Why is Nintendo the only one willing to go with risky new innovations?

Why is Nintendo the only one willing to go with risky new innovations?

Isn't that more expensive than just ramping up the performance?

They arent really innovations
Its lateral thinking

Nintendo hasn't been doing any risky innovations in years. The Wii U was them just following the tablet market. The 3DS was released when 3D movies were hot. The Switch is an Nvidia Shield.

>The Wii U was them just following the tablet market.
Other way around, tablets were not big when they were designing the WiiU
They were too late and then real tablets took off

Poor business decisions.
>try a gimmic
>gimmic lost us money
>try another gimmic
>gimmic lost us money
>third times the charm

And it's not just these last three systems.
It's always been like this.
>power glove

They used to make money off this shit, but now that people know better, it's all downhill until they master one solid idea.

At this rate, Nintendo will be dead in the water in 20 years

power glove was mattel
ROB was the only way the NES could be sold in the US

Which is the saddest shit, hardly anyone could get the thing to work.

>implying the PS1 is a turkey
N64 is the last time Nintendo was aggressive with marketing. Gamecube was more "dude mario lmao" and after Wii it was "fuck you we print money"

>consoles aimed to casual public

Le bump. I will not stop until I get a good answer.

Why is Nintendo the only one?

ROB wasn't the gimmick, the zapper was
For every gimmick that flops they have one that's actually good/successful
The Switch is something risky for the fact that it's going up against tablets which while don't have the same power but more functionality

The funny thing here is MS/Sony are always running behind with their gimmicks they wait years before releasing shit like the eyetoy, kinect, sony VR which ultimately never lives up to expectations rather than going the Nintendo route and actually coming up with it and packing it in the first place

>new innovations

Kind of unrelated, but the Switch reveal trailer currently has 21M views, whilst the RDR2 trailer, released on the same day, has 9M views

I find that amazing considering how anticipated RDR2 is, and how everyone claims that Nintendo is dead

Because it's not innovation.
So far their supposed breakthroughs have been a wireless motion sensor remote (something they tried before), a touch screen, stereoscopic 3D, and two screens to play a single game. Now all they've done is taken a sidestep and removed one of the screens. Nintendo doesn't "innovate", what they're good at is selling the novelty of the shit they produce, and that's why they keep doing it. The design of their consoles is ugly, the features are laughably dated, and their reliance on gimmicky bullshit draws every third party developer away from them. They have to sell the "newness" of the console to force the illusion of innovation, and since people eat that shit up, they keep trying it.

>this thread again

I'll say generally the same thing I said earlier today:
Their attempts at innovation are resulting in them failing. Their 'innovations' are all more like gimmicks. They don't have to constantly do something new and incredible, just make a fucking quality product (something they have failed at a lot recently)

All they need to do is release f-zero with online multiplayer and stop with the 'innovation' bs

You'd just pirate it and they know it, it's why Melee HD will never happen because it wouldn't be good enough .

>literally invented lenseless stereoscopic 3D, a technology people wouldn't even know about right now if it weren't for them.
>not innovative
>ugly aesthetics when Sony sells medieval sheilds for consoles with itsybitsy controllers for babies, and Microsoft offers only big ass controllers that are big enough for two people to hold.

Fun fact. N64's reality co-processor was a miracle engineering, created by 21 supercomputers running simulations 24/7 for two weeks, resulting in the creation of a processor the size of a fingernail.

>lenseless stereoscopic 3D

completely fucking useless feature that looks awful and causes headaches

>ugly aesthetics when Sony sells medieval sheilds for consoles with itsybitsy controllers for babies, and Microsoft offers only big ass controllers that are big enough for two people to hold.

All of their consoles look like a grade schoolers lunch boxe, and their controllers are bulky uncomfortable slabs of garbage.

>Deviating from the established hardware norms """because"""
>Virtually no innovation of note and/or just flat out bad decisions with their games


Wasn't the N64 released in 96 at the latest?

why do Sonyggers and Xbots get so mad whenever people praise Nintendo?

