let's go
Skyrim memes
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I swear, the amount of times bandits have yelled this shit at me.
someone needs to make the second part of the argonin maid comic
when you kill the chicken
ITT: Cringe
is the kid supposed to be a toddler/baby?
Why didn't the artist drew him bald? That much hair makes it hard to tell if he is a baby or is just retarded
Is this CHIM?
Have you been to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.
well he has alot of money amirite
edit thanks for the Sup Forums gold
>playing as a dark blood imperial(for the shekel perk) mage(350 spell mod)
>kill the fucker when he is sleeping in the inn
>use the voice of the jew to pacify the one goy that saw
I hate Sup Forums.
Sup Forums.org/home/
>voice of the jew
Funniest thing in this thread.
>there is a slim chance OP is not being ironic
thanks user
>this thread
>Third to last panel, he has one arm on the ricasso and other on the hilt
>Last panel, he has both hands gripping the hilt
hes a halfling user
Both Dragonborn and Alduin are aspects of Aka.
Reappearance of Alduin through time at this moment to save Dragonborn was very obviously orchestrated by both the Elder Scrolls and Akatosh, especially since, again, both Alduin and Dragonborn are the same being in the larger view of things.
guys I figured out how to undress the lovely ladies of skyrim
ye if ur a memer
I still don't quite grasp the whole separation of the Dragonborn and Alduin.
Alduin is the end of time, right? With Akatosh being time itself. The Dragonborn sent to stop the end of time. Is Akatosh just schizophrenic or are Akatosh and Alduin somehow different though connected?
shit looking liznard
yeah, but we're socially conditioned to think he is evil so we have to kill him
Et'Ada are basically Spheres/ideas/concepts with agency.
Time is a Dragon, originally it might have been called Bormahu, Aka-Tusk, whatever.
Both Alduin and Akatosh are lesser subsets of that Et'Ada, aspects of it, ideas that are part of it, though Akatosh is a larger idea.
The problem is that Dragon God of Time has a dissociative disorder like some other Et'Ada do, thoug not all. A lot of his own aspects go in conflict with himself...so yes, he is insane.
That being said it's alright because the most venerated and popular aspect right now is Akatosh, who is very benevolent and after Oblivion crisis he got a power boost through Martin Septim and Amulet of Kings.
End my suffering, Peter.
Akatosh is Time itself, meaning the entirety of it. Alduin is just an aspect of Akatosh, or a part of his divine being. Alduin is there to "eat" the rest of time and end the existence of time in that dimension.
What Skyrim tried to do was very confusing and sometimes it felt like even Bethesda didn't know what they wanted to do though.
Alduin supposedly succumbed to his primal need of domination and decided to conquer Nirn instead of resetting it, but at the same time it seems that he came to end the world at the wrong time too...and no one knows why he goes to Sovngarde at the end of your first battle because he himself fucking said
>foolish Dovahkiin, you can not defeat me on this mortal plain
Then he fucking proceeds to fly to a plane of Shor where his form can be destroyed.
Every single post here is at the very least behind 12 layers of irony.
he did that so he could explore youtube.com
Got it, nice explanation. And nice job mentioning Oblivion, I was going to ask if the ending had anything to do with it.
Doesn't the Dragonborn end up sending Alduin through time with an Elder Scroll or some shit anyway? I only played Skyrim once, but if so, good fucking luck to that time period.