ITT: Games Sup Forums memed you into buying that were genuinely good

ITT: Games Sup Forums memed you into buying that were genuinely good

This game is like...1 fucking dollar on steam...should I get it?

One of the most fun games I own

pic not related?


>Year of the roguelike meme games.
>The only good one is totally forgotten in favor of the shitty casual one and the artificially difficult one.

Risk of Rain deserved better.

I just started playing this, any tips?

Collect stars
Evade if the enemy rolls low
Defend if the enemy rolls high
Bully as many people as you can

>playing with CPU

The real fun haven't even started yet.

does that evil bitch get worse with other players?

She's not just evil, she's basically the meme mascot for the company.

Poppo was a mistake

I got 99 problems.

And they're all Poppo.

Also, if you're at 1 HP always evade

Make a lobby

fuck did the sale end?

It ended today, it was supposed to be a black friday thing.

I'll never know who won the "community chooses" award or what it was, will I?



Poppo Rules!
need 3 Poppos here!

need 2 Poppos here


Also the Wonderful 101.

Sup Forums has great taste sometimes.