Dual monitor set up

>Dual monitor set up
>Monitors are different models

OCD thread.

I have something that fits your style

>have 100 dollar bills scattered across the room
>one of those bills has a different crinkle than the others


My setup is one 60Hz IPS monitor and one 144Hz TN monitor. The IPS monitor has a way thinner frame, and a way smaller stand.

>Monitors are extremely different sizes

I wish I could afford to fucking fix this. Even worst, my LG is fucking up my Asus monitors' ability to come back on from hibernation/sleep

>main monitor is a tall big computer screen
>second monitor is a short, small tv

thanks for the credit card info fag

can't wait to get my hands on a Nintendo Switchâ„¢

I have this, but as an added bonus, they're different sizes, with different resolutions and refresh rates

It's pretty obnoxious

Not him but if you can get that info from that blurry ass picture I would be impressed

>implying i have enough for it

>he doesn't know how to 3drender images.

you can get a rough guess on the numbers located in this image. with that you can guess around and find the right numbers. shouldn't be super difficult. that being said,people should really clear desks of important documents whenever takin a picture.

>mfw have a big HD screen as my main monitor and an old CRT model as my second one
Not having OCD is nice.

>muh hacker knowledge

Prove it bitch

its not even hacker knowledge. you can do this in photoshop if you wanted to.

but i bet there is hacking that you could do to get this info.


fucking tripfags

utilize that OCD to get a job that lets you buy whatever monitors you want, sperglord.

Trip? Where? Just a name that only pure autist notice.

>tri-monitor setup
>all different models
>all different sizes
>on a laptop

>4k monitor on the left
>1080 monitor on the right
I hate this, now I'm spoiled, 1080 feels like pleb tier

>main monitor is standard 1080p
>second monitor is an old-ass CRT

How big is that crt? I had a 25-26 inch crt years ago that could push out insanely high resolutions.

I mean, no games supported it but I had a desktop somewhere around 1900x1500 before it was cool

About 16 inches at 1024x768.

>basic fotoshopping
