Time for unpopular opinions

time for unpopular opinions

SFV is the best fighting game
RPGS in general are trash and not worth the time, turn based even moreso
1,000 constantly active players is more than enough to qualify any PC game as above "dead"
Hitman '16 is by far the best hitman game, anyone complaining about always online is a filthy pirate
Just Cause 3 was actually a ton of fun
The Witcher 3 had good combat but suffered from repetitive missions

Other urls found in this thread:


VN's are video games

now you've gone too far

The Legend of Spyro was a good series

You're a fucking idiot if you get triggered by "gg ez"

there is literally nothing wrong with having anthro characters in your game

If a turn-based menu sim JRPG is considered a game, than I see no difference

Kojima is not a hack


Confirmed for moron

Doom 3 is the best in the series.

Toxicity should be a feature in online competitive games and toxic players should not be banned.

Overwatch is a bad game for retarded casuals

Metal Gear Solid 2 is pretentious garbage.

[insert retarded, contrarian, special snowflake opinions]

>witcher 3 had good combat

Oh and this. Literally only played 10 games, just the placements, and it put just shy of platinum. Absolutely inexcusable, I can't be in the top 12.5% of players after only 10 games that is garbage

I couldn't get into Kotor. I found the story meh aside from the twist, the gameplay being nothing special and the only good character being the angry robot.
And fuck the underwater level.

Super Mario Sunshine was better than 64

Why do you need to spoiler everything. OP is a fucking faggot. Most popular opinions thread.

FFIV is easily the worst of the SNES trilogy.

Kid Icarus Uprising was garbage

DS1 > Bloodborne = DS2 (SOTFS) > DeS > DS2 > DS3

Playing on a handheld in public is fine as long as you aren't ugly, fat, shaved your neckbeard and are decently dressed

[insert retarded retort proclaiming you are a cuckold]


Nah even with those conditions you look like a retard. Just read a book or some shit

> DS2>DeS
> DS3=BB

>Square enix has never made a good game and ride the majority of there success off pretty graphics and shallow gameplay
>Dark souls 3 was legitimately worst then 2 because its really unfinished
>SWTOR is a better game then modern WoW
>All FPS are the same shit now days so I have no clue how people can say X is better
>The future story in Assassins creed is actually good if you arent a normie faggot and can see the depth of what it means.

Yup, stupid faggot game made for tumblrites and fat disgusting "gamer gurlz" who think they look like Mei but are actually look like the Michelin man.

I'm fine with anime graphics and to a lesser degree shonen shit, but I refuse to play games that are gratuitously moe or panty shots every five minutes

Not OP, but I don't think the combat was 'good', but on the other hand I think Sup Forums blows how "bad" it is out of proportion. Compared to TES games (the other "major open world RPGs") it's fucking genius.

The real problem with the combat is they throw tons of options at you (a hundred potions, multiple weapon types, tons of skills/signs/etc, a dozen bomb types, sometimes even environmental advantages) and despite that even on death march you can easily take on enemies 5+ levels above you with just your swords and maybe some oil applied for shits and giggles.

I liked Dead Space 3, I thought the side missions were a fantastic addition and the gameplay was still fun despite them adding questionable mechanics. Worst in the series, sure, but not irredeemable.

Also RE6 is fun as fuck, I don't care what anyone says

>RPGS in general are trash and not worth the time, turn based even moreso
fucking triggered

This opinion is only unpopular with thin-skinned faggots who have lived sheltered lives and can't handle being called a nigger a few times
I agree completely. There's nothing better than getting an autistic rivalry going with some guy because he teabagged you or some stupid shit

Sounds like a pretty popular opinion to me. I have that same opinion at the very least.

>assassin's creed story is deep
have you ever read a book? I mean like a real book and not for school either. I'm genuinely asking.

These aren't even opinions, you're just wrong most of the time with these

Fallout 4 is better than NV. FFX2 is best FF.
Not OP either. I don't like the way he twirls around like a ballerina, and the defensive spell activates even when you guard is bs.
Le 2012 doomsday was a mistake.

Vidya is the only medium where I tolerate shonen shit because it's hard to find anything else tbqh. Any /lit/ our Sup Forums stuff that's power of friendship I avoid like the plague.

There's literally nothing wrong with playing on a handheld in public if you use headphones or have sound turned off. There's no reason for an adult to give a shit about something that doesn't affect them. The opinions of children and manchildren are irrelevant.

