Look up guide

>look up guide
>author is 30 levels higher than you and is using mechanics you aren't even aware of

>this next boss should be easy
>it's the reason you looked up a guide

Other urls found in this thread:


>based Uli is quitting vidya
Video games are finished, boys. The dream is dead.

who is that

>you will never be Uli

>author is 30 levels higher than you
What game would this even happen with?

dark souls

Why isn't he receiving government money? He's literally taking a job away from someone that might need it more.

>Author is 20 levels lower

some faggot who degreases his pizzas

I dunno about OP, but shit happens every time I run into any kind of trouble in a JRPG (not like it happens often though, since most don't really pose any challenge). The guide authors' "suggested level" is always unrealistically higher than the level I end up at at the boss in question.

Nick Smith

>want to just ctrl+F a section you're having a hard time with and not spoil the whole game
>all the guides are now 2 hour long youtube videos that start with, "chip chip cheerio, it's mcbuggery here"

If it's a darksouls guide, you could just compensate with a higher level weapon.

>look up dark souls boss fight on youtube
>player has like 60 vit

>Look up guide
>"Use this skill that you should've unlocked earlier in the game"
>"It's basically impossible without using it"

fucking this
never thought I'll be saying this, but I miss gamefaqs
yeah I know it's still up and running, but you know


>look up guide
>author is super OP
>"With this simple method you will level up real fast"
>It requires a ton of abilities you havent unlocked yet

>"this boss is real easy if you've followed the exact character build from this guide"

Literally Split Infinity's GameFAQS guides as a teenager.

JRPG players are casual fucks who just grind the shit out of everything.

It's fun in small doses but fuck that autism, seriously.

>Uli's code

Fucking this. Never listen to any level advice from a guide, It's all insanely high


>With this method you should level up fast
>You need to have finished the game already ona different character

>youtube guide
>uploader has 96648 gold
>you grinded a bit and have under 5000

This, fuck's sake.

Reading is faster and more "versatile" than having to listen to somebody drone on.

>you will never go shopping at walmart and go through nick's checkout lane

why live

i thought he ded...

>You will never print out a list of fatalities for MK again
>You will never print out a cheatcc page so you have all the cheat codes
>You will never print out a page of a walkthrough again
Sweet lord, take me home

>just want to find a single NPC or item location
>its some 10 minute long video of a faggot babbling on while stood still

because you need a diagnosis and doctor visits cost hundreds of dollars and even a diagnosis isn't a guarantee

>Look up Dark Souls area guides
>Level "advice" is JRPG tier
For what fucking purpose
You don't even gain anything by grinding

>and doctor visits cost hundreds of dollars
what shithole country is he living in? It's the US, isn't it

I said dollars, you put the pieces together.

When playing dark souls I always found that the recommended level for whatever I was doing was lower than the level I was at, and I was still having trouble:

>Canadian Dollars
>Australian Dollars
>East Caribbean Dollars

The list goes on and on.

Just post a fucking line from the book already so we can marvel at his autism you fucks.

>looking up guides
OP as always a faggot

There was a FAQ for one of the God of War games, and in it the writer actually says, "If you're reading this here, this is probably the only thing you're looking up in this FAQ." It was because there was a screen past an area that looked blocked with debris but wasn't.

Can't find any. Would you rather some from 10 Elemental Masters?