Before millennial,women,numales,smartphone

Before millennial,women,numales,smartphone

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Whats this halo ripoff?

>before millenials
but thats wrong

Odds on OP being under 35 and whining about "millenials" while talking about a game that came out in the 21st century?

quake fags

the genwunners of fps

You do if you were born in the late 80s you are a millennial right?

millennial is 25 and under as far as i'm concerned

what happened to the people who made these old games which had heart and soul and weren't trying to make a buck on the app store? did they an hero?

Spoken like a true hipster faggot

so youre 26 I assume, guess what you're a millennial, you can't just change a definition because you don't like it. DWI

quake fag here

don't lump me in with the quake 3 fags

I have horrible news for you Op

I'm 30 years old and I am a millennial, so there are big chances of you being one too

also unreal is better

Op is a faggot and a millennial /thread

You are a grown man whining about le wrong generation. Get over yourself faggot, millenial has no actual definition and at best it means people who were born before 2000 yet came of age in the 21st century.

Man Halo 1 looked worse than I remember.

But Crash, Mynx, Lucy, and Hunter were women.

Glad to see at least someone on Sup Forums know what the fuck a millennial is.

Millennial is someone who was born in 1980-1982 and later, and before 1992-1993. Give or take.

Millennial does not mean "that one age group that came after me where I put all the blame on."

Millenial hate thread?

I really, really enjoy this show for taking the piss out of everyone younger than me. The fact that it's oldschool multicam just adds to the charm for me.

None of those things caused the demise of quake.
It was all the retarded consolewarfags, that traded real gameplay by "benchmark games" and gave the industry a safety net to ruin gameplay.
Casuals always been their own thing, a separate market that didn't influenced the main big games in any way.

>Quake 3 is dead

This. I've been on Sup Forums for 13 years and I'm a millennial- where does OP get off?

why can't we go back ;_;

I just want to play comfy low spec games on my Linux netbook, but how the FUCK am I supposed to do that when everybody is playing shit like Titanfall and moving the game's population towards something so harmful?

It is very likely op is a retarded 12 years old.

Before millennial,women,numales,smartphone

I can tell you are under the age of 15, because millennials are no more insufferable than the previous generation, and women have always been online. The only difference is that there are a lot more people online, this allows loud and obnoxious groups to coalesce.

You can still play quake live and all those other games as the community for UT and Q3 are still around.

you can't butt fuck yourself like this that fucking stupid

>definitions don't matter just muh feels!
Spoken like a true millenial.

You know all about taking cock in the ass so you fix the pic so it does work.

man i really miss doom, it was the best. so much time spent playing it online

>You can still play quake live and all those other games as the community for UT and Q3 are still around.

But you fucking CAN'T. Okay, I'll give Quake live, but I refuse to play it since owned by a nu male company.

Those other games are completely dead compared to around late 90's early 00's and what's the fucking point of bunny hopping in a server all by yourself waiting for vlad to come in with his 300+ ping. New generations are too cancerous to populate these games and the old guard just died out for some reason.

Quake 3 as good as it was is the complete OPPOSITE of heart and soul. The entire id Software team were fed up with making sci-fi shooters at the time. They wanted to make something different.

John Carmack even if he's a genius, wanted to play it safe. It was his decision to make Quake 3 and as a multiplayer shooter when the entire team wanted to do something else.

id Software lost their soul when Romero left. Educate yourself you little shit.

quake 3 was shit, the movement sucked and cpma was the only thing good that ever came from it.

god i fucking hate you casuals sucking off q3 thinking it was a good arena shooter just because it came before call of duty and halo; 90% of you shitters probably played less that 3 hours of q3, or worse ql just so you could say you played it to spout your shit elitist opinions

qw for life