Do any of you just, don't have any friends or family?

Do any of you just, don't have any friends or family?

I'm a fucking hermit. I have wine though.

What vidya should a hermit play?

Other urls found in this thread:

Whatever you like playing.

Whenever I drink and play a game it ends up being Brutal Doom. If I'm drinking wine, I usually watch something. So play an RPG

>Brutal Doom

You have no idea how lucky you are that you're not on /vr/.

Opinions on LOGH?

It took me 17 years of my life to finally find this place, I haven't played with people outside since then. I have Sup Forums and alcohol and that's fine by me.

It's politics in space, but it's good though.

>Do any of you just, don't have any friends or family?
Yeah, obviously.

>>What vidya should a hermit play?
Well if you're absolutely starved for human interaction there are always MMOs or other online games.

Just get on voice chat, join a team, make net friends ect.

Otherwise just play whatever you want.

>It's politics in space, but it's good though.
You speak as if politics is a bad thing.

It isn't I very much enjoyed getting to episode 83, but some of the episodes are literally political footsies.

>that meeting for a peace treaty

The guy with the fake eyes; I know he seems shady as fuck but I can't help but think he's going to do something to prove he was truly loyal to the blonde haired perfect guy.

Haven't finished it yet, long series and short attention span.

He's a right cunt, I don't like the way he operates.

>haven't had a single friend since i was a little kid
>didn't go to highschool or speak to anyone my own age throughout my teens
>somehow gain the confidence to go on okcupid
>go on date
>nervous as fuck
>experience constant failure with dating for years but keep trying
>have fucked or gotten a BJ from around 40 women in the past 3 years
>none of this translates into knowing how to make friends

People act like getting laid will magically change your life. I'm still an antisocial hermit who just knows to fake-charm women. Nothing fucking changed.

I was an asshole in arena shooters and such and eventually met someone similar who played quake. We've been together 9 or 10 years now.

The ends justify the means, comrade.

You need characters like him to do the dirty work while your precious perfect character can remain 'perfect'.

He's hardly perfect, I'm watching him break down right now.

I can't make any friends in mmos, I haven't talked to a single person and I'm level 50 in FFXIV.

He's one of the most interesting characters, but you have to play close attention to the plot when it involves him to really grasp what's going on.

Nigga, I get 30 MG of XR Adderall.

I see everything all at once, ever, forever.

My attention is Legion.

Have you even tried? I seriously doubt it.

Do you have a mic? If not get one. Just join a Free Company they probably have a discord you can join and then just get in there be polite. It's not hard and almost everyone I've run into is perfectly friendly. It's by telling yourself you can't make friends you're creating a self fulfilling prophesy.

Better off asking for recommendations based off what you enjoy.

Asking for something you should play, speaks quite a bit about your character.
Hermit or not, take the reigns on your life.

I recommend trying out some grand strategy, maybe Crusader Kings 2.
Check out Tin Star. Text-based choose your own adventure game. Just put on an ol'western playlist and have a good time.

good shit

Gotchu some Bloody-eye eh?
"Keep your eyes open!"

I don't know how to try...

I actually appreciate those filler episodes. As slow as Season 3's first half was, it was nice to see the show taking as much time as it liked setting up its plot points, setpieces and motivations before getting back to the action.

What episode you at so far?

Its glorious.

90 or so, got distracted by sunless sea thread and trying to find where I was before I passed out watching it last night.

Did Reinhard go to that planet with the U in it yet?

One of the greatest shows I've watched

What games let you play as a golden haired brat conquering the galaxy?

I just got to the part where Kircheis dies

that bummed me out a little


If LOGH is my favorite animu and Geneaology of the Holy War, New Vegas and Crusader Kings II are my favorite vidya, what games/anime should I look into?

Even after finishing the series, getting to that section in the books was still a gut punch.

Makes me wonder how I'll react to why are you checking this spoiler, faggot? Finish the show first.

Amazing and surprisingly more relevant nowadays than it's ever been.

very true

But user, he I'm not spoiling the show. Go fucking watch it you nigger.

i bet Sup Forums hates it. They're into all that new faggy shit.

It's almost unanimously loved by everyone.

Didn't Sup Forums pretty much begin the lovetrain for LoGH?



You sure? Wasn't Code Geass making itself look bad by comparison back in 2008?

Everyone except the people who are forced to associate it with toxic thinking due to a specific Youtuber banging on about it constantly.


Anyone remember what that planet was called, anyway?