These aren't unpopular opinions, they're normie opinions.

>SFV is the best fighting game
What fighting games have you played? Because I could see that opinion when compared to SFIV (which I understand just turned into super-meter canceling) and a lot of other popular games, but not necessarily better than all other fighting games

>RPGS in general are trash and not worth the time, turn based even moreso
Sadly, somewhat true. That said, a lot of games could be considered not really worth the time, so it does depend on what you prioritize. A lot of RPGs tend to focus more on a large world to explore and/or the lore surrounding such a place.

>1,000 constantly active players is more than enough to qualify any PC game as above "dead"
Depends largely on the game. For one with just random matchups that should be fine. When you involve rank matchmaking systems then less players becomes a bigger problem. For a large team-based game (i.e. Overwatch) which also involves rankings, then you want a larger playerbase than just something like Street Fighter.

If a game has multiple online modes, then those 1000 players get stretched between then and some modes can end up with considerably less players than that.

Toxic players are a problem and there's no reason to be a fucking asshole online.

People who wine about 'but muh bantz' or 'get thick skin' should realize that they aren't being offensive. They just aren't funny. You aren't funny. You aren't an amusing person with your banter, you're just a dumb cunt. You don't actually offend anyone, you just show you're someone without any creativity or originality in their words.

lmao get bullied nerd

t. Cuck


Paid mods were a good idea, but had a bad implementation. I really hope that it comes back in the future.

Actual banter can be good. Throwing shit all around you and thinking that you're funny or helpful is fucking cancerous, but can be rendered harmless by just ignoring the cunt. You lose nothing of value, these children never have anything interesting to say anyway.

Neptunia games are ok.

FFXIII was fine and the combat was good.

XIII LR has the best combat of the entire series.

SaGa a.k.a The Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 are better than FF 1, 2, and 3.

FF6 is not that great.

FF4 is the best FF.

Halo CE is the best FPS ever.

Tie Fighter (DOS) > X-Wing

The Vita is the second best handheld ever, second only to the GBA.

Quest 64 was good.

Mega Man X3 was better than X2 or X.

Snowboard Kids is better than Mario Kart 64 by a country mile.

Double Dash is the Mario Kart game.

TLoD > FF7

Cross > Trigger

Sunshine was fucking great

>SaGa a.k.a The Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 are better than FF 1, 2, and 3.
To be fair, FF1-3 was either fairly basic or fairly bad.

>Double Dash is the Mario Kart game.

I dropped it much early than you, honestly. Maybe it is just because I think fantasy>scifi but I thought the game was butt compared to almost any other wrpg

Loved Hitman tm, but you're a complete faggot if you think the always online DRM isn't cancerous
The person who came up with that should have their legs sawed off if their phone drops below 2 bars, and given back once it goes back up.

FFVIII is my favorite in the series

Video games are fun! I love playing them. :-)


Sup Forums-tier games like Stalker, Dragon's Dogma, E.Y.E., Mount & Blade etc. are almost all absolutely fucking terrible games.

Ghost Trick is overrated. Its aesthetic design is quite good, don't get me wrong, but as far as gameplay goes, it's just another run-of-the-mill puzzle game. The only time I found it truly interesting was when Missile's powers came into play and even then, it was nothing special.

>Just read a book
So literally any book, even shitty fiction, is better than playing games?

Withcer 3 would have a good combat if it had proper hitboxes, and you had more control over Gerlats attack animations.

>Fallout 4 is my favorite fallout
>I hate New Vegas
>I think the tes series has been getting better with every installment.
>Skyrim:SE is so great, it's actually worth the money
>Todd is a cute

Witcher 3 suffered from too much publisher interference. Witcher senses and combat lock on mechanics were ripped straight from the Arkham games.

but the devs are the publishers

Todd, stop posting.

There is nothing inherently wrong with Sonic, he has lots of good/great games and his cartoon and comics are decent.

That said, Sonic Adventure games aged like milk and it's surprisingly more noticeable with Adventure 2 rather than 1.

Red Dead Redemption is too goddamn long considering how empty map is. Don't get me wrong, RDR is tons of fun with hunting, horse riding, random events happening in towns for like 10 hours, the problem is that this long ass story with shit ton of who gives a fuck missions makes it feel disproportionate.

No matter how sick Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon's 80's references are, it's still a Far Cry 3 game and it's shit.

There is no such thing as a good WRPG

WB publishes it and TW2 on console.


