>tfw stopped playing Catherine after I found out Erica was a tranny
Tfw stopped playing Catherine after I found out Erica was a tranny
dumb frogposter
>stopped playing at the end of the game
I know it might seem as pandering to you, but damn you really are one shallow fuck
I refuse to play games with trannies as well
I bet your a futa fag to
Trans is a mental illness. Theres no questioning it.
this tbqh, I actually felt disgusted once i found out she tricked that dude into sleeping with him. 8 hours gone down the shitter.
I hope more games put trannies in them so you cry more.
It's never happening, Lord Trump is going to ban all degeneracy and kill everyone who doesn't comply with meme magic.
I like to think of gender confused "people" as weak.
The change seems to occur most in "people" between the age of 8 and 20, when the human body is most into it's stage of growth, when hormones are surging and the mind is most unstable.
The desire to switch gender usually comes from the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, for the majority it is that they wish to become a woman, so they never have to grow up, so that they can remain childish and mothered by other people - so that they never have to go through adulthood. Lazy, selfish. I find most traps are incredibly narcissistic too, victims of their own complex now that they have designed, in a way, their dream girl, having given up looking for her, they become her, then wear her like a corpse over their real identity, and act as her, fooling others.
Having others see you as what you want is manipulation, it does not matter how you put it, and traps are sly, damaged "people" who live through manipulation of themselves and their surroundings.
Even on the Internet they try their best to be feminine through their misguided view of women (":3" spam, etc).
You are a failed male.
You will not escape this in the eyes of people who don't sympathize with your immaturity and failure
Pretty good way to think about it user. Do you have any personal experiences with these kind of people? If so, i'm all ears.
Realistically, they probably will. Now that MEME MAGIC Sup Forums helped elect a national disaster waiting to happen as president with a cabinet full of bigots as his nannies, the progressive types in dev studios are going to compensate for the hateful ideologies he endorses by including even more diversity and representation. And Sup Forums will bitch and whine about every bit of it because their oompa loompa god-king was supposed to make all the queers go away.
holy shit fuck off and start a blog or something
She's the best example of how to do an lgbtqxyz character.
This is a good post
>Being Murican
I feel sorry for you my senpai.
>he is too stupid to read
>thinks image boards are pop up books because he's retarded
Kill yourself faggot
I won't once God-Emperor Trump wipes all of you out.
The Meme War for world conquest has started, and the greatest meme sorcerers are on Sup Forums's side.
whoah i didnt know i was on the /cuck/ board
excuse me then faggot
yes, I long for the where human waste like trannies were hanged or put against the wall
Know your place little goy. Trump is our puppet.
I'm not from the US but can I still enlist? I want to do my part and get rid of degenerates world wide.
What makes you think you're not a degenerate? How do you think the church goers view anyone who browses Sup Forums?
>not American
If you want to help, you can start by killing yourself. You're also subhuman scum.
Daily reminder that being trans is infinitely more sane than being religious.
sure is tumb- i mean...sure is Sup Forums around here
Sup Forums REALLY cannot stop raiding Sup Forums!
threads like these sure really makes me wish hiro deleted Sup Forums!
Hella straight, dont fap to traps/trannies or fur, am white, pay my taxes.
>Fictional character has fictional penis and/or Y-chromosome that is never seen
>this is somehow upsetting
>Sup Forums falseflags a tumblr falseflag Sup Forums raid on Sup Forums
I don't know who's trolling who anymore
It's a neurological disorder.
Thought to arise during the pregnancy.
That's not really the same as a mental illness.
>pretending to be a woman
Daily reminder that transfags are infinitely more delusional than any ISIS fanatic.
Yes, and Gender Reassignment Surgery is the cure.
>implying the T in Trump doesn't stand for Tranny
>Don't fap to trannies or fur
Masturbation is a sin period, as is looking at immodestly dressed women. The biblical laws against homosexuality are based on the prohibition to spill the seed for naught - that is, for you to cum anywhere but in your wife for the purpose of procreation. All else is sodomy.
I dont agree with you and i posted the mental illness thing. Im not bothered by trans, i just dont like making it up to be a normal okay thing. We dont disguise depression, manic depression/bi poar, or schizophrenia as an okay thing, so why should body/gender disphoria?
People are making a joke out of peoples genders and sexes. There are two biological sexes and genders. Youre not special, stop dressing your life up to be different. Its like if youre fat, i dont have a problem, just dont justify your lifestyle as normal or healthy
>genital mutilation
Yeah nah
Feminine penis > mutilated body parts
Vaginas are ugly in the first place
It does treat the worst symptoms, sure.
>we should be normalizing mental illness! it's an everyday thing gosh!
Nah, they're religious, which puts them in the same group as the christians AKA utterly bonkers. Believing in magic is quite a bit less sane.
Theres a strong percentage of people who regret getting surgery or hormone therapy. Those numbers should be zero if it wasnt a mental illness.
>mutilated body parts
Are you anti breast augmentation and ear piercings too? Fucking commie.
I think that's only really going to happen on the indie side of things but good point
saying a cockchop is a cure for trannyhood is like saying a box of razor blades is a cure for self mutilation.
what do you mean?
this is clearly all Sup Forums's fault
surely all this hate against "degenerates" are because trump won and he can even control his followers!
>heavily slanted paraphrasing is fun!
I agree.
Did I hit a nerve?
Why would you give a shit about that? Katherine, block stacking and Boss are all you should care about. Man I do love block stacking. Wanna discuss techniques?
kill yourself frogfucker
So what are you doing here?
>get a sex change
>people treat you like a freak
>live in fear of some asshole outing you
Wow it sure is a surprise that they regret it since life continues to be shit for them.
