Remember when League of legends was fun?
Remember when League of legends was fun?
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Nope. I've hated League since the very first time I played it.
Still play it daily.
I do but the game is too far gone down casual lane to be enjoyable now. The funniest thing to me is that I can't remember dealing with so-called "toxic" players before the advent of Lyte and SJWs like that one parrot guy invaded the game and turned it upside down. Suddenly the game was headed in a completely different direction and you or pro players weren't the target audience anymore.
inb4 kids who started playing last year saying the game is at its best atm
It's lost its charm for me at this point but I still play it almost every day. I want to go back to the time when the game had that curiosity to it. Exact time it stopped being fun: the UI rework back in season 4 or 5
Yeah, back then it was still named Defense of the Ancients.
me neither
>assfaggot shit
user. It's called "nu-fun"
Every victory is shallow and you rage fucking hard when you lose
Remember when MOBAs where fun?
Me neither
yeah i remember the time, that this piece of shit game wasn't owned by chinks and employed useless SJW's that care more about diversity and arguing Notch on Twitter over making fun-kit Champions
That would be when they released Jhin, right?
But he's still in the game.
That would mean it's still fun.
member sunfire cap stack on garen?
yeah, back before the iron clad meta became a thing and you and your buddy could just pick your favorite champs and lane together, in either of the side lanes
I remember Force of Nature on Singed
and how I'll never have those times again
At some point when they started reworking all the champions (probably after the Sejuani rework) that's when the game started losing all its soul.
Some of the reworks were great, don't get me wrong but the game just wasn't the same.
That making every retard have wards. WE CASUAL NOW
Back when Tryndamere was a bot lane champion
It can still be fun as long as you don't take things too seriously. I don't give a shit about how effective it is, I'm going jungle syndra and you're not going to stop me.
The assassin rework is Where I threw in the towel
Leblanc isn't fun anymore and feels clunky as fuck
Rengar is basically a bruiser now
Bruiser Akali is the only viable build for her now that her burst was gutted and her core item nerfed
Rip Akali
All because "muh burst windows"
Fuck this care bear pussy game. When will these faggots stop pandering to casuals?
>crit twitch mid
>ad carry sion
>bruiser sivir mid
fun times. then the "meta" cam and riot reworked every champ i liked to help them fit into the meta.
I always had fun playing Draven
league was never fun
I think plants are fun and my nigga Hecarim is pretty strong with CoC right now. I gotta get the most out of him before he gets nerfed.
The only bad thing is that supports are rushing Redemption Locket combo, combining that with Karma which is by far the best support right now fucking 1k shields on teamfights are fucking broken. The good thing is that it'll get nerfed soon most likely and low elo people are too dumb to catch up to that strategy.
As someone who got a closed beta invite from second wave wayyyy back when the ui was all half circles shit, League was casual retard shit since day 1 user. It was never good in the first place.
Trinkets made the game easier but also harder at the same time. It got easier for casuals because they didn't need to spend gold on wards anymore, but also got harder for high elo players because there was a limit on how many wards you could get without being support.
Before you only had to spam oracle's with jg and supp and clean the whole enemy territory and then swarm the fucking place with unlimited wards, VODs of S3 championship show that. Now you can't do that, you have to think more about how to ward and you can't mindlessly spam oracles now, you have to manage Sweeper's CD or Blue Trinket's CD for baron etc.
I agree is more casual, but I think that the change was for the greater good.
I started playing around poppy release (right after beta ended). I played on and off until fairly recently. The anivia changes were too much for me. A completely non-broken character that was becoming antiquated as the game became more and more focused on mobility, she was having trouble landing her stun, and her R>E combo was her only way of dealing reliable damage. Fights are not stationary as everyone has 1 or 2 movement abilities.
So riot makes her ult only good when stationary.
And now her E only procs off R when it's at full charge.
Anivia is dead, riot killed her.
Was fun before the hero design powercreep became real
Yeah thats the fucking point. It was casual retarded shit and that made it fun, later they started forcing that shitty e-sport meta and deleting every fun item and mechanic from the game.
>tfw Camille has an AA reset(I think), true damage, HP% damage, an AoE slow, a dash, an AoE knockup, an Aspd steroid and a J4/Xin Zhao Ult
Camille is overloaded as fuck, however she will most likely start with a 30% win rate the same way Yasuo, Azir and Taliyah when they came out.
People keep forgetting about her dumb ass stun that's attached to the dash
Camille is fucking stupid
It's still retarded casual shit to this day, meta or not.
Despite trying it in s1.
It was and is shit.
It was never fun.
Plus they fucked up the design.
First they didn't balance the game at all.
Then they decided to pump out shitload of badly designed heroes.
Then last straw was constant redesigns on items, and solidifying meta.
Instead of letting metagame emerge naturally, they enforce it.
Its only fun to play the game fresh and not know what the enemies ability did, or building AD would boost your magic DAMAGE that you ATTACK with
because the fucking tutorial told me to build thornmail on ashe
understanding the meta and understanding each move is when the fun stopped.
You have to "cooperate" and work with a team of 3 real people with a kit and build laid out for you by the meta,
and then riot fucking adds one horrible update after another.
Came home from school to play this with friends all night until I realized the call was always angry with "Why do we play this"