Rainbow Six Siege

>you have to buy TWO fucking season passes to access content

defend this siege shills


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It's called a SEASON pass not a LIFETIME pass fucko.

all the content is free this just lets you get the characters without any grinding if you dont play often

well the first season pass was for season 1
now there's a season 2 for year 2

>defending this jew shit

What's the point of season passes? They were meant to be a think you fork extra for to guarantee all content for a game in one go instead buying content separately.

I don't know why people assume this instead of actually reading the pass description. Same shit happened with BL2 when it clearly stated what would be in it. There's no one to blame but you.

I don't buy season passes while the content isn't out.

6\8 operators will be shit like the last season, you can easily grind the one you wants.
>Rook basically useless
>Caveira 99% of the players who take her die in the first 30 seconds
>Valkirie nobody uses the cam and shitty weapon
>Drone nippon guy: his drone is shit

the only paid dlc in the game is cosmetics and half of them you can get for free. The "season pass" just lets you get characters for free without the grind. Though if you actively play the game you won't need to grind at all by the time they come out.

Its a shitty thing to an otherwise good game, you're right, OP.

The maps are free, though. As long as the maps are free, I guess I'm good. The operators don't necessarily break the main team.

The game is obviously going for longevity with the cosmetics system and whatnot, I have no qualms with the season pass as you can easily sink csgo amounts of hours into this game. Siege is a great game and if you play the game regularly you can get all the operators pretty easily for free.