Build a high end PC

>build a high end PC
>blows up after three months because garbage company can't produce parts correctly
>out $1k+ because some faggot chink

Why do people like PC gaming again?

Other urls found in this thread:,4566-4.html


They spent too much money on their toys so they try to justify wasting so much money. Baffles me really.

never skimp on the power supply

The power supply was fine. My 1070 on the other hand literally destroyed my whole rig.

What part and did you cheap out on it? Did you research brands? Did you fuck with?

Fuck me my gaming PC from 2 or 3 builds and 10 years ago is a server now still running on DDR2 and its old motherboard.


Because you were stupid enough to buy into the hype of new GPUs and didn't wait for actual hands on experiences to judge their quality.

I've built my own PCs for years, I always lowball parts because I'll get nearly the same performance and pay less than half for a whole rig than a single part.

Those types are the worst kind of PC users. Anyone who brags about spending a thousand or more on a single GPU are asking for shit to go wrong.

I haven't upgraded by toaster in years new games don't interest me at all.

Why do car junkies like cars?

>My 1070 on the other hand literally destroyed my whole rig.


RAM because I wanted pretty lights but that's it

I should've listened

Nvidia has more gimmics than the Wii. As much as I liked my old EVGA 9800 I've not bought one of their cards in years, and damn sure wouldn't touch a shittier manufacturer of their cards.

1 - how
2 - why companies are not responsible for their products wrecking everyone's shit.
I mean, you can sue e-cig manufacturer if it blows up in your face but cant do anything about GC destroying your shit?

If the PSU was high quality that wouldn't have happened, you dumb shit. They shut down if an over voltage happens.

Only buy Seasonic or high-end tier versions of: EVGA(Super Flower), Corsair(Flextronics) and Antec(Delta). These are fail-safe.

Not him, but EVGA 1070's didn't have thermal pads and there are plenty of reports of them frying out of exploding.

I demanded newegg refund mine because I thankfully found out before I opened mine and got an Asus card instead. On that note, R8:

I know 32gb of ram is overkill but I figured i'd be better off buying 2x16 sticks then the off chance of actually finding out I need 32gb and then having to hope I can find another 2x8 sticks of the original 16gb set I would buy.

>EVGA 1070's didn't have thermal pads and there are plenty of reports of them frying out of exploding.

Oh, i only buy Gigabyte video cards anyway. But i did hear about this EVGA problem. It's not the first time an aftermarket cooler brand lacks the thermal pads. People only started cared about this after the cards started blowing up.
Which is why i always bought Gigabyte, they always make some very complete heatsinks that always touch all the heat producing components. Asus is pretty good at this too. MSI and EVGA are the ones who cheap out sometimes and don't put proper cooling solution on the VRMs.


Nvidia really dropping the balls lately.
Energy consumption, naturally overheating cards, drivers that burn cards, cards that overheat due to lack of proper cooling.

I guess its not just a meme.

Gigabyte and Asus are completely fine

what psu should i get for a 1070?

you have a year as a consumer to take that back and get it repaired, but they will most likely just replace it because repairing a fucked graphics card is more trouble than it's worth

stop whining on fucking Sup Forums and go do something about it IRL

Will the replace rest of his PC?
OP is a bullshitter probably, one post and his out

>3 months
There is a warranty for that kind of stuff, user.
>can't afford to play with the big boys
Stick to consoles, kid.

Does anyone know if the 3.5gig problem was ever fixed?

Yes, they patched in an extra 0.5 gig or RAM.

Its impossible to fix so...
Why do you even mouseover
you know what I am going to say
ok, ok, here it goes

how the fuck can ram blow up. I once had the same no-name stick for 5 years and nothing happened

Should have got a DELL!

It was fixed by releasing a new generation of cards

what does chinese ass-sex have to do with your peesee

It is indeed a heating issue.. but that's really because they cheaped out buying samsung ram. Only the first batch of their 1070s and 1080s used samsung ram. After that, they used Micron ram.

Micron ram overheats and fucks shit up. And it's not just a issue with EVGA, it's a issue with 1070s and 1080s regardless of brand. Only EVGA came out to give their buyers free thermalpads while all other companies are turning a blind eye and pretending it's all good so they can save money.

