Battlestation thread


Other urls found in this thread:

I love videogames!

>blazin sauce
Good stuff.

I like it lots! I love spicy things but I'm not a fan of how most peppers taste. I adore the flavor of it though.

Every time til it matters

1 year old.


>New house.
>New grillfriend.
>Poseidon Z Mechanical keyboard.
>Logitech mouse.
>Spider Plant is teh HUGE with a little Spiderling baby.

I'm building a new RIG in January so new pics then.

How do you keep everything from falling down?

Doesn't your arm/ elbow hit that turntable to the right of it?

It is not a permanent fixture, I move it if it's in the way. It isn't even on my desk right now!

Real battlestations

Not a real battlestation

Im going to take a new photo today.. Hopefully..

Why isn't it a real battle station?

>complains about other peoples setups
>doesn't even post their own

>caring this little about ergonomics


Magic magnets.

What's wrong with my stuff? I've since got a better chair if that's what you mean.

oiled up/10

well allright, that's half of the problem

other issue is that the keyboard is too close to the screen, or the screen is too low, and there's not enough room for your legs (assuming you're in the right seated position).


Here's mine, although it's p shitty right now. I'm at university so couldn't bring my desktop. My laptop can run most modern stuff at medium though with about 40 fps, so it's playable at least.

You can't really see it but there's a bloodborne machine as well. Mainly use that just to play games when friends are round and watch netflix on the tv behind the laptop monitor. The tv screen is on an axis so it can swing out if I want to watch it while sitting on the sofa behind me or if a friend wants to play a game while I work on my laptop.

Records on the right as well, got the hotline miami 1 and 2 soundtracks which are GOAT. Really wanna add the Transistor soundtrack to my colleciton though.

>that skull poster

>All these people with muh fancy super clean look at me A U T I S T I C shit "battlestations"

in any hobby these are the signs of someone who spends more time talking about what they do, than actually fucking doing it


Says the guy shitposting on Sup Forums instead of playing video games


Yeah I fucking hate all these Sup Forums and reddit-tier Ikea showrooms people have. Where my NEETs with the piss bottles and over heating Acer laptops.

kill me

>can't do both

You are the only one suffering from the 'tism my man. Not only that but you're also probably underrage.

Spending that christmas bonus wisely.

Fucking hobo

Do you get your ass fucked on that couch?

No but i made sweet love to your mother then i kicked her after out after i busted my nut because she's smoking.

>the 'tism my man
>typing like this
>whilst defending your life out of a catalog room that you probably spend 40 minutes putting together and looking nice, then not touching it

>then not touching it

What did he meant by this ?

sorry I just can't believe a straight man lives in that house

>meme music player
>video game OSTs on vinyl
>le edgy "people I want to kill" poster
>Fallout bobblehead
>Alcohol "casually" left on display to show everyone how much of a big boy you are


>bait pictures
>no on in the thread gets it
>it turns into an actual battlestation thread
How disappointing

It's not great yeah. But this room was like really dull when I moved in and my uni has a big poster sale, so bought a few just to decorate. It was this one or like one of the 80 fucking marvel posters.

Well ask your mom.

meme music player? Explain. Also it out casually because I have nothing to do today but shitpost so I'm drinking. If you think alcohol is for bigboys maybe you are the little boy?

a marvel poster would of been a better choice

never seen a marvel movie so eh

Enormous faggot/10

I like amane better than chiruchiru though.

I Make Poost

You need to live to carry on the true best eva girls name, user.


With bonus cat scrotum

>bed literally twenty centimeters away from the desk

Don't they shit everywhere??


Most cats house train themselves

>Being a cutfag
sucks to be you

it's all the big-name posters in, of fucking course they're going to post their desks even if its a joke thread
that first guy is always the first in, and honestly it's borderline creepy and maybe a bit sad that he seems to have a fuckin RSS for battlestation threads

It's funny that you made a gay remark about that guy when there are more dudes here posting their setups full of anime and shit like that.

guys i've had shitty posture for a few years now and i used to sleep a bunch in my chair

my chest and back are in agony every day

literally hurts to breathe

does this shit go away if i fix my posture?

have you tried
a) fixing your posture
b) stretching frequently
c) not sitting down all day
d) sleeping reasonably
e) not using the computer for gaps of hours
f) not sitting on public transport
g) buying a comfortable, sensible chair; though not a meme ergonomic netting chair or one of those ergo office chairs; and using it sparingly
h) walking and jogging
i) exercising your upper body, arms, and abdomen
i'm also assuming you aren't overweight


Great room, i'm jealous
Are you german?

>"my back is fucked and it hurts"
>"is it because my back is fucked"
You for real nigga?

what cola is that



What does a house that a straight man lives in looks for you?


we speak german but we aren't german

My endurance is so fucked I can't jog for any more than 15-20 seconds.

I'm not overweight nor underweight.

probably some stupid underrage shit, disregard this retard

I'm wondering if the damage is permanent or fixable you jungle buddy.

Are you from Switzerland?

wow i wonder if it's because you spend all your life in a chair
maybe if you jogged you would be better at jogging hmm? obviously you can't run a minute mile if you're glued to a seat, that's why you start walking and jog sparingly but gradually increasing.

I know but is it actually going to make the pain go away? It's depressing to be in pain and feel so weak all of the time.



how can i say for sure? you might be irreparably fucked, but it's unlikely. you just need to be mindful of your current posture at all times and always fix your slouch, hip orientation, shoulder position, chest tilt, neck pitch, and the angle of your arms and forearms, for both yaw and roll (your forearms naturally have your palms facing your sides, but if you're in a chair all day i'm assuming yours are facing behind you). the most you can do without exercise, stretches, therapy, or bodybuilding is mind your posture constantly until your new natural posture is the one you make for yourself. hopefully the correct posture.

walking and jogging is the cheapest, easiest, and most enjoyable way of fixing posture, because you're forcing your body to go through natural motions while standing and with gentle exercise. you still have to be mindful you don't slouch (hands out of your god damn pockets). this still does almost nothing for your upper body other than encouraging posture, you'll need to do some upper body fitness to actually enforce it. do pushups, crunches, PLANKS, and whatever other simple callisthenics you fancy along with plenty of frequent stretches. if you're feeling like a manly man then go order some cheap adjustable dumbbells off ebay and do some curls or flies or overheads to help your upper back. strong upper back + strong abdomen = strong posture-influencing muscles, add in confidence and positivity and you've got some mental encouragement to hold it.

also, if possible, stand up to eat off a high surface. if you're forced to sit for a job or sit often for leisure, do anything you can to avoid sitting. stand on trains. park further from work and walk the distance. eat, read, and clean your teeth standing, just don't sit down because it fucks you up.

other top tip, avoid messenger bags, and consider using a light backpack if any, but don't lean forwards to support it, have it fall back somewhat to pull your slouch upright.

I like this

fellow AC fag

That's Adam Lanza's room
I wonder what happened to all his games - I bet he had some good SNES games

reminds me of where I slept as a child when my family first moved

Should I get a black-brown desk or an oak desk? Can't decide. Literally all of my pc stuff is black but idk if that will make it look boring with a black desk.

I have a pretty small room and I think it's time to redecorate.
Does anyone have any pictures of those cosy /jp/ rooms?


two can play at that game.

Is that Vita + DS4 charging dock????

Living by the countryside or are you just generally used to having your dinner as pets beforehand?



Why do you hate comfy shit double fine man?

can you give a closer look on these books?

They're pretty much all artbooks.