Why did Niko freak the fuck out when Vlad fucked Roman's girl?

Why did Niko freak the fuck out when Vlad fucked Roman's girl?

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Because he was disrespecting his cousin

But Vlad treated Roman like shit countless times, why would he suddenly get ticked off?

He obviously doesn't want any cucks in the family.

he didn't, at first. vlad jokes about it with niko several times. but roman getting upset over it is what pushed him over the edge. i guess he was just angry that he came all the way across the ocean only to see that his cousin has turned into a pathetic worm. and he can't kill roman, so he has to vent his rage on someone.

Because fucking his girl is a step too far and eastern European families back each other up


is it even established that he had sex with malorie

Who the fuck cares. that was the shittiest GTA game in the whole series

I miss this game

not even close, i know its a meme to love them but gta4 is easily better than gta 1, 2, london, 3, and 5

why bro? it was alright, nothing too over the top like previous games but the neat details are the strength of 4.

>playing deathmatches in bohan
>gta race
>cops and crooks
>playing tbogt with your bros
>you will never do these things ever again

GTAIV is one of my favorite games of all time. It was the most grounded and 'realistic' GTA game but I doubt Rockstar is going to make a GTA like it ever again.


This game was fucking depressing. I thought I felt bad when you get betrayed by Karen, and then Kate happened.

Man I really miss GTA IV's multiplayer with my friends, everyone jumped ship from GTA V within a couple months because there was nothing to do without money.

>why bro? it was alright
i didnt say it wasnt, it still inferior to the rest

>le hate on GTA V meme XDD

now thasts a way bigger meme

I hated the story in this game but loved the gameplay. Well the non-mission gameplay.

>it's possible for people with this shit taste to post here

But it wasn't established that Roman was that upset over it until Niko already flipped shit on Vlad over the phone about it. I think it was just that Niko knew Vlad was a low-level gangster talking a lot of bullshit, and when he inferred that he was fucking Roman's woman, it pushed Niko to the breaking point.

Niko was willing to take a lot of shit for a paycheck, but he had standards.

did anybody else on steam get a GTA IV update today? or am I just seeing things

Cops and Crooks was literally the best multiplayer game mode I've ever played in any game. I'm livid they didn't bring it back for GTA 5.

Fun game. Interesting characters and story. Great multiplayer.
Definitely weakest radio overall. Yes even worse than V's

>GTA 4 is better than GTA 5

yes there was a minor PC only patch. unfortunately game still uses gfwl by default (though easily modded out)


His cousin just got cucked by some fat hairy dude. Niko got upset. It's not rocket science, people.

>worse than V's
not even remotely

story was shit, not a single likable character, driving was like NFS, so easy that it's impossible to die, nothing but nigger music on the radio, missions were mostly bad, random encounters were mostly bad, no DLCs, online was the sole focus of the game and it's not even as fun as IV's

b-b-b-but u cud fly aeroplanes, drive army tanks and parachooot!!11

Seriously, this is literally the only fucking reason why people liked V. The only redeeming feature of the game was the ocean.

i just meant vlad was joking, niko gets upset every time it's mentioned, not just during the phone call. but he didn't make any indication that he was going to act on it until roman starts having his meltdown. it was that point that he realized he was going to have to take the reigns from roman and lead them to success, unlike what he thought was going to happen.

>Fixed a bug with the "Resource Usage" indicator on graphics cards with more than 2GB of VRAM.
>Fixed a bug that restricted settings changes when using modern video cards.

Finally fuck. I mean, I didn't think this would ever happen but at least you don't need to make retarded shortcuts to bypass this or run the game at lower settings.

Based Rockstar actually caring for their games a bit.

just because more people dislike it, doesn't mean its a meme. it's world isn't very interactive and most of its map is fucking nothing in favor of a big mountain so you can do le backflip and fall for 2 minutes which gets boring after 2 tries.
>but muh fps mode
literally all it does better

It is in fact gta v was crap, 1/10, game was only useful for getting into comfy places and chill
What will you choose to play with?
Cuck broken potato idiot, niggerino, homo rapist?
Alpha hairy chest angry man
Choose wisely

>not liking the best GTA
>GTA IV over GTA V
t. edgy teenagers

says the guy defending "DUDE MEME WEED!!" the game

>the best GTA

San Andreas and Vice City was better than that piece of shit. Of course, you never played neither of them and V is most likely your first GTA game.

This isn't a bait reply or nostalgia googles. GTA V is better than GTA IV for a few simple reasons.

1. World
GTA IV is all city, no nature. GTA is boring as fuck when you're driving around a non-complex city with various bridges and alleys, unlike IV, V has hillsides and variety. 100% of GTA V is great (except, maybe the story; even then i still had a blast), and the city is smaller and worse than in GTA V.

2. Driving
Yeah, it's too slippery. But that's what makes it shit. It's exaggerated and it's retarded, you feel like the suspension is fucked to shit for having a bit of "skill." It's actually not fun to drive well in IV and perfectly time your braking to get around corners as fast as possible. GTA V's is fixed for the better

3. Music
GTA V's is better, GTAIV is for Slav faggots

4. Cops
Fun in GTA V, shit in IV (i love how delusional IVfags shit over the cops in V, even though IV's cops are worse, seriously git gud)

Look, I know GTA V is good, but GTA IV is actually much more shittier to play all around, and the world is grey and boring as fuck

>"git ENB on IV"
if you're a big ass faggot, Vanilla V on PC looks x100 better than IV on "ultra with ENB"

>"Muh characters"
Johnny "the Jew" (no coincidence) Klebitz was a spineless little bitch ass faggot, Niko was a gigantic pussy (considering he's been in a couple of wars), and Luis was decent (although he was kinda boring)
Roman, Packie, Yusef, and Brucie is the exceptions to the rule, Kate was a cunt that can't give head, Dwayne was a melodramatic faggot. end of story

TLAD was pretty good, but when faggots say it's GOAT and it's a GOTY, i fucking kek at them


reply says you're a cuck

t. edgy memester

yeah you're wrong on most aspects
seriously don't post again

GTAV is one step away from being Saints Row or Just Cause shit

If a tank cannon can't destroy buildings it loses some of its charm.

>Saints Row and Just Cause
t. faggot with no tastes

I think Niko is the only GTA protagonist a Sup Forumsirgin could hang out with with minimal danger to his life.

i didn't say that, it's just i don't want GTA to be like them

Niko is ex-military. He thrives on hurting people, but needs to find justifiable reasons to do so.

nah, Mike is

>Dwayne was a melodramatic faggot
True, but I still don't understand people who killed him.

>no nature
you mean like the rest of the games?

>driving, music
this is opinion

they don't even try to arrest you in gta5, don't try to pull you over just ram your backside while cops in 4 try and run you off the road

5 is shit get over it, i refuse to believe people like you enjoy it more, you are probably in debt or some shit because you bought ingame ships with real money like a fucking retard