>Tommy wants Vic to bring back Reviews on the Run while going on tour with him and Videogames Live for the review locations
>Vic is still doing EP every day on youtube even though almost no one knows about it
G4 Tech TV might be dead, but this glorious bastard is keeping the heart of it alive out of sheer passion.
Tommy wants Vic to bring back Reviews on the Run while going on tour with him and Videogames Live for the review...
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What's Vic's channel?
Oh I remember them
Feels bad that kind of no one really knows about ep or watches it even though Vic does it every day. I've recently been watching ep, the old and new episodes and have been enjoying it a lot.
vic is a very comfy reviewer. glad to see he is still doing it.
What is this shit? Link me up
All I want are all the old Cinematech episodes
Please for the love of god give me them, there seem to be no video records of the majority of the episodes.
t r i g g e r e d
Tommy was like the angry joe 9f video games back then he spoke his mind, vic was unbiased and tried to see the good in games but if they were shit he'd agree
>Vic is still doing EP every day on youtube even though almost no one knows about it
Well maybe you should use the full title so that people know what the fuck you're talking about in the first place. I fucking hate when people do that.
>Tommy reviews the shittiest game imaginable
>But I did the music so it's good :^)
Electric playground
epntv on the youtubes
I miss Scott.
Vic really fucking loves classic video game journalism
Tommy really fucking loves video game music
I loved Advent Rising despite its flaws. So much potential gone forever.
>First season was 1997
Feel so old..
I remember those two goofballs. Used to watch them so many years ago. Didn't even know Vic does youtube EP now.
Plus livestreams, and a weekly hourlong podcast thing.
The man seriously loves his videogames.
If you're a fan of old Reviews on the Run, you owe it to yourself to watch this.
Its literally just Tommy and Vic shooting the shit for an hour or so, remembering the old days, shit talking G4, and in general just been buds
Its really cool
>there seem to be no video records of the majority of the episodes.
People wonder why others are so paranoid about archiving everything.
Its honestly a fucking shame, Cinematech was the absolute comfiest shit
footstep noise
>tfw victor is keeping the old episodes hostage and will only release them when he gets a certain amount of subs
>Cinematech was literally a show that played video game cutscenes
I missed when G4 was almost nothing but gaming related shit.
No wonder is shutdown its target audience does not want to watch reruns of cops and cheaters all day.
Tommy's opinions could almost always be disregarded he always gave RPGs a shitty score based off his personal dislike of the genre, thats the exact opposite of what a reviewer is supposed to do. I think that was one of the main reasons for having two people review it.