Die you degenerate Barneyfag
>hehe no mods around better post my pony shit ebin x-D
Fucking hang these pieces of shit
Hi Lee Goldson
kill them
Do you ever sleep Barneyfag?
Why is the horn bent?
Of course I do. It just might not seem like it because of how often I post
>A dude likes to sew, owns two cats, and cooks well - fantastic!
they should still die
Someones shitty OC that supposed to look "special".
You can't hide your identity, Revved.
>not BBC
>mfw I false flag threads so I can validate my less than worthless life by spamming more same fag posts i created from other forums in support of a position no one on this board disagrees with in the first place
anyone know what's happened to the mods/moderation team?
She has the unicorn equivalent of impotency.
Look at that dick tickler he's grown
Also looks like an autistic kike version of Ringo starr
They stopped giving a fuck
i know that artist irl
also pic is him Mods dont care about Barneyfag dox either because of how deplorable he is.