let's talk about why code veronica sucks

ill start

its an re4 trapped in an re3 body
something weird about how claire runs, maybe someone else can put it in to words

Chris' borderline unrecognizable (half Asian?) title screen self.

This thread has potential, but I've never played CV:X. Still I will upboat it.

I guess it's all shit posting and FF tonight. Well, more than usual.

>let's talk about why code veronica rocks
That knife is amazing

What do you mean re4 trapped in an re3 body?

Because it's silly like 4 but controls like 3?

Either way I wouldn't say it sucks. One of the weaker Resident Evils sure but it's still decent.

im not good with it, but i can respect it

maybe its specific to the hd version, but it feels like the tank controls are out of place. im bad at explaining things.
also, after playing 2 and 3 on gamecube, going to a ps3 dpad feels like punishment.

>going to a ps3 dpad feels like punishment
Why are you using the d-pad? Tank controls feel better with the joystick, imo.

Did Legendary Frog make a sequel yet?