>headaches and grade school lunchbox
>no innovations of note
>ugly slabs for controllers
Are we talking about Valve or Nintendo now?

This is for Europe. America was already enjoying the best console on the planet and SM64 at the time.

Why do you think Mario is so mad?

Console wars are born of people who can only afford a single console and constantly feel the need to validate their purchase online.

Today I went and traded in an Xbone game and a Wii-U game for a Ps4 game and got to stroke myself off a bit at subtly asserting to the cashier that I owned all three systems.

What did Nintendo have lit before eye toy? That things ancient

> new innovations

>how everyone claims that Nintendo is dead
Everyone says this, but everyone's always interested in what Nintendo is doing.

Nintendo realized with the gamecube they can't compete with the Xbox and PS

They have to rely on brand recognition, gimmicks, and being a niche

>Blacking out game-sensitive content like the Wing Cap and a fucking boss fight
>Ignores the things that the other games actually added

The fact that there's even a small chance that whatever retard made this image wasn't baiting infuriates me.

They didn't add anything that would vindicate all the blacking out in that image you Nintoddler.

Why do you think everyone always says the best levels in Sunshine are the secret stages? For fun?


Well who established a lot of those 'norms' in the first place?
Consoles have always been a source of new or repackaged ideas and once PC really caught up there's really no reason to keep slopping out the same shit with more power with nothing the PC can't do already

>Game removes a power-up
>Game adds another power-up (or may contain more)
>Person who made the image feels the need to black out the wing-cap anyway to grasp at straws

Oh and the faggot also blacked out throwing bob-ombs under 3D World when you do in fact throw bob-ombs and multiple other objects in that game. The image is trash, deal with it.

Sunshine on the other hand was just a mess that had half the levels of its predecessor which made getting all the shines tedious, coupled with slow FLUDD-based gameplay and a vacation aesthetic that never stopped. Worst 3D Mario for a reason.

They have a point though. Look at how much shit you had to get used to, but it was satisfying to learn it all because you got something out of it.

Look at Galaxy and 3D World. There's a lot of stuff that's gimmicky and minimal. They take the reigns from you so that they can shove a gimmick in there. There's still a lot to learn, but you rarely actually need any of it, and most of it has been severely dumbed down.

Reminder Nintendo won E3 in ANNO DOMINI TWENTY-SIXTEEN with one game on a console with contemporary technology from 2006.

And that many people including me, think that game looks leagues upon leagues better in the visuals department where games have their prides pit in battle than anything released since that era.

All those power-ups are ass. The Wing Cap changes Mario's moves. That's why it's relevant.


Those just took away options. Stop defending a game you know you don't like. And Sunshine is still second best after SM64.

nintendo is the only company that understands that increasing the graphics potential isn't going to make their flagship titles more fun, so they are trying to find the next new breakthrough

the big jumps were 8 bit, then 16 bit, then 3d and 32/64 bit, then high poly and complex shaders, but there hasn't been any more significant innovation after that

>Stop defending a game you know you don't like
>Sunshine is the second best
>Wing Cap was activated via triple jump therefore it's better

All right, thanks for letting me know that I can disengage now. Please try not to be as obvious next time. A little more subtlety and you might have still had me fooled.

3D World had the (cool as fuck) side somersault?

I'm not even sure you could longjump in that garbage.

>how everyone claims that Nintendo is dead
Nintendo is dead outside of Japanese handhelds and American manchildren buying everything.

and yet, 21M views

Why are you comparing one single game to a reveal trailer to a console that will likely hold a lifespan of half a decade or so?

Half of them aren't innovation, just gimmicks like the Wii motion controls or the 3D on the 3DS. Even with all those gimmicks, the games that really sell the consoles (talking Mario, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon tier shit) make use of them half heartedly. I mean out of those which games really used them well? I'm pretty sure you could've made Brawl or Tr4sh on any other console if only they had a Nintendo logo on them. Hell those even let you use the old GC controller. Same goes for Mario Kart. Really, of the top of my head only Skyward Sword tried to do something interesting with the controls that couldn't be done with other input methods. Mario Galaxy wouldn't have changed much if you took out the pointer thing and mapped spinning to another button. What Wii U game did anything with the game pad? They pretty much all just put the menus of the touch screen and left it at that. There has to be more to justify having the thing there in the first place

and stop making this thread you autist

>American manchildren buying everything

Don't worry user. N3DS slim will release in your country too eventually.