>this episode
>check the episode number and remaining episodes left

Everybody who's watched it knows what you're talking about, even without the spoiler saying what it was.

God, that scene just perfectly sums up how good this show's production values were.

Shame that they still reused this scene at the end of the show.

I wish I had the scene directly after it which showed similar destruction on Alliance ships. It bugs me having one but not the other.

Infinite Space.

Only because of contrarianism

Deus Ex, Advance Wars 4, and anything Grand Strategy.



In reality who was more in the right? The FPA had worse uniforms


Pretty much the best anime out there

The capes and pauldrons really tie the Empire uniforms together, but I still prefer FPA.

I think yang wenli had it right, people want a strong ruler akin to a autocracy but without the downsides of a democracy/autocracy.


Seems this image needs a bit of updating.

Im alone with my mum and shes too old to leave her alone

First start by saying "Hello" to someone.

I'm pretty sure you've had a conversation in real life, so you should be able to take it from there.

Protip: People will talk to you if you ask questions. Ask what they are doing, or how they are doing. Stop being autistic, you literally have nothing to lose.

Wasn't there a ship so lucky that it never get attack and for such reason, they use it to ferry women and children when the FPS bail on Iserlohn Fortress?

Don't forget to give chicken meat to the dog


i'm not FROM vr but i post on there sometimes and LOL

i'd probably love this, but my job would be like a 2 hour drive.


Can't take any spaghetti when you're spaghettiless to begin with.

Drop the boyardee and get with the san marzano.

Yeah, even with the RIGHT leader, there was still a civil war over petty shit and I can't imagine what the galaxy look like a few years from now after the RIGHT leader die from an unknown illness. Judging from End Credit 3, there is still warring about.

Is there any decent English dub of LOGH? I like watching it but I'm usually watching it in the background and can't switch back and forth between subtitles and what I'm doing


>I want to watch LoGH
>by not watching it at all

Is it wrong that I wanted this bitch dead and kill during that political prison riot or executed by the National Salvation Military Council during the FPA civil war?

most of us aren't gay, so we will never find a woman who lieks arena shooters (they dont exist)

>Is there any decent English dub of LOGH?

Look at him and laugh.

Pretty good, i love the character. Especially Reinhard

I wish I wasn't banned, I'd be posting my LotGH folder

I love this fucking show so much

God, the empire have some of the best looking spaceships i have ever seen. So sexy.

I want a Fire Emblem 4 total war game with Crusader Kings II eugenics so I can play the holy blood game.

A classic.

Saying you love it on Sup Forums is the easiest way to show you aren't "casual".

Blah blah democracy the worst form of government except for all of them.

im same as you totally anti social and just play vidya, my controller is fucked and im waiting for pro one to come out so i cant play vidya ATM im really depressed

She never appears again

This is the moment you've all been waiting for, Sup Forums.


use a keyboard you mongoloid.



Political intrigue in the series feels like something a kid could brew up, so childish and one dimensional.
Space battles are retarded. As is dialogue.
It's okay.


o buh-lieve me i am laffin


are they still doing the remake

Survival games like Ark or Rust can be fun to play as a hermit on PvE. You could build a shack out where there are no players or just do it offline and live off the land.

It's possible to do this on PvP but don't count on it unless you have friends. Chances are you'll be dead by the time you log back in and all your stuff will be stolen.

Imperial outfits really don't look good at all. Yang > Rheinhard
Some of the fights are really well done and remind me of Clauzewitz, some of them are full retard.

Its great, its the most quotable show ever

I hope not.




The manga made me appreciate the Imperial Outfits in all honesty. The manga gives the armor weird headphones, they all have oversized crevates and sashes.
I appreciate the Imperials being more toned down in the anime.

It's a weird thing of design but all they did was make Reuenthal's fringe longer, give Wolfgang fangs and they look like completly different characters and far more generic even outside of the artstyle with the fanart on pixiv.

Production I.G.
It's a readaptation of the novels. I don't think they will touch the original again.

I actually liked the RTS game. I don't know weeb enough but there was some fun in trying to figure out the Imperial missions with little to no guide. I was suprised they lot you zoom on so far and they made an effort with the ships.



Didn't they already do it though? Wasn't that was Tytania was?

>Do any of you just, don't have any friends or family?
I have friends online, all the people I've met in person had interests different than mine and my family is filled with money hungry hypocrites. I'm better off this way

What vidya should a hermit play?