NieR thread

What with the face on her lance ?

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>Those graphics
>in 2017

I'll bet you they'll try to charge us $60 on PC for this garbage.


The fuck? Wheres this pic from? When did they reveal spears as the 4th weapon type (with a big DUH)

Can't wait to pay $60 for them

Sometimes I feel blessed for not according much importance to graphics. If the music, story and gameplay are good, then it's okay.


Hon hon oui oui la baguette.


Do you want full hd and 60fps or nah?

plz give first nier on pc

I hope we can ride machines like this.

Thanks user

These machine-lifeforms remind me way too much of Emil, and thus I find them way too cute to want to hurt them.

One even has its own emil-bot horsey, I mean come on...

>that back window

Everything in 2B design is appealing to me.

a 10 year old game optimized for dual cores looks better and still runs 60fps on anything that isnt potato tier

Can anyone post the boar drifting webm?

Post robutt

No, not really.
Nier was never about the graphics, and I hope they went for "massive amount of enemies on screen" this time too instead of pleasing faggots like you - theres actually a huge amount of 10 year old dual core optimized games, so you can go play those instead of this.

I can actually feel the DoD3 triangle charge winding up and starting from this picture alone.

Looks like a baby's face to me.

nier faggots are fucking retarded
>do you want 60fps or graphics

both nigger, both.
do you think 1070/1080s cant?
crysis is optimized like shit but it still looks better and runs at 60fps, and its been almost a decade since its release.

im not asking much, but to catch up to 2007 graphics at least

And graphicsfags like you are the worst, nothing since 2007 has catched up to 2007, crysis is optimized very well for what it was, but it was also a game made solely for the PC.

This is a port user, nobody is making video games thinking of them having an 1080 as a baseline, because it would be extremely fucking stupid.

Head into FFXV threads to whine for grafix, there it is justified because its a giant name, a giant dev time and gigantic money.
This game literally took 1.5 years to make and is practically unknown, unless you think "from the guy who had his dev studio closed down a month after he finished the first title in this series" is a good marketing slogan, its fair to expect a tight as fuck budget, so you can't just have "both".

For you

I want to fug Papa Nier and so does Kainé.

>spears confirmed

noice. so we have, what, 1H Swords, 2H Swords, Fists and spears so far?

the environments look pretty bad
the characters and animations look great

Yep, probably that is that. I'm glad we don't see the return of the-fucking-chakram or anything like that.

It should be pretty interesting how you can combo with two of these weapons at the same time

probably like bayonetta in that there's no natural flow between them

It was only a thing in Bayonetta 2 really because you had a gigantic as fuck scythe-gun and a gigantic as fuck hammer just appearing and disappearing

I haven't played Bayonetta or 2, we've seen toobie hold one weapon in each hand during attack, so atleast visually they seem to have bothered to make them flow better.
We are using the 2 weapons visible on our back, so changing between the two shouldn't trigger the golden sparkly effect thing.

Phoenix Spear once again is the go to weapon.

It's 60fps on ps4, got to take the hit somewhere.

Better this and good gameplay than "trying to be good" but get scrutinized for every little detail with bad gameplay.

That's a big butt.

She didn't jump so good.

Hope we find a Broken Phoenix Spear or alike, and get a story fitting for it, something about how being too good at your job has its own downsides and will somehow cause the death of everyone you ever loved.

And its still the strongest weapon in game...

Looks better than FFXV

for me.

is that the batmobile

But then a western game comes along and you're 'LOOKSAT STHESE SHIT GRAFIX

I liked the idea behind it, but it really wasn't all that useful aside from wolf packs. But best girl used chakrams so I forgive it.
It seems like at least some swords are throwable in Automata so that's probably their replacement, which seems like a good idea, making weapons more versatile.

I was so glad to see the fist weapons returning from Drakengard 3 though, they were the best fucking thing I've seen in a long time. Those that have the secondary attack just doing a fuckton of punches at incredible hihg speed was amazing.

Maybe not if they make them like in DoD3

guys quick. Let's say the game has ONE more weapon type to offer.

Make a sensible choice. pic not related probably

This can't be real.

I fucking hope not.

>It's the current year and weapons still float on the back of the character, or at the hip

nier is a pretty low budget game
western AAA games like mafia 3 have massive 200+ million dollar budgets, so you'd expect them to look decent

>Those that have the secondary attack just doing a fuckton of punches at incredible hihg speed was amazing.

Those doing massive windups for gigantic hits were the phoenix spear of this DoD3 if you ask me.

