So is this game worth getting or is it just another PoE?
So is this game worth getting or is it just another PoE?
It's better than PoE in my opinion, but if you really hated PoE you probably won't enjoy Tyranny either.
It's basically a faster, less boring and more reactive PoE.
It's more intense and compact than PoE.
Rather too short.
The world and lore is superior and better presented than PoE. The story is alright.
The companions are pretty trash though.
PoE as in Path of Exile or PoE as in Pillars of Eternity?
>companions are pretty trash
well, you play the role of evil guy and your company are typical bad guy's henchmen: psycho, humungus, traitor, coward, teenager-murderer, beast etc.
Which one do you think, genius?
If I knew, I wouldn't ask the question.
It's worse than PoE.
Half of them are not even bad guys user
Did you even play the game?
I liked the combat and setting better than Pillars, but the game is INCOMPLETE.
There is no resolution and it just suddenly stops.
The story and your choices are superb, companions are better than pillars, but still mediocre (Only Sirin is awesome), game is too short, great customization, battle system isn't better than divinity original sin. Fucking add romance, Obsidian.
They all are bad guys in one way or another. Part of them are lawful evil and the other part are chaotic.
Well which one of the two is a cRPG that was also made by Obsidian?
>>water cunt
>>old man
>>tin can
Obsidian also made that World of Tanks clone.
- Basically betrays rebels for the sake of own life.
- Would do anything to survive and/or get more knowledge.
- Killed thousands of good guys. Thinks that anyone who opposes Ashe deserves death no matter the reasons.
m8 Path of Exile was developed and published by Grinding Gear Games not Obsidian
>INB4 I was only pretending to be retarded
you have a funny way of "evil" user
Tyranny is worth getting, it improves on PoE quite a bit. The best new part of Tyranny is probably the character progression - somehow, PoE managed to make leveling up boring... half of all skills there were "+5% accuracy" garbage.
man I wish that show didn't get canned. And that it was a better show
>Fucking add romance, Obsidian.
it comes with political driven socjus story.