ITT: Games only you played

ITT: Games only you played.

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Decapattack is popular af m8




Watch this.


>thread just made
>first post is obscure jap/korean/asian shit

like clockwork



> That one fucking planet with absurdly high gravity
> Tfw you realize that you're getting shit on because you need to stack blocks vertically on that world

Great game

anyone remember this? This is the UK cover art

shit was so good


what's that
looks familiar

How come there is never discussion or even mention of the best game in the whole fighting game genre? Am I legitimately the only one playing it?'s basically Diablo but you have a dog companion.


never ever posted on Sup Forums since i started lurking in 2008, but this nigga made me broke my silence.


It was like a combat focused banjo kazooie



hey kinglsey is pretty good
I wish this was less buggy and a little easier to figure out

I remember now it was terrible as fuck


git gud mane

I love the strategic approach of this game.
Even looking at the tournament it's kinda fun.
Wish this brought to phone game since it got less interaction that the normal series

benis :-DDDD

played it cos of the demo disk shit was fun apart from the furry shit


I remember playing this way the fuck back in first grade in 1996

>talking shit about Forte, one of the easiest planets in the game

Huh, you must be black if you lack intelligence.

I remember looking for full version over internet when I was 15, this game was the shit

Chris Barrie is my hero.

I'm just talking about the first time I played each world when I was like 13 man chill your nips.

You smeghead

AH FUCK what is this called? I remember my friend had it when we were like 5 and I thought it was the coolest shit ever

Simon the Sorcerer

Protip: Click image search in the dropdown next to the post number and more often than not you'll find an image's source.


I remember this being incredible although I was like 6 or something.

Thought it was really cool how you drove through places in the film.

My first p&c game. as a kid I spend 200+ hours to solve this because some shit is really cryptic in there. It´s full of fantasy cliches and references which I didn´t get until 10 years later. Love it to this day.

Chase Ace 2

I played that a long time ago to be honest.


Dungeon Siege II desu

Pretty fun game that i grew up with. To bad my dad was to much of a jew so he never bought the full version of the game.

Still fun.

For doing something fun and exciting it sure looks like the guy hates it with a passion.

>Dungeon Siege II

The point of this thread is to post obscure games that not many people have played or even heard about.
Some people post games that are just old, but you don't even do that.

Idk it was a pretty violent game. If I remember correctly you could punch other racers, and pick up power-ups to get better weapons to attack your opponents, like tire irons or golf clubs.

Your Golem is ready.
Your Golem is ready.
Clonk clonk.

Arcaine as fuck, but it's still pretty fun.


>For doing something fun and exciting it sure looks like the guy hates it with a passion.
He has a 4th wall awareness and he knows he's in a shitty game.


Fuck this game.

It was actually pretty fun as well.

Oh geeze I remember that
>Spend fucking ages trying to beat that factory level at the beginning
>finally beat it after a week
>next level is a headache, think it's the last level
>never beat it
>only recently learn that wasn't even halfway through the fucking game
I wish I could smack younger me sometimes

damn son i remember this

remember it having some pretty decent music


>no characters over 16 pixels




hey first time I see someone posting this

I still play the fuck out of this game, gonna finish the legendary campaign today


Nigger please. That one is pretty common.

I love Evil dead. Is any of the games worth jack shit?

i have only played the one i posted, heard they're all alright

Hell there was a swear button

haha what the fuck

The way you research units always makes me mad. I got butthurt when i invested all my RP into paladin tech. They are slow as ass and the heal sucks since it uses MP which you need for more god damn creatures.

preffered magical flying hat turbo adventure

holy shit I was searching for this game for years now
i played it in 2002 i think, and it came in a magazine with a cd-rom


Yeah, a clone alright.






>I love Evil dead. Is any of the games worth jack shit?

I really enjoyed this but I also love Evil Dead and was 13 years younger when I played it, so it's probably actually shit.

Many hundreds of hours played. It brought back all the childhood memories of playing with Hot Wheels in the dirt
Captain Comic

Is this game any good? I feel like playing point n' click games recently after playing 9: The Last Resort and have wanted to try it out for quite a while.

Still haven't found a person who played this.

This had an level-editor and I played very many hours of it

I like it a lot. The game is certainly still worth playing to this day, the game is very weird tho.

user you're crazy

I love this game and I don't think I've ever seen anyone on this board ever talk about it.

I know it's flawed, but the game just has a kind of "atmosphere" I really love about it.

I like weird games which is why I was interested in it in the first place.


And I also doubt anyone else here has ever completed it.

I thought everyone here loved Inner Space.

Not really obscure though.
How old are you if a game "brought back all the childhood memories" 20 years ago?


This game was the shit, good taste user.

I only played the tutorial because I was testing if the game runs on win 7.

Gonna play it sometime in future.

>And I also doubt anyone else here has ever completed it.
Was it that bad? I really liked the novel but that game got pretty bad reviews so I never bothered.

Well later on it's pretty fun killing medieval knight scum with superior future technology in power armor and guns and shit



everybody fucking played this

I remember it used to be a glorified chatroom and there was a weird glitch where you could fly when you pressed up and down on the arrow keys


Shit really? Ive never seen it mentioned?

Cant even find a full working copy any more. Or that one song it had. Started as a space-ish thing then suddenly it was some kinda midi easy listening thing.

>obscure game thread
>obscure games get posted