Explain this

Explain this.

Cherry picking

CS: GO offers the more realistic experience that's also catered to KB+M. It makes sense for it to have realistic graphics. Also, Overwatch is only the most popular because it's new, Call of Duty is a better example.

what game is this for the PS4?

CS is for camper noobs with scripts

Fight me


PC's vary in power. Anything a shitty PC can play, a stronger PC can play. It stands to reason that games made with shitty PCs in mind would he the most popular. They cater to casuals who do not have PCs made for vidya, and even those that to have good computers can play them.
This is a shitty comparison. You need to look at upper bounds for what a given device can do, not at what's most popular.

I can't explain shitposting, user

Black Ops III

>CS: GO offers the more realistic experience