>but that's really because they cheaped out buying samsung ram.

The newer ones are coming with Micron because the demand was too big and Samsung couldn't handle it.

>Only EVGA came out to give their buyers free thermalpads while all other companies are turning a blind eye and pretending it's all good so they can save money.

All the other ones come with thermal pads though. So there is not much they could do. Gigabyte G1, the entire heatsink makes contact with the VRMs with thermal pads. MSI Gaming X has a small strip of small heatsinks on the VRMs and it has the thermal pads. Asus makes direct contact with thermal pads too, this one is usually the best solution, so no surprise Asus and Gigabyte go with this one.

EVGA is the only one who dun goofed. Even Nvidia founders edition was using the thermal pads.

fuck niggabyte.
they stopped supporting my motherboard and I can't upgrade to the new gen GPUs.

Oh yes Gigabyte's bios support is a disaster. They do it on purpose though. The best bios support is Asrock, even if they're subpar in quality.

>spend around a consoles worth every year on upgrades, retire parts to friends or server
>144fps in fast paced games
>multi-monitor so i can watch movies and chat while i play comfy games
>Steam Link brings PC into a living room
>Have gamepads(xbob 3fiddy and steampad), and Joystick, throttle and pedals. Having the time of my life playing ARMA(pc exclusive)
>Modding means i get futa horsecocks in any game i want, free of charge.
>Piracy if i want to play something without paying(basically the modern version of a demo)
>Along with every other advantage of a PC
>Buy a Playstation every gen so i can play MGS, Final Faggotry, Gran Turismo, and GTA(which is now better on PC).
>When i'm done with it i pass it on to younger siblings

When the Praystation exclusives move to PC, there is literally no reason to buy a console unless you're a poorfag. If you don't know how to put together and upkeep a PC you're an retard.

>even if they're subpar in quality.

Even if the motherboard* is subpar in quality. The bios are well done and they always try to keep everything up to date.

When it comes to motherboards, always go with ASUS, they're the leader in this area. And their video cards seem to be top notch too, at least in terms of heatsink design.

>tfw still using my Z68 Gene-Z
>tfw every expansion card and new GPU I've used, including a 1070 has worked flawlessly

not true, gigabyte were the one one to put out a fixed model (you'll be looking for the a2)

hows the Palit GameRock Premium 1080? Was eyeing on it, even tho it looks shit (would repaint it manually; this doesn't void the warranty, just so you know)

>Samsung couldn't handle it.

lol, only retards actually believe this. Samsung is one of the biggest microchip companies in the world. If they can't handle it, nobody can. The simple truth is that Micron probably offered a cheaper price.

Based Sapphire will never have an issue. Ever.

>the post

Legit surprised here, last thing I expected.

It works alright.

>people said not to buy Founders Edition card
>then the micron memory happened
>then the EVGAs started exploding
>my FE runs below 64C at full load and clocks at 2.1ghz

Fuck you people.

>he thinks AMD has had an issue this gen

is this under full load?
how does it compare to it's competitors in terms of quality?

What's the power draw on a 1070? Significantly higher than a 770 or about the same?

Power draw is the least of your worries if you're still on a 770.

About the same. Maybe a bit less.

Don't forget dropping optimization support for older gen cards.

Not that guy, but my 770 is a fucking champ. Though updating my drivers was a mistake. Fuck you nYIDia.

Yes, they always put it under full load. It's just a little bit hotter than the other big boys.

Yeah but it's no 7070/290


That card is a fucking beast.


Because retardation is an aberration. I'm sorry for your parents.

This is why I put a 200mm fan in the side panel of my case. Blows directly into those hot zones and gives my card some cooler temps, shaves off like 8 degrees under load.

Anyone else notice that the price of the 980ti went... way WAY up? I mean, holy shit. No Nvidia consumer level card has cost this much in the past.

Could just adjust your goddamn fan curve instead.


For 1080@60fps it might as well be. Had a 390 for a short period but i sold it to a friend for cheaps because i didn't really need the extra power. I tweak the settings a bit, but i don't notice much of a difference.
Usually when the fps drops, it's due to poor optimization, which happened on the 390 as well so i ended up tweaking that too.

