Let's talk about the future of Overwatch hero's. Who are you most looking forward to? Who is probably coming next?
Do you have any great ideas for a hero?
Let's talk about the future of Overwatch hero's. Who are you most looking forward to? Who is probably coming next?
Do you have any great ideas for a hero?
I love how diverse the hero's are not in terms of race, but genera. I love seeing a cyberpunk hero fight alongside a cowboy and a WoW inspired dwarf.
I want to see more stuff like that. Maybe a magical girl hero, or a mobster. A Space Marine to fight alongside a witch doctor
How would you make a hero that doesn't do any damage work?
I'd like to see Overwatch incorporate new unique things to the FPS genre itself like they do to the Moba genre in HoTs.
I don't play hero's of the storm. Can you speak on that?
inb4 the next character is another tank that slows the game down to a crawl even more and continues the "each team takes pot shots at one another til they have enough Qs" nonsense
Sick of tanks, regardless of methods to remove them, there is always two on a team. Always. And for any team without two tanks, they get rolled.
It's definately going to be a tank. The blizzard devs have said they want an alternate rein
transforming hero that controls time
I don't care what they do as long as they make zenyatta not so fragile.
I'd love to try him out and use him just to do it, but every time I do, everyone on the enemy team no matter what looks right at me and focuses me. Moreso than if I'm Mercy.
Extremely powerful buffs and heals would be the most obvious answer, but then again, since no one picks healer to do damage anyway it would probably picked almost always.
Gimme some guy called Tyrant who's the boss of Talon and is a total snark
Abathur is a hero that does not engage in direct combat. He provide three roles simultaneously which he can elect to make stronger depending on how the game goes. He can place hidden explosive mines in a very large radius around himself or he can elect to stand in a lane where he will automatically crap out a zerg minion every 15 or so seconds which is considerably stronger than other minions, helping clear the wave and soak experience and finally, his most direct contribution, is place a controlled symbiote over an ally heroes head which can provide them healing, shielding and even attacks.
Cho'Gall is a two headed ogre where two players control one unit. Cho controls movement and his abilities involve physical attacks, one of his abilities involves rolling an explosive orb on the ground while the other player who plays Cho is responsible for setting the mine off. The player controls Cho who cannot control movement but instead has no resource to inhibit his long range/area heavy abilities, he cannot be stunned or silenced in anyway and makes up for Cho's inability to strike at enemies from afar.
These two are unique entirely while other heroes may only possess abilities that break the mold.
I just wanna see more strong women and people of color. There's too many white men in Overwatch and it needs to stop.
>1 white man in Overwatch
>too many white men
Consider Battleborn my good b8.
Theres very little known about other heroes or whats in development. Only one I can really think of is Doom Fist.
As for ideas, hoboy do I have several. Maybe not for a full moveset, but individual abilities I'd like to see.
First would be another mobility hero who creates things which give additional mobility options to other heroes. Such as a hero who can build walls that can be stuck on other walls to use as platforms. Or a hero who can make bounce pads or pull/throw allied heroes.
Another idea is a savior tank. Someone who basically swaps positions with other allied heroes. Sort of something like how Zarya operates, cept instead of a shield the tank Teleports in and takes their place entirely. Could make them particularly tanky or give them some kind of abilities to compensate for it but overall I think it'd be handy to have.
Is Sup Forums not considering aussys as white now?
They should make a hero like Abathur maybe use Athena who can go around enhancing heroes.
Full pester mode.
>Main weapon pushes enemies super far
>Thick smoke grenades
>Insanely reliable evacuation method
Maybe the ability to create small invisible walls or something or make it look like there are enemies where there really aren't any.
I want a hero that you see is on the opposing team and think "god fucking damn it"
I want another robot.
One that isn't a lame defensive/tank character, that actually talks and has lines that aren't beep boop.
I think it'd be cool to have ranged tank. Like maybe they get a mortar or artillery cannon as a weapon and can only lob, with some sort of area denial initiation like a constant bombardment over an area for 3 seconds.