>Rockstar games
>the biggest multiplat dev in the industry.
>their biggest freaking GOAT
>against Nintendo who has been dead in water since the Wii U to the mainstream.

C'mon. You can't be this tone-deaf brah.

I have a friend who wouldn't give the time of day to Nintendo and 8 doubt has watched the Switch trailer yet, but you would think Sony's "30 MILLION STRONG" fanbase would be all over that RDR trailer.

Nintendo is a company that's been around for a fucking century, and is one of the most well known brands in the world. They announce a video console, their main successor at that, through a Youtube video. Of course it's going to get views.

RDR2 is a big game, but the Switch is an entire platform. It showed multiple releases in the span of three minutes.

Nintendo announced it through a Nintendo Stream which I doubt has ever broken 1 million views at once, and for all anyone knew including us, it was another Wii U appealing to kids.

Rockstar has an installbase of grown ass men two decades strong with a significant following of them gaming on PC. But whatever, I guess you're right. It just doesn't make sense that RDR is so niche compared to GTA.

The secret levels are the best levels because they can focus on level design instead of playing on open levels. It's not about the movesets themselves.

>Why is Nintendo the only one willing to go with risky new innovations?

What innovations? Pretty much all the switch is, is a fancy tablet pc based off the Nvidea shield with bluetooth controllers on the sides and duel purpose charge/usb c to hdmi video output dock.

Only interesting feature is that the joycon controller can be used as two controllers.... but even that isn't original as ipega has had a bluetooth controller on the market which does the same thing for over a year.

Even the very design is unoriginal, it looks almost identical to the Morpheus X300, a chinese handheld tablet pc which has been on the market for over a year.

Nintendo's favorite buzzword, 'innovation' doesn't apply at all this generation.

Woah dummy. You really expect me to read all that shit? If you can't answer me succinctly you can't answer me.

Didn't realize you were illiterate, here this should help.


Said it before, I'll say it again:

>new innovations

As far as risking their necks on old gimmicks, it's because it hasn't been applied to their games before AND they used to have a strong set of IP's for which people would be willing to adopt the gimmicks.

Mario hasn't been good for a while, and Zelda hasn't delivered on its graphics promise since 2002.

Nintendo need to go back to their Red colour scheme.

It was powerful and striking and evoked Japan and gamer attitude.

When they showcased Switch with Red colouring in the marketing, my hype went beyond infinite.

They may have finally figured it out.

Why did you automatically assume I was talking about the Switch?

calling Nintendo hardware "subpar" would be a compliment

im pretty sure the screen on tge switch will be a shitty tn panel since it's already been confirmed to be 720p

>big tablet
>in 2016
jesus fucking christ

If Twilight Princess had released even a year earlier the world would have a different perception on this longrunning meme, because it BTFO all early 360 games,and PC games (HL2 was patched).




They've become the company that makes whacky consoles. They want to see what new whacky shit they can come up with. What people want right now is power (but they won't buy a pc) and Nintendo isn't offering that.

Twilight Princess looked like shit

Isn't it more impressive how far Moore's Law can be pushed?

I don't carry how photorealstic the PS4 Vue Neo 4K can make a game look if it's gotta be big enough to kill a man and can suffocate me with its exhaust. Technology is perfected in order to get smaller and nobody doors that better than Nintendo. I don't think Wii U was ready for onscreen gameplay as games like Twilight Princess lag in Gamepad mode but the Switch definitely looks like a homerun. There's no way they'd revolve an entire console around that aspect otherwise.
Well, it looks better than The Last Guardian at least.

looked far worse than a xbox game 3 years prior

>since it's already been confirmed to be 720p
it hasn't

The Last Guardian does look pretty bad but I wouldn't go THAT far.

you sure?