I'm an atheist.
That's what you would like us to think, huh Sup Forums? Don't think I don't know about your agenda.
A box of razorblades could sure cure your faggotry
[tips fedora]
Could you even be tipping any fucking harder right now?
I'm surprised your fedora hasn't fallen clean off.
I guarentee you even if society grows more progressive, trans suicide percntage remain high
>Can't prove believing in gods and spirits is sane
>Better call the other person names
Someone post that cap where someone says that "Lesbian M2F Trans" are the worst, saying that they don't want the responsibilities of being a male but also want to fuck pussy
Not that guy, but it's not an illness. You can't get better from it, but can learn to live with it.
Currently it's widely considered a birth defect in the brain. A neurological malfunction due to failed basic programming during formative weeks of the brain in the fetus.
Likely because of homone irregularities in the mother.
People regret gender reassigment surgery because it really only treats the symptom of appearing as the wrong sex. You still got what you'd feel was the wrong genes, but now you're even more mismatched, with an even higher upkeep.
Let's see that definite proof that God doesn't exist, the whole world is waiting for you user.
The hate on males, toxic masculinity, and safe space culture is leading to the rise of trans
They're just autogynephiles
Trans people have a neurological disease. This is true.
But sadly we don't have the knowledge,technology and tools to treat most neurological diseases yet.
The only thing we can do with our current resources is try and treat the symptoms.
And that procedure is called "Gender Reassignment Surgery"
I don't think this is the best treatment. But it is better than nothing until we have a better understanding how human brains work and finally be able to cure both homosexuals and trans people.
Gimme a proof that Odin doesn't exist.
Can't? Okay, then why worship God and not Odin or Bhaal or Raven or Amaterasu or Crom? Given the evidence your belief in any of those ought match your faith in God.
Nonwhites exist.
If God was real, he would've gotten rid of these subhuman scum long ago. As such, it falls to us to clean up the garbage.
>Make a female character
>Call it a male
For a country that has the most feminine looking women on the planet, Japan sure is fucking gay.
>Having others see you as what you want is manipulation
But that's everyone who's ever put on some nice clothes or styled their hair
Because I don't want to worship them. I can have a choice in who I worship.
You can tell someone is a tranny when they're constantly going "
Gays are okay. At least they recognize that there are two defined genders in the earth.
Trans are these weird inbetweeners that believe that gender is "fluid"
They can't all be real though. What makes you think that the one you worship is any more real than the rest? Isn't believing what might amount to a fictional character is real logically tenuous? What if Cyric gets mad at you for not worshipping him, the true god of Earth?
>can't provide proof
>asks user for proof in his defence
would it not also make sense that they also have the most feminine looking men too? Oh wait, that's korea
I don't want to be cured tho.
I dunno, learning about intersex and gender development disorders changed my mind on a lot of this. You look at something like androgen insensitivity syndrome and trans doesn't seem that weird anymore.
>a single side character having a backstory you disagree with is enough to stop playing the entire game.
There's really no excuse for this, it just makes you look stupid.
That argument sucks no matter how you use it. Anti-pascal
What's the effectiveness of just hormone treatment?
>what makes you trans
"I know in my heart I'm a woman, I can feel it and it fits me better"
>what about it fits you?
"Clothing, the societal roles and sensibilities associated with being female"
>so you're saying that gender roles are factual?
"Omg absolutely not, how can you say that?
They're all delusional fucking retards. Be a feminine man all you want, defy societal norms all you want, get fucked all you want. That's fine as long as you accept you are a man.
Trannies will never be women and they should be helped to come to acceptance with reality, not encouraged and catered in their delusions.
Yeah, because you have accepted the disease as a part of your identity.
Imagine cancer patients forming a cool club together and thinking. "Damn If I got cured from my cancer I won't be a part of this club anymore" and saying to his doctor that he doesn't want to be cured.
This so much. They can't keep getting away with this. Obviously Erica is a female and the writers are just bending over for American SJW's. I seriously doubt a based writer in Japan decided to add a trans character of their own volition.
Learning is for liberal pussies and fags
That's exactly it though. Given a nigh-infinite number of deities how can you possibly decide one is real if there is no evidence for any of them? What of deities who, were they real, would worship you for worshipping a false deity? It makes no sense to treat any of them as real.
>so you're saying that gender roles are factual?
What do you mean by "factual"? I'd say they're factual social contructs.
You don't really know what you want do you? You can say what you want but what you have is universally recognized as being a neurological disease. Being accustomed to it does not change this fact and I sincerely hope you find help.
>What's the effectiveness of just hormone treatment?
Generally good.
Biologically inherent behaviour and strengths/weaknesses that are, by social norm, denied.
This is ignoring that trans people usually experience discomfort with their physical sex characteristics. It's not about gender roles.
Well then you've got the wrong definition of "factual," I'm afraid.
That's a pretty farfetched comparison. It's in my personality, it's just who I am. I like fucking guys.
I'm a homosexual if that helps you there. I don't believe I need anything though, I have a boyfriend and I'm quite content with that. Thank you tho.
So help them to accept the body they have. Don't feed them falsehoods of becoming the opposite sex. Why is plastic surgery frowned upon and people taught to accept themselves as they are, but trannies absolutely must be mutilated to poorly mimick the opposite sex?
Then go with my corrected phrasing and stop being pedantic.
>he thinks a mental illness is normal
>he thinks the only way to treat it is to encourage it
Why are you so concerned with what other people do their their own shit anyways? It literally does not affect you in any way at all.
Would you tell depressed people to just learn to accept being depressed instead of altering their chemical makeup with drugs? Taking drugs is frowned upon, isn't it?
Human phenomenon.