Also, Sup Forums told me to wait for until 2025 to buy a new GFX

pic unrelated

PSU is evga supernova g2 750w


There's your problem.
They've had a long streak of fuck ups lately and it doesn't seem to get any better.

980ti is probably the most solid card they've ever produced. It might be the best on the market right now.

Any source to back that up.
Everywhere I read everyone says that it wasnt fixed.
At one forum someone even said that he read it was fixed by 'some manufacturer" but everyone claimed it wasnt.

Realistically what would Sup Forums recommend as a card to play all modern AAA games? Because even consoles are fucking up at the moment

G2 has some flaws. I only recommend the P2.

Ya know, I was going to try to make the argument that the hardware in my PC lasts years because I don't buy bullshit and I know how to take care of it, but I've had to replace bad computer parts while my 30 year old NES still fucking works.

I have no justification. Even though my parts died as the result of a lightning strike on my apartment building from years before they finally burned out, I can't honestly claim that PCs are more reliable that consoles.

Oh, wait, I had like 4 Xbox 360's and 2 PS3's die on me. Never mind.

It can't really be fixed because it's not a problem. Those 0.5gb are deactivated because 970 was designed like that. Sup Forums can give you the proper detailed explanation.

I run an overclocked 2500k and an overclocked 1070 on a 45 dollar CX600.

2 Xbox (fat) , 1 ps2, 1 ps3 here.

PS4 works just fine but there's no games on it.

For under $300? An aftermarket RX 480.

It wasn't fixed. It's a fundamental flaw with the architecture of the 970. There was a class action lawsuit that Nvidia wound up losing earlier this year and they had to pay out $100 to every 970 owner who cared.

Don't go amd

you know you can simply increase the speed of your fans by like 10% under load?

wew lad that can't even remotely get 60 fps at 1920x1080 on new releases

Buy one of those Fury Nitro cards , price goes from 250 to 330 just watch out.

Are you new? Do you have no idea how the hardware markets work? Why do I always read this dogshit?

Yeah and neither could a 390 or 970 which it beats.

Remember to only buy Nvidia!!!

so I should throw it in the trash and drop 250€ on the p2?

Fans 100% on an MSI 1080GTX being under full load gives 72 degrees C, when I turn on the 200mm fan in the side the temp goes down to 64 degrees C. Sure the card won't always be under full load and need to use 100% fan speed but with a single side panel fan you can give the card some breathing room without having to stress the card fans harder. Plus not having all the fans spinning so hard makes a lot less noise.

If only.
My 1070 can't play WD2 at 1080p/60/max

EVGA 1000 series has fucked VRMs, pretty sure every part in your PC will have a 3-5 year warranty and EVGA especially would make up for it.

Not saying all their cards are shit, but most seem do seem to be losing steam after 1-2 years.
It's retarded only their TI cards seem to hold up for more than 2 years.

>which it beats

>similar performance or better for less money, power draw and temps isn't beating it.

I used a 770 until this year. They don't "lose steam," new games just look AND run shitty.

>random user
>affects some 550w units, maybe 650
>same shit on the p2

do you read the comments before posting or are you just shitposting?

If it failed after 3 months it'd be under warranty faggot. This isn't a ps4 where you'd lose your console and the company wouldn't cover it because something insignificant like overheating isn't covered

Funny you say that considering how my 290X still does a good job. I normally only reach 78c and sometimes 81 in demanding games. Which isn't all too much.

>bought a 970 knowing it had 3.5GB VRAM cheapish
>faggots shat on me for it
>my face now

Only the earthwatts brand*

My personal favorite is the RM750i, but P2 is fine too if you like EVGA.

That post is pretty old.

Aris Mpitziopoulos is the guy who researches about this.

He tested the P2 here:,4566-4.html

Almost all G2s are using that trick, except the ones above 850w if i recall correctly.

Even now?

Lel my vapor-x 290 is on par with the 980 in quite a lot of games. See, AMD don't gimp their cards every new gen.

And who the fuck buys reference GPU's with shit cooling anyway?

>Playing Ubisoft games other than Siege

>I can't upgrade to the new gen GPUs.
Literally how?