What are some cool subtle Vidya Clothing?

What are some cool subtle Vidya Clothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=california republic flag

Is my Metal Gear Rising hoodie "cool"?

Neither cool nor subtle.

I have this shirt. It ain't subtle, and I don't give a fuck. I walk around being loud and funny, acting like I own the fucking place. As long as you are confident and fun, no one gives a fuck what you wear and may even think it's badass

Nice adam's apple, faglord.

>nor subtle.
I have no idea what game thats from

Yes. Where you get it?

Just post Joost/Quiet armpits goddamn.

>It ain't subtle
Then why did you post it here, stupid? Can you read?


Where's the best place to get vidya clothing? I ordered a shirt from Redbubble and the quality was awful.

Got it for free at work

Is this subtle enough?


Preordered this on Insertcoin last week. Never really bought in to game apparel before but this thing looks pretty nice.

i might actually get one with the combine symbol


Joost is cute, CUTE!

There's only one article of choice for a true Sup Forums veteran and oldfag like myself.


dude what kind of autist cares whether something is subtle or not

you wear your clothes other people dont wear them for you

fuck the rules - if you like it, wear it

Right on man!

Fuck the h8ers

You be you!

9/10 Almost gave a (you)


>pretending to be dumb

This New Vegas sweater took forever to ship from America. Worth it though. Every now and then I get some nods.


makes me wonder if theres a TOP KEK hat out there somewhere

8/10 im mad

finally, someone on here with some common sense
thank you user

Here is a cool subtle part if a FFXV psn code



You have nice lips, boy!


spoken like a true permavirgin



People will definitely notice that your wearing a cartoon, scantily clad arabian pirate on your chest.

You call that a good vidya top? Actually own this, very comfy, and very subtle at least in commiefornia. I know it doesn't look subtle, but other than my friends, everyone just says "hey, the bear has 2 heads haha."

>walk in
>see this

wat do?

Discard Joosten
Acquire MILF Joosten

>Actually saw a dude in cargo shorts, t-shirt and fedora
>He had huge full-sized umbrella with katana hilt
I never thought guys like this even exist where I live.

Tie up Joosten, make her watch as I fuck milf Joosten.

>They don't know Donna Burke

I want to cummy on Joosten's tummy

Fuck milf Joosten as she eats out Joosten

Hot 2bh


I think theyd like it.

Where do you work? Is it available to buy online?

What did Joost mean by this?

/ourguy/ on the left

I actually kind of want this


I would buy this.

>witcher amulet
Joost likes a good ERP

god dammit they don't have my fecking 2XL size.

I have some bad news for you user.
That is NOT a fallout NV top.
I know this because a friend from LA gave me a beach towel as a gift once with the california republic flag on.
First I though NV, then I used google.

lmgtfy.com/?q=california republic flag

sorry to burst your bubble

>Unisex and Women's sizes

What, is having a men's fit too triggering now?

>wearing anything past medium or small
I want my shirts to hug me

Not knowing the Joost's lips or adam's apple.

I don't work there anymore but at the time Konami/Kojima Productions

They used to be online but I'm not sure if they are now

That's cause no one else will




unironically /fa/


its not subtle but it sure is cool


Walmart employee?

I suppose you didn't get to take any friends with you when you went shopping?

You seem to be a big guy

why do you wear the jumper?

Don't know the reference but it's a great cop senpai

I could help select clothes for you


>supreme gentleman
>no sig 226

it's the key ingredient



Not clothing but I'd actually like to get this

Damn son.

Honestly I would be happy with either.

>Finish up

Did you rike it?

Me too. Fangamer make some cool shit, their shirts are miles better than crap like redbubble.

Unisex is "mens", it just so happens that literally square shapes fit on both sexes. Shirts adjusted for feminine shapes typically don't for men.

im wearing this one atm
its just plain black on the front.