.
>people who disagree with me are shitposters
Guess that makes you a shitposter user
>game has quick time events
>game has long cutscenes
>game has exposition that can't be skipped
>game emphasizes the story over gameplay
I dropped games like Bayonetta, Uncharted, Metal Gear, and Xenoblade for all these reasons. I will not tolerate story in my video games unless it remains extremely minimal. I'm talking Mario-levels of plot.
>Moral choice systems that lock you into being either Jesusman or Puppystomper 3000
Not unless you're playing with restrictions like sleep clause or evasion clause. Otherwise RNG bullshit can and will fuck you over.
Those are both great games and you're missing out.
Here's a hint: they're RPGs first, action games second.
>Unskippable cutscenes
One of the reasons I struggle to replay FFX.
I watch enough movies, thank you. I don't need any more cinematic experiences in my life time.
Card games, loot based PvP games
>moral choice system where evil decisions reward you with less and are just evil for the sake of it
Hearthstone, Gwent, any card game ever.
It's true that there is skill involved, usually coming from your knowledge of the game and the statistics and percentages that come along with it, but there is still way too much luck involved to ignore.
What are you even talking about, did you reply to the wrong person? Neither fallout or Xenoblade are cinematic bullshit. XC has cutscenes but what do you expect, it has a story.
less of makes me drop a game but more of makes me write a game off as "oh" or the plot instantly becomes less interesting
>you play as white generic dude
>love interest is white
>love interest is dumb (FFX was infuriating, I want to punch Yuna in her fucking face)
>more than a single quest involves killing x amount of anything and looting it
>game has absolutely stupid situations happening just to prove a point (kotor 2 lol)
To be fair, as much as I hate them, Bioshit caught on to this after the DA2 shitstorm and did it in DA Inquisition.
Didn't save the game from being boring as hell, but it was nice to see Cassandra wasn't interested in the taco hut. It was even more gratifying to see how angry it has made tumblr.
What's wrong with white protagonists and waifus?
Amusingly, DA:I has this (for Instance Elf man will only fug Elf women, Abomination will only fug women, and if you're Qunari you get fucked by the game). I guess they figured no one liked the Hawkesexual romances for the last game.
>Guard won't let you continue into an area
>You have to either help a group of NPCs with their problem or murder the whole group
>Hidden neutral route of just killing the guard and carrying on