>The game has a day-1 patch
The game has a day-1 patch
Other urls found in this thread:
he's got such a weird head
explain. It's like, pear-shaped.
Fuck off
Real women have curves
Day one patch? What?
who is this pretty lady
Are you unaware of what a day one patch is?
shes cute, whats her name?
Christina Weston Clinton
I'm stuck playing Retro Games.
Sleep tight my princess. You will not be forgotten
she look's like me lol
hubba hubba
is that Connor Mcgreggor
They're really common these days. It basically boils down to developers continuing to work on a game even when they've submitted a final build for digital release, or sent a release off for disk writing.
It's a symptom of deadline crunch basically.
It's usually not a big deal, sometimes it's just some small bugfixes, but there have been instances of 10gb+ on day one which is absurd.
Looks like a CRT TV repairman who got zapped while he was working. I bet he has super powers now.
So it's kinda like how, Street Fighter II had different releases? (I.e Street Fighter Champion Edition, Hyper Fighting etc.)
I always thought most day-one patches were just there to enable online functions within the game
No, they're patches for the game that you have to download the first time you launch the game, beofre you can play. Literally a patch on the day of release.
No, in some cases a game is virtually unplayable without the patch as it's a bug filled crash filled mess.
Has The Tainted Valley progressed?
Has he been infected?
For the most part that's just controlled by the release itself. If the game is mostly in working order, then online play will have likely been available to reviewers and streamers for a while before players even get in
He either went to the doctor and won't admit that they had to stop him being insane or it's still going on rotting.
I don't know enough about human health to say how long he can keep going like that but I can't imagine having a constantly reopened abscess filled wound is something that wouldn't cause major health risks after MONTHS of neglect.
A game doesn't just Pop up on the shelf the day after its declared finished.
The game is printed to the disks and stockpiled months before shipping out. During this time the Dev's don't just sit around, they keep on doing QA testing, and fixxing anything they find.
But in the stone age...
>going on rotting.
wat. I haven't heard anything about chris in ages, but last I heard he'd just had his "clit" piercing done. Has he reported that it's fucked up?
He basically made a gash where his taint is and constantly keeps it open (as he self reported).
What a fucking waste, he looks like a rad dad
He purposely keeps it open?
>dishonored 2
>day 1 patch
>still doesn't work
>week 1 patch
>still doesn't work
>week 2 patch
>there is no week 2 patch
>can't even refund now
he thinks it is a vagina that formed through sheer tyranny of will.
>Chris chan ever producing a child
In addition to storing his spunk in tupperware containers in the freezer, he believes he can impregnate himself within his gaping gooch wound he believes is a vagina growing in I couldn't make this shit up
I thought the little bit of acceptance that the lbgqtfyeyf community gave him might help him sober up a bit and maybe change. Fucking hell
>The game does have a day 100 update that revolutionize the game
Sean Murray is redeemed.
He has come to us after his moment of silence to say to us he is building a foundation update. Like the monk who comes down from the mountain after abstain from alcohol, sexes, drugs, and friends, so too has Sean Murray come down from a mountain of solitude to us to ask us "am I to be redeemed?"
Yes Sean Murray is to be redeemed.
Trust has been renewed and Sean Murray and Sup Forums are now in trust together.
The average liberal.
he 'masturbates' with it too.
I.E. he just plunges the fuck out of this open, bleeding, pus-filled wound with his fingers, and thinks it just hurts because he's a virgin or something.
Tell me more about how GamerGate doesn't harass women
Guys I'm actually worried about Chris. Barb probably doesn't have too much time left and this guy obviously can't fend for himself, he coulnd't even held a job at fucking Wendy's. I don't was his saga to end with him dying under some brigde
>post yfw CWC was right all along and becomes the first man to ever grow a vagina of his own volition
>Fap Bait female character that was introduced to sell more copies actually has a dick
So, we need to clear something up here.
At first I thought Chris was just putting on this whole trans thing as a facade to pick up lesbians, given his obvious bigoted views would never allow him to take that sort of thing seriously, and it fits with him being a terrible person.
But with how he openly accepts the mangina and has been going on with this thing for so fucking long, he actually seems genuinely convinced.
So, was Chris actually always trying to transition from the start, or did he basically trick himself into believing his own lies and rather than keep this up as a charade, his autistic mind just thinks this is all totally normal and his transition is proceeding as should be expected?
isn't gamergate just about some sjw chick sucking 5-? dudes dicks in a short amount of time for good game reviews while having a boyfriend?
>the game needs a day 1 patch
>the patch doesn't come until a week later
punk rock moot
The super power of being the most cuckolded man alive.
ecks dee
Started out like that.
Then it just gradually devolved into some retarded NORMIES GET OUT OF OUR HOBBY REEEEEEEEEE movement.
It didn't work on either front.
I think his original bigotry was just what he heard from the people around him, and now that lgbqt shit is all over the internet it has influenced him.
He's much too fickle and self-centered to have real thought-through standards and views on big issues, he just doesn't have the intelligence or strength of character. He's a sponge who adopts beliefs and ways of life to get friends or a chance at sex or simply on a whim
well shit that makes sense.
an interesting analysis, thanks m8
I want to click it. But I know the second I see it, I will regret it.
does anyone wanna organize a write-in campaign where we all email chris and tell him to cut the vagina-wound shit out before he fucking dies
I mean I know we're supposed to be edgy and everything but fuck
Some things aren't meant for mortal eyes.
