If I liked playing Bloodborne, Will I like demon/Dark souls?
I feel like the lack of trick weapons might bore me. Does the combat make up for that?
If I liked playing Bloodborne, Will I like demon/Dark souls?
I feel like the lack of trick weapons might bore me. Does the combat make up for that?
Probably. The Souls games have more build and equipment variety to make up for it.
Also let's be honest the trick weapons weren't really anything special. A handful of them had something unique, most were the equivalent of one-handed vs. two-handed movesets. The only cool thing was the switching attack which broke the game in half on the saw cleaver.
Bloodborne has some considerable differences from Demon / Dark Souls.
First of all, in Bloodborne armor sets have no weight so there's no risk of a specific armor slowing you down. In Demon / Dark Souls each piece of armor has a weight to it and you character a specific weight limit that if you go over will cause your character to slow down. Second, Demon / Dark Souls have no sidestep at all, its all about rolls.
DaS1 and 2 are slow in comparison, DeS is quite clunky, DaS3's weapon arts offer more variation, but not at the same extent as in BB, landing parries is much more challenging.
If you are looking for "medieval" style combat, you'll like it
those guys are fuckin creepy
Dark Souls 2 has dual wielding though, which gives it more variations as well.
Plus it has a ton of weapons and armors.
I like them because it reminds me of mon hun weps, but also because I like having a variety of attacks, Threaded cane for exmaple makes the entire game feel like a real successor to 3D castlevania with the whip mode and I love it
The weight system doesnt sound too bad, i'm more concerned that people say its combat is slow and clunky
Snatchers were fun to fight
In retrospect bloodborne was one of the best games I've played in years. Combat is pure bliss.
Amygdala on the other hand is a complete bullshit boss
>I like them because it reminds me of mon hun weps
Kill yourself
Make no mistake, the combat WILL be an adjustment for a while. Bloodborne rewards aggression. Dark/Demon's is much more methodical in it's approach. The good news is that playing without a shield is the absolute best way to go and a Bloodborne veteran will find that easy.
Okay, but in the Souls games, you can just get a whip and do whip things.
In fact you get twice the whip because you also have a two-handed moveset and possibly a powerstance moveset.
Anyway, the combat is slower and more methodical, although that's more of an option. You can still i-frame through everything, but it also supports being slow and lumbering.
There's no rally and healing is slower, interruptible, and more limited, so you have to be a lot more careful about getting hit in the face.
>The weight system doesnt sound too bad, i'm more concerned that people say its combat is slow and clunky
DaS3 is the one that's closer in terms of speed and reaction times, however some weapons will require proper timing, the weight isn't bad at all unless you want to use heavy armor along ultra weapons at the same time
have you even played the dlc?
It's the same damn game, so yeah.
Its amazes me how many people have such a lack of experience with weapons in games. Trick weapons have 1/10th or less the moveset of a action game weapon but because people only compare them to Souls games with like 2-3 moves a weapon at most it seems like alot to people.
Anyways DaS1 is a good game. DeS has aged and honestly isn't that great besides atmosphere. DaS2 is complete trash but it has alot of content. DaS3 is kinda trash too but in a "i guess i can play this when i'm bored way"
DaS1/BB are the heights of the series imo. DaS2/3 feel like worse DaS1 that are better in a few ways but not enough and BB feels like another direction that was really nice and refreshing.
DaS3s speed is fun but it trivializes traversing levels and honestly if you know the pathing you can run straight through a level to the bonfire/boss with little trouble. Yeah its the same for BB and some of DaS1/2 but in DaS1/2 you had to be alot more careful about it cus shit tracked you further and you moved slower.
DeS is really challenging and strategic imo. But its slow paced and clunky compared to all of the others
DaS is best hands down. Fluid combat and magic.
Idk souls games are more about builds and equip weight than stringing combos together.
>basically theyre good and if you like bloodborne you would like at least DaS
Confirmed for never playing them
>Dark Souls
Asylum Demon circle strafe and R1 its ass
Bell Gargs two hand a strength weapon and break their poise in one hit and they die super fast
Capra Demon run up some stairs get it to fall towards you punish and done
Ceaseless Discharge easy or lead it to the fog gate and auto win
Centipede demon dodge a jump attack or shitty slow moves and punish
Quelaag circle strafe shes slow as shit and a easy mode BB boss basically
Priscilla is easy as shit
Gwyndolin is just a chase fight
Demon Firesage circle strafe same shit as Asylum with some gimmicks
Need i go on? There isn't a single "methodical" boss in Souls games. Maybe OnS maybe. and its still easy but its technically methodical i guess. Even Artorias Kalameet and Manus are only somewhat challenging because they're dodge based fights unless you have good poise/a good shield in which case they're easy
I love when people use the word methodical with any Souls games because it just tells me how few games they've played that offer real challenge. So even alittle bit of challenge hurts your little brain.
DaS1/BB are great games and DaS3/DeS are alright but trying to say they're smart in any way just admits you blow shit at games.
>you can run straight through a level to the bonfire/boss with little trouble
That's not exclusive to DaS3
BB rewards aggressive play where DS rewards defensive play. It's slower, and you have to be a bit meticulous about your load outs (read: autistic) to get into DS.
>lists the "method" to beat each boss
>Dark Souls isn't methodical
Farming gems is by far the most autistic thing in any of these games, with the possible exception of DaS2's DLC stupidity involving farming a boss hundreds of times for worthless gear.
>with the possible exception of DaS2's DLC stupidity involving farming a boss hundreds of times for worthless gear.
If its worthless why did you farm for it
Pure bladestone is by far the worst shit you have to farm in these games
Yeah but pure bladestone is actually worth something.
Was I overleveled? Bloodborne was piss easy with its bosses, only ones that gave me trouble were Gasciogne, and Paarl before the henryk set
I eneded the game with gehrman at lvl 97 and I was like 70 for Rom
Yes, you overleveled.
>70 for Rom
Yeah, you were overleveled.
Going from Demon/Dark to BB feels like a natural progression, and going from BB to Dark Souls 3 felt like a step down. The Trick weapons are fewer but each of them feels like a worthwhile weapon to use. The only thing that feels tacked on is the Arcane spells.
Is this guy for real?
I'm coming late to the thread so I'm sure you've already been corrected but
>I feel like the lack of trick weapons might bore me.
You've got to be kidding. The weapon selections in the other games absolutely dwarf Bloodborne. You will not be bored.
>equipment variety
Not with all those shared movesets.
70 for Rom's a bit high but I ended up around the same by the end of the game. You get a ton of blood echoes and it's not like there's a whole lot to spend them on.
Really though, yes, the bosses from Rom on are kind of a joke. Don't know what they were thinking with encounters like The One Reborn.