I kind of want a minion hero.
Maybe a Canandian lumberjack cyborg with some wildlife. Like a moose who charges and acts like a small tank, a hawk that acts like a mobile sonic Arrow, and a some kind of rodent who can steal near by health packs
Ultimate can be a robo bear summon
A main weapon that pushes enemies back super far would completely ruin the game imo.
If it can get away reliably, pushing enemies back until it can get away to heal and do it again would be super fucking annoying on the majority of maps.
Doesn't matter, Blizzard wouldn't do that.
Chemical warfare.
I really wanted Sombra to be like a broken vengeful Athena. I still have hope we can get a defense hero that is a pure Omnic
Spider lady in the back.
Have her be suspended on robotic legs that can step around and over enemies and other hero's. Essentially if she wants to get kills she constantly has to aim downward. Doing damage to the legs can slow her down and eventually force her to walk on her feet where she is incredibly vulnerable.
Her main attack is a lazer she shoots our of her mouth, but she can also create little omnics to protect her
Might as well put in the Canada goose as a hero.
>Game released for six months now
>Still no sign of an smug, evil British guy
It's like there's a giant hole that needs filling
Top right is her in action
Not that guy, but theres already plenty of ways around it ans something like it already exists in the form of Lucio's alt fire.
Pretty much every tank and mid to long ranged hero would counter it.
We do know there's a hero named Soundquake, whom many assume is the red robotto in the OP.
Lucios alt doesn't push anything back super far at all whatsoever, and again, that "reliable evactuation" thing makes the main weapon pushing shit back thing too annoying.
Lucio was supposed to be our Canadian until they realized they had no SA representation.
anyone think we'll get this red guy?
the fact he looks vaguely similar to rein makes me doubt it
This would be fucking horrible. She wouldnt even work on half the maps where you have to go inside buildings.
It can, though it depends a lot on if they're on the ground or in the air. That said as a main weapon I agree it would be too much, sincei t'd basically make Winston's ult pointless.
No, don't give a fanbase the ability to switch places with teammates.
It will only be used for annoying people.
I wish they would patch in some Portuguese for him
He is the only one I am 100 percent confident we will get. Blizzard has said they are working on a Reinhart alternative. It's probably him
Unfortunately I do think you're right. I think if not abused it'd be a great tool for a tank to have, but I get the feeling it'd become the next Troll Hero if it was added.
Could possibly require a health limit in order to do it? Like someone has to be below half health or something to swap with them? But I think that might be too much of an annoyance to use then.
Azomodan summons a variety of minions with a near-global slow moving fireball that can do serious damage as the game moves on. Without an escape mechanism, Azmodan has to concern himself with proper placement but he can also rely on his considerably larger than other heroes' health pool.
The upcoming Ragnaros will be able to merge with standing or destroyed fortifications allow him to become an immense iteration of himself similar to how he was in the World of Warcraft, making him an immobile but granting him new abilities that will make him very dangerous. The downside is that the enemy team can just fuck off and leave him stuck there for its duration.
When Leoric dies he turns into a ghost and while he cannot harm the enemy team in this state he can slow them and leech off them to resurrect more quickly than the rest of his teammates providing constant pestering to the enemy team.
Sorry to shill but after playing Dota and League I genuinely like HoTs departures from the standard mechanics. Also that most games rarely ever go on longer than 20 minutes.
Being switched around causes too much confusion especially in a game like this where there is so much shit going on constantly objective wise.
They could make it work.
on top of They made cho gall which require two people to play the same hero and work together only one can move and one gets all the dmg spells.
no they couldnt on points like Ilios lighthouse it would be impossible to play as her
>Only African is a prancing gay la la man
I'd rather him be Hispanic desu
It could simply be his ult. I mean, it could be a quite powerfull tool and this would largely eliminate the possibility of abusing it.
He's Brazilian so there's no actual African. which is good
>generic shota with a special right hand
Where have I seen this before?