Seriously, you're dealing with some ELDRITCH shit here, straight up Lovecraftian.
If you really wanna peek, be ready to gain some insight.
Nigga, I ain't clickin' on that
I dunno, I see people skeptical when shitty clickbait gets shat out on stuff like Facebook and tumblr, I think the message that 9/10 game publications are shitholes managed to become a bit more popular.
But that was common knowledge to most people who closely followed the industry.
So what you're saying is, if I look at it, I either die, or become a wizard
Last time I checked his facebook there were a good few people trying to advise him about it in one comment thread. He simply would not listen.
More or less.
no, no magic powers, you just become scarred for life.
This desu
Surely with so many people telling him the same thing it'll get through to him, if this guy is right
Started out that way, then it developed into a kind of backlash against gaming publications for being in bed with one another, and also for not-so-subtly injecting very far-left political "commentary" into every fucking thing they publish. It's a legit movement and the Quinn shit was a real scandal.
how is this is a bad thing
>mfw the gaymergayt infinitechan board and subreddits are still active to this day
Fucking hell, what is wrong with these people?
I'd say that it's nice to have people around who call out shit journalism, but people on Sup Forums do that already.
I also started seeing more disclaimers when game bloggers knew the devs.
>Beta is buggy and unplayable
>"i-its just a beta!"
>Release day with a massive Day 1 patch
>"b-but it just released!"
>6months later
>"t-they are working on it! it'll be good"
It became a community of it's own. Sup Forums was started as an anime board after all, and look what it has become
Yes, it goes to show how angry people get when you take a subversive ideology and unleash it on your audience for no good reason. No one likes to have "top 10 reasons why white men are shitty!!!" shoved up their ass when they're just trying to get the skinny on some vidya.
Can you imagine going into a hobby shop and being told you have to pay 10% more for your items because you're a "white straight Christian male"? It's the same shit, it really is.
It's incredibly shallow and offensive. Why? Because not every white man is straight and not every white man is Christian; moreover, it assumes historical guilt on the part of slavery, something that not all white peoples were a part of, indeed, many white people were in fact slaves themselves, and still are to this day in some parts of the world. And besides laying the ills of all history at the feet of one race and gender is the height of bigotry.
It's just incredibly rude and I inwardly cringe at people backing up the game journos.
Do I dare?
>game is praised/hyped by the same kind of people that likes undertale
>or nu-male sky
>or overwatch
My point is, they're focusing on gamur journalism, but the SJW shit has spiraled out of control and spilled into so many other things.
It just confuses me why the targeted game journalism and pretty much nothing else
>the undertale fanbase has ruined it! it really is a great game! no, really! please play it
are you talking about literally every game?
Take one for the team and then describe it for us
this is your time to shine user
I still think jesuotaku is mentally ill but he acts respectable and polite instead of entitled and bitchy so no one had any problems with him coming out of living his life.
compare to cosmo, who just so happened to come out as trans when he started behaving like an actual crazy person on the regular and just turtled up and asked for money.
The moment I saw it I knew what it was. Someone fap to it.
>Moot caught breaking into macaulay culkin's house but the door nob is electrified.png
I shouldn't have opened that.
I really should not have opened that.
>It just confuses me why the targeted game journalism and pretty much nothing else
Gamergate wasn't an attack on "SJWs" (originally or for the most part) it was about gaming journalism why would it be about any of that other shit?
Nobody was trying to have all SJWs killed or ban Brianna Wu from making games. Any of those "attacks" are bullshit made up to make the core movement seem like a general attack on the far left and women and asking for it to be that is stupid.
The point wasn't that Brianna Wu or Zoey Quin were making games. Anyone is allowed to make whatever they want no matter how fucking stupid it seems. The point was always that gaming journalism had a clear bias going on and had zero credibility to accurately report anything.
>It just confuses me why the targeted game journalism and pretty much nothing else
Nerds are mad that agendas are being pushed inside their hobby. It's video games. It's not real. Who gives a fuck about political correctness and all that retarded shit when everything on the screen is just pixels.
Who the actual fuck wants to go through this self-inflicting pain? I just lost my appetite now. He doesn't even look hotter after the transition. He looks more like the fucking lady from Monsters Inc. than a human woman.
>gaming journalism had a clear bias going on and had zero credibility to accurately report anything.
anyone who isn't a complete shitforbrains already knew this
it's like having a community based around debunking magic tricks, like, no shit they're fake
These are true, and unfortunately is too. Shittaco and Polygon started bullshitting celebrities for support, and the angry retards who turned into the alt-right played right into their hands by turning it into socjus vs anti-sjw drama. A legitimate controversy, turned into a legitimate movement, steered off course into a ditch by reddit and Sup Forums.
H-he's coming over here. We can't stop him. He's so fast. All we can do is pray for a quick death.
>vagina-wound shit
excuse me
If this is real, Chris will be dead by this time next year.
Shit guys. We will literally be watching CWC slowly die in front of us. It'll all be over soon...
Is this the same old wound or is this an update
He got his gooch pierced and called it his clitoris. The bar worked it's way out after getting all infected and shit, now he keeps the infected wound open and thinks he's foirming a vagina.
Yes, seriously.
He also enlarged the wound with a knife.
Ah fuck, I had no idea. I honestly thought he could only improve after JUULLAAAAAAAAAYYYY and the cum recycling but this is his worst move yet