So how many games actually require a GTX 1070?
GTA V, Witcher 3, Crysis 3, Forza, Watchdogs 2, what else?
So how many games actually require a GTX 1070?
GTA V, Witcher 3, Crysis 3, Forza, Watchdogs 2, what else?
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Based johnny.
You need to think long term op. Yeah not many use it now but they will start needing it soon. Especially since optimization no longer exist. If you're only playing in 1080p a 1060 will be fine for awhile
Also which games require core i7?
I'm thinking of getting a 1060 but I wanna know what I'm missing out on
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going
Battlefield 1 and Forza Horizon 3
Considering Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2 and Watch Dogs 2 all couldn't hit 60 fps at 1080p, waiting may be the better option
I'm more of an Overwatch/TF2/Paladins kinda guy
But I hope 1060 is enough for Tekken 7 and when Red Dead 2 gets ported
>when Red Dead 2 gets ported
I'm playing DXMD at 60 FPS 1080p with my 780Ti, I can count on one hand how often it dipped below 60.
I wonder if 90% of PC players nowadays are literal primates who don't know what graphical settings do.
>MSAA? lol let's me put it on 8x, why is my gtx 750 on fire?
Fucking cavemen.
GTX 1070 Zotac - $379
GTX 1060 EVGA - $269
Now THIS really makes me think.
I would have said Dishonored 2, but even a 1070 cant run it.
The head dev said he only expected people with 1080 to run the game at a solid 60fps, if they compromise on the settings
Specs pls
You might need one for DOOM
Nice. So what do you think of this Also are you able to play GTAV smoothly?
sauce my senpai
Yes it ran fine for me at launch.
Can't say anthing after all the patches it got since I haven't played since.
literally write rin pig on the panda you useless cucks
good job spoon feeding retard
I am convinced that sonnyggers are behind these posts and run this entire board unknowingly shitposting against eachother
thanks my senpaitachi
>good job spoon feeding retard
Just accept the fact that we all are brothers in arms.
fucking reddit
I know exactly why I have this boner
epic facebook meme where do I subscribe
OP here. No, I'm not a Sony guy. I don't even have a PS4 (but want one for KOF14)
I literally have the GTX 1060 in my cart and I'm just hesitating right now because 1070 is 379. But I have limited funds.
>buying modern AAA games
They're all shit and they're all made by literally incompetent lazy devs that don't know the first fucking thing about programming or efficiency so they require ridiculous hardware to run at fucking 1080p despite games from years ago looking and running better.
Fuck off to Sup Forums already.
>Crysis 3
neither of these need a 1070 (unless you want 144hz or whatever) I have no problem maxing them at 60hz 1080p with an R9 380
This took too long to be posted.
do you have i5 or i7?
i5, 3.5ghz
>I'm playing DXMD at 60 FPS 1080p with my 780Ti
On low?
GTAV is definitely one of the most optimized games out there. It's a miracle after how bad the port of IV was.
gas-coin's daughter.jaypeg
This makes me want to just get the 1060 already. But then later on I'm gonna read something that will make me want he 1070. Then I'm gonna keep flopping my vagina around until dawn
Not ok
950, i3 4170, 8gb ram and 1600x1050
witcher 3 all ultra no hw
Now turn tessellation on
>i3 4170
I've never even heard of that shit
Because it's homemade. Only one existing.
I'm running it almost max settings on my Original GTX Titan (1st one from 2012) and an i5 3570k @4.6GHz.At 1080p I get 60 FPS consistently in mission areas and interiors. In the streets of Prague I get from 45-60fps. Considering I built my Rig almost 4 years ago, I still don't plan on upgrading any time soon. I'm going to wait till Nvidia releases it's next line of cards, whatever succeeds the 1080. I don't want to get into 4k until most off the shelf cards can hit it easily in most use cases.
Why should I?
It's a high performance - low visual payoff feature.
See this is the kind of shit I'm talking about, if you can't balance settings suited for your hardware you should really consider going back to consoles.
>He doesn't manufacture his own processors.
I bet you plebs buy your parts from stores.
This looks really good. Even though it's not a GTX 1080
>faggot with outdated hardware telling anyone to buy consoles
Laughing every laugh.
parts get outdated the year after anyways. So technically almost everyone has outdated hardware
It really does.
This engine uses some neat indirect light bouncing and the screenspace reflections aren't buggy as shit like in 90% of games which use them.
Shame idiots say it's """""unoptimized"""", devs will cut down on more advanced visual effects in the future, basicly saving retards from their own stupidity.
Have a (you) on the house, I'm not stingy.
anyone have that one doujin with the psychic mind breaking pig that geets the girl pregnant over and over again?
Seeing what the 780 can do really makes me think.
I guess the 1060 won't be so bad after all.
You can max out the graphics of Crysis 3 with a 980, I can't max out MSAAx4 but that's just a waste of performance.
If you have a good overclocked CPU you can increase the draw distance and LOD in Watch Dogs 2.
This, nu-PC gaymers are hurting graphics more than consolefags at this point, if people can't max out every game at 60fps with their meme card they whine and call it unoptimized. Nobody has any fucking clue what graphics settings are anymore. Maxing out every AAA game is a waste of money, they primarily throw ultra settings in to make the game look cleaner when you come back to it in a few years with a more powerful GPU.
Fucking this.
>tfw still running i5 2500 + GTX 560ti, and I've yet to have any problems getting any game run and look nice at 1080p
>always get a "yeah, maybe on LOWEST, fag! :^)" kind of replies from the wannabe elitists these days.
Literally no reason to buy above 1060 if you're playing 1080p
"Require" is a stretch, I have a 480 and play witcher 3 locked to 60fps on ultra with no hairworks and shadows on v high I think.
Are people on this site really that dumb?
You can hit PS4 settings (1080p/30fps at a mix of medium/high settings) with a 950. A 780Ti should logically be able to hit 60fps.
Please enlighten us tripsmaster
Post more girls having fun with their pets
S-Source. Google does nothing.
Might as well go all out.
What's funny is the Deus Ex devs literally said at launch that the ultra settings were developed for high end hardware like the 980ti/1070, but retards still went in and complained when their 970 meme card couldn't max out the game.
>the ultra settings
Like what, contact hardening shadows coupled with MSAAx8 which ran like shit on the toppest of rigs?
what a smug wench. I hope she gets dicked.
Literally zero games require an I7.
This has been true for years and is even more true now.
Basically. The wanted the game to run at high preset/60fps for a 970. Very high and ultra presets were essentially use at your own risk.
You won't even notice contact hardening shadows do anything unless you're autistic as fuck. And it tanks the framerate something nasty