He is the realest fucking nigga in all of overwatch
If they gave her a crouch that brought her low enough to the ground, maybe crouching gives her a speed buff to keep it balanced. You really aren't thinking outside the box. It wouldn't be a totally sound choice to play as her on the lighthouse, but it's not like it is unheard of for some hero's to be better or worse on certain maps
I need a fucking wrestler. His ultimate is that he grabs somebody, makes a fucking awesome wrestling move and instakills everything in the game, only one hero at a time though. The ultimate is so fast that you have to always look out when his near. So, basically, I need a grappler.
Anti-tank, slow guy.
You talking about shitty men's, but I waiting for true Soundquake succesor.
You'll never get this because that would require a LOT of animation.
You know you will never get a spinning pile driver on a tank to send a shockwave that stuns everyone else around the pile driver.
Shit's never happening.
Read a history book you double-nigger
On top of Building issues you're only going to be a ginat fucking target even bigger then roadhog.
No seriously Blizzard, where the fuck is Doomfist? You've been hyping it up since release and all we've got is frail little chicks. Where's the testosterone?
But her being far above everyone makes her a particularly easy target, basically a sitting duck. So far I don't see any point in picking this character other than the fact that she looks cool.
if I had to design such a character, I would rather give her some wall walking ability and some web-grapple similar to Widowmaker's grapple gun. Make her a mobility focused character with very unpredictable move pattern.
My god
Why did I create this idea
This idea that I will never have
What have I done
Surely you understand my vision? Surely you share my sadness?
>I want a hero that you see is on the opposing team and think "god fucking damn it"
Mei says hello.
In Reinhardt and every male character you faggot
It's obviously gonna be Doomfist
But I feel were not gonna see him until probably the Anniversary of the game's release at the soonest
I like the theory that he might be an omnic because his name is in their language
Considering the little bit we know about him, he might be the omnic Malcolm X to Mondatta's MLK
Soundquake sounds like a shitty Transformer.
there releasing content so...fucking....slow I quit a months ago already.
I thought Sup Forums was just making shit up eh
Get out Starscream
I get the grappler thing, its just if it ever does happen, it's never going to be good.
The most you will get is some lame ass "bubble" kinda thing that the character uses and picks up and throws, that's the most you will get.
Men produce less test when they get old. Rein is low test faggot I need to fuck shit up with a mass of bulging muscles.
t. salty Decepticon
Most of the -quake characters in Transformers are Decepticons.
Whatever you fucking nerd.
But if you're picking Zen in anything above Diamond you're considered 3/4 of a DPS slot. I raped my way through Diamond killing ninjas and brits. Shit gets dizzying though, since you have to constantly snap around to keep harmony from dropping on flankers while still dealing dps.
>Do you have any great ideas for a hero?
I have 2
(not gunna get into detail like how much damage the attacks do, or what kind of attack it is)
Name: Arthur
Nationality: United Kingdom (Scotland)
Class: Offensive
Health: 200HP
Weapon: Gunblade
Has a weapon that can swap between 2 weapons modes, a Sword mode and a Sniper mode
Weapon: Gunblade Sword Mode - no ammo
Primary: Scottish Cleaver - Arthur swings his Gunblade at nearby targets
Secondary: The Braveheart - Arthur thrusts his Gunblade forward, stabbing at his target
Weapon: Gunblade Sniper Mode - 10 rounds in the clip Primary: The Sight - Arthur takes aim, looking through the scope of his Gunblade
Secondary: Volley Shot - Arthur fires his Gunblade at his selected target
Ability 1: The Targe - Arthur can bring up a small personal energy shield with 200hp. He can't attack while the shield is up. Shield recharges while not in use If the shield breaks, it takes 4 seconds to start recharging
Ability 2: Scottish Fury: Arthur yells a blood chilling howl, stunning his target in their place with fear Cool Down Time: 10 Seconds
Arthur's Ult is determined by what mode his weapon is currently in.