All big enemies, centaurs and knights and shit, but even the intoners you had to fight on the ground, just minced meat.

In fact it made intoner fights a joke, just charge up the hit and wait until they come close then bang, 1/4 hp down in a hit - you can stay charged up indefinitely.

Nice strawmanning there, my dude.

Holy shit is that Yharnam

you're paying $10 an hour anyway

I am sick of the Emil Head robots
can we get some eccentric enemy designs please? where are the gracious and glorious stand-ins?

are you stupid?

Reminder that they've not officially announced it, but they've shown little glimpses of the Pod combat being really detailed and complicated; upgradeable guns, multiple gun types, alt fire mode subsystems, etc. We've even seen attacks that involve physically holding the Pod and using it in the melee string to trigger explosions when thrust.

Reminder that while they've only shown 4 weapon classes (gauntlets, large swords, small swords, knuckles) they have confirmed that arbitrary dual-wielding of multiple classes is possible (we have even seen anim-editor still frames of 2B with a sword in one hand and one knuckle on the other; it's more than mere transition effect).

Even after everything they've shown, there's a lot to this combat system we haven't even begun to see. Not to mention the still-mysterious gear/ upgrade system, which we've only seen glimpses of in the Pod Programs demo.

Also new trailer Dec 17.

You realize this is not Bayonetta 3, right?

>Also new trailer Dec 17.

Try Dec 3rd at the Playstation Experience.

>sick on emilbots

You are gay.
Also clearly there'll be a lot of eccentric enemies, like opera singer murderbot waifu

>opera singer murderbot waifu

what a time to be alive

When it came to single target dps, yeah, it was absolutely the best.

I've always felt like the gameplay was somewhat unappreciated by a lot of people. Even with such powerful fist weapons, I was still constantly switching weapons depending on the enemy because it was obvious each had been designed around having an optimal weapon to use against them, which made the combat a lot more varied and interesting.

Well, they've shown one boss, and it had an amazing design, so I have high hopes for that. And remember this is a Taro game, so shit WILL get fucking weird.

All of the robots have emil heads.

They've shown gigantic flying spider robots, and they've each got like 5 emil heads

The heads are the "brains"; they're interchangeable, and it takes multiple of them to control more complex machines. This is why they are weak points on all enemies, even ones with multiple heads. Hell, the little forest soldier captain rides a "horse" with an emil head in its neck.

Still, I would argue that an enemy with a head for a dick and two heads on its hands is pretty interesting. I also like the designs because, unlike the designs in Bayo, they read really well. Bayo's angels were fucking cool looking but in motion they were far too busy. You never really got to see what they looked like and they became a blur of illegible colors and lines as soon as the fight started. The Automata enemies are much easier to read, they're less busy (and as disposable mass produced robot soldiers, their aesthetic makes better sense this way)

Well that's a big "maybe", Saito has confirmed a new trailer will be at Jump Festa, no confirmation for a PSExp reveal

Not really, my first consoles was the SNES and the Gameboy, not something you play for the grafiks. I grew to love games for what they have to offer to me, not just good looking polygones in motion.

To me the gameplay of drakengard felt like it had great ideas and dogshit implementation, I also kept changing weapons but mostly because all of them bar spear-charging sucks dick due to bad hitboxes, far-too-long windup times and such.

In the end throughout the entire game I looked for any way to cheese it, because it really doesn't feel good to play, finding out those gauntlets destroy and stunlock bosses helped a lot.

I'm 20 years a pcfag, the longest I go without a new GPU is two years tops, I play at 1440p and if I could afford more I'd probably get it, so I do think I qualify as a graphicsfag for Sup Forums

Nier is still my favorite game even though its butt ugly. You can still fully appreciate graphics without actually NEEDing them.

Oh sweet lord have mercy upon us

>tfw we still haven't seen clothing destruction in effect

Anyone else buying a PS4 Pro just to get the best possible experience out of Nier Automata? Nier Automata has potential to be one the best games ever to me(Nier's story/characters/music+Platinum combat) and I want to play it the best way possible.

>I want to play it the best way possible
Then get it on PC

Hell no.
>wasting precious dollarydoos

>ps4 pro

You must be kidding user, if the game runs as good as it should with how it looks, even mid tier rigs could run it at actual 4k, with a controller of your choice available.

I will, but we don't know if it'll come out on PS4 first. If it isn't coming out on PC the same time it comes out on PS4 then there is no way in HELL im going to wait. Especially since Nier is now targeted by shitposters who will most likely try to spoiler everything.
>wasting precious dollarydoos
>He can't afford new consoles
Come on son, even minimum wage jobs pay enough to get a console on a single paycheck.

>PS4 Pro

Stupid, dumb sony nigger.

See We don't know if it'll come out on PC at the same time. Automata is already confirmed to get enhancements on the PS4 Pro.

>He doesn't own all console+pc

Stupid dumb pcfat

I can afford it but there's no reason to until my PS4 explodes.

Do we even have a release date for the West yet?

For me getting the best Nier experience is enough of a reason.


Why does that matter?

Then it's time to invest in a PC, user-kun.

>for this garbage
Get AIDS faggot.

Speaking of which is anyone going into hiding the second February 23, 2017 hits?

>Actually, one thing that sticks in my mind is Yoshida-san’s rough sketch of him in a sailor uniformーit’s unfortunate nothing became of it……

Theres official art by Yoshida of 9S in a seifuku out there....

I swear motherfucker its like you can't read.

>don't visit Sup Forums
>don't get spoiled

Do you think im going to wait potential months just so I can get a SLIGHTLY better experience on PC? Fuck no.

it's like you can't read

>For me getting the best Nier experience is enough of a reason.
All I'm seeing is a bunch of lies here buddy.

What absolute fuck are you going on about? You're just throwing my words back at me without any proper meaning.
>For me getting the best Nier experience ON LAUNCH is enough of a reason.
Happy now? Regardless im still going to get both versions of the game.

it's like you can't read

Enjoying your funposting?

it's like you can't read

Fuck off with the platform wars, nobody cares. We will all be able to enjoy the game eventually and what platform anybody else chooses is fucking irrelevant.

It better be in the fucking artbook. Maybe someone could ask Yoshida through Twitter or something.

He wants to play Nier as soon as possible.

What is it about that statement you simply can't understand?

>implying i was serious
>implying i wasn't doing it for his cute reactions
My PC can't even run WoW.

We don't know if steam launch is delayed, they wanted a global release, they keep updating the Automata NA site, there were english menus in the Demo version so we may even get that too.

If you have a PS4, it would be retarded to buy a pro just so you play at a hint of a better quality and probably worse framerate, the game could be perfect on all fronts but it'll NOT be some crysis-pretty thing.

Find it hilarious people think of ordering $400 "upgrades" so they can play at 1440p~ at just as bad framerates and visuals.

whoa there buddy, this isn't even about graphics. We all know Plat's MO when it comes to PC ports, and it's almost universally "max settings = console visuals, but you can tune it down if you're on a toaster"

The real reason to play Automata on PC is
Assuming Taura is heading the charge on this PC port like he did with MGR:R, the controls will actually be nice on PC. Aiming the Pod with a mouse will be a night-and-day difference in terms of what you can accomplish, and you'll probably be able to bind Pod Programs and other swaps to dedicated buttons (much how you could bind dodge in MGR for kb/m) which will make the experience a lot more open, with less cycling around on the d-pad.

You're also talking about mod support, potentially; if I'm not mistaken (and I don't think I am), Nier:Automata is Plat's first UE4-based game to be released, and unlike their bespoke engine—which hid everything of value in obscure containers like .bxm—the UE4 format is literally open-source and already being picked over by an enthusiastic mod community.

It will take exactly ONE pervert to break through the Criware protection because he wants to take of 2B's panties and suddenly it will be open season on the game just because of the engine it's built on.

>yfw you are the bad guy AGAIN

My body can't take it any more

Shitposters like you are the reason why Nier threads are now shit. We can't go a single thread without people throwing a fuss over SONYGGERS/MUH PC/PLATDRONES

games not even out yet, and you're saying mid tier comps can run it at 4k?

what happens if it's not even optimized?

look at the bullshit with Dishonored 2 and WatchDogs 2. I know this is Platinum we're talking about, but this is current gen for games. Should never expect the best for anything.

That being said, why even get a PS4 Pro? That shit won't even output true 4k. and if you wanted 4k you're not going to be able to get 60fps.

Just wait you faggots till it's out.

>The real reason to play Automata on PC is
Fuck off. Games like this are literally meant to be played on a controller and im going to use a controller whether im on PC or PS4.


I'll be playing Automata with a (Steam) Controller for reasons of comfy but you're insane if you don't think high-level play opens up immensely with a keyboard and mouse in front of you

That's just Sup Forums in general being collectively retarded.