Ultimate Sword Mode: The Highlander - Arthur gets a rush of energy, his speed, damage, and health increases, 200hp to 400hp while bagpipe music plays in the background. Can't switch to Sniper mode while in this Ult.
Ultimate Sniper Mode: The Straight Shot - Arthur powers up his Sniper mode, and fires a powerful beam in a straight shot, dealing high amounts damage to anyone caught in range
we need more husbandos
>God fucking dammit
So you're talking about Pharah? (low diamond and below only)
Name: Fey
Nationality: Icelandic
Class: Defensive
Health: 200HP
Weapon: Black Out
Primary: Shadow Ball - Fey fires a ball of shadow energy at her target, can be held for a stronger projectile
Secondary: Melee - Standard melee attack
Ability 1: Blind - Fey picks out a single target and sends out a shadow ball that causes the target's screen to go black for 3 seconds Cool Down Time: 10 seconds
Ability 2: Envelope - Fey releases a field around her 10 meters wide for 5 seconds, targets within this field have their screen go black while they remain in it
Ultimate: Black Out - Fey releases a larger field around a focused point 30 meters wide that causes all enemy targets within it to get black screens. Lasts for 5 seconds
I like the hazmat guy
Hope we get Athena, we really don't have enough omnic's playable for how important they are said to be.
>Who are you most looking forward to?
A character that does pander so fucking hard to tumblr or anyone else. I'm all for diversity to make things more interesting, but just look at the last 10 heroes added:
pink haired muscular woman
gay black guy
possibly overweight chinese girl
>D. Va
blatantly targeting 'gamer' audience with no real personality of her own
brown woman
old brown woman
blatantly targeting the animefag audience
The other 3 are Soldier 76, Roadhog, and Junkrat of which I have no particular issue with.
So yeah, can we just get some more "normal" heroes that don't make me feel like I'm playing some tumblr-friendly politically correct game for retards? No lemme guess, the next character has to be a black guy, or a lesbian, or someone with a bunch of facial piercings. God I hate this game's art direction.
>With how important they are said too be
>Literally nuke and kill them in kings row
Ominics are useless cum
Not confrimed
She is a blatant raciest and is obsessed with health and Russian pride
Memes aren't real user
I agree with
Get a load of this fag he doesn't want a delicious GILF
Mada Mada
Geese are cunts
>tfw you realize Zarya is in this shot and she was originally a guy
The guy between Torbjorn, Tracer and Bastion has her graviton cannon slung over his back.
>Mada Mada
Sup Forums convinced me to get paladins instead of overwatch......
now I dont have anyone to play with and its just a bunch of poorfag foreigners running around ignoring objectives......
where the fuck are you now Sup Forums? anyways I shoulda got overwatch.
ok, so?
Soldier and McCree alone makes 2.
you can't "get" paladins. paladins is free. there's nothing committing you to keep playing that game. just uninstall.
you can still get it user, it didnt leave
>Try out Paladins
>Everything about it reeks of low quality Chinese garbage
>Every ability feels like it was ripped out of League of Legends i.e. low cooldowns and fuck all for damage so it's ability spam everywhere
>No sense of feedback on anything, feels like you're shooting paper mashay cannons
Nigger what the fuck are you saying?
I want an evil omnic
One that hates humans because of all the injustices they have done to his fellow robots
Pretty much a robot malcolm x
>Implying that would work when he has to team with Zarya Torb Hog and Trashrat
Overwatch matches aren't canon. Which is why Reaper and Widow team up with Soldier and Tracer on Volskaya A attack.
Why would you want someone to be like Malcolm X? You're building up what could be an interesting human character and then comparing him to a walking contradiction nigger like X.
it was terrifying enough when niggers stopped being slaves and starting fighting back, but thankfully niggers are dumber than a sack of potatoes so all it did was cause more black on black crime. but man, don't even talk about a robotic chimpout... makes my fucking hair stand on end. let's hope the programmers know how to keep robots as friendly slaves forever.
the plural of hero is heroes idiot.