I agree gameplay-wise. Puzzles felt more like they were wasting time rather than required thinking. And I think it would've been more fun if they had multiple solutions.

That said, it well deserves its praise for brilliant story, brilliant characters and brilliant direction. And it's actually hard for me to imagine it being anything other than game because of how gameplay fits with how story is told. It just wouldn't be the same.

Planetary annihilation was a great game, it's only flaw was terrain not mattering much on everything but planets with loads of mountain ranges
Metroid prime 2 was the best prime

Dark Souls and The Witcher are both RPGs, Get your shit straight.

Why is it every time I see a burger under any condition I just want one?

Jesus Christ I fucking hate you

did PA ever get any unit diversity with factions or any sort of singleplayer campaign?

Thats something they choose as a mosel for combat in the second game and probably thought that i worked well.

KOTOR 2 is a much better game, I don't know if you guys played it but it's much better than the first.

I still liked the first though

>when you realise that rpg became a buzword
They are action rpgs though.

The fact that mass effect 3 is considered an RPG means any game can be an RPG these days.

Nah, the campaign is still skirmish with unit restrictions.
an in-game mod loading thing was added, first result is a faction mod which adds an alternative to the vanilla faction

Combat in the second is not like in the third. In TW3 Geralt is always soft-locked onto an enemy and can't ever face away from them. They were trying to recreate Batman's fluid combat and fucked up.

FF6 is the worst game in the series
Considering the time it came out, the mistakes they should've learned from previous games and overall easy it is
The only good thing about the game is the soundtrack, which could've just been sold separately

Hunters had one of the highest skillcaps in WOW.

I love fighting game roster-posting/ discussion of any game, it's how I got into SFV and the Sm4sh roster speculation has been my favorite time of Sup Forums and I look forward to MvC4 roster speculation over the next couple of months

Civ 6 is better than 5 except for character design

Borderlands 1 is the most satisfying FPS released in the past 15 years.

Revengeance is the best game from Metal Gear franchise.

>1,000 constantly active players is more than enough to qualify any PC game as above "dead"
>Battlefront players in denial over their shitty game dying

Too bad they fucked up the loot system
>hundreds of oranges in 600 hours of BL1
>less than 10 in 400 hours of BL2
>cashgrab holiday dlc
>outsourced dlc

Dark Souls 2 may not be the best Souls game, but it's the best for repeat playthroughs and varied builds.
Illidan is an absolutely terrible character.
Fighting games are inherently bad because of the high barrier to entry (needing to fork out even more money for a fight pad just so you can play the fucking thing properly).

Leave it to a NEETed neckbeard to care about getting bullied in his safe space vidya.

>MvC4 anticipation
Oh God, user, has no one told you? ):

Pokémon didn't have a great game until Platinum.
Metal Gear Rising is only good for the memes and bosses. Bayo2 is the best action game, DMC3 is second.
The first three Halo games are the best trilogy gaming has ever had, The Witcher series is second.
Dark Souls got worse with each new entry in the series.
Mario Kart Double Dash sucks compared to all of the subsequent games and 64.
Mother 3 is boring.
Rouge Squadron is the best series of Star Wars games.
Valve hasn't done anything good since TF2 got updates for hats.
Donald Trump has been in enough games to be Sup Forums related

Jesus we asked for unpopular opinions, but not THIS unpopular

Half Life 1 is the best game Valve ever made

>RPGS in general are trash and not worth the time, turn based even moreso
Sometimes I feel this way, but I'm in an RPG phase at the moment.
>1,000 constantly active players is more than enough to qualify any PC game as above "dead"
Agree completely.
>Hitman '16 is by far the best hitman game, anyone complaining about always online is a filthy pirate
Haven't played DaS3 but otherwise this looks fine

>DaS got worse with every new game
>DMC3 is a good game
>Valve is shit now
These aren't unpopular opinions at all
Pokemon has never had a good game, best thing about it is the porn

Nintendo games are literal shit casual core, right down to the very console. Zelda games are gateway bullshit and an excuse for girls who work at gamestop to get a tattoo of a triangle on their wrist.

Smash communities are by far the worst and most insufferable video game communities in the world.

There hasn't been a solid JRPG released since the Golden days of PSX, even with rose tinted glasses aside.

Attack on Titan was a surprisingly solid game by a company that rehashes the same musuo nonsense over and over.

Story > Gameplay > Graphics

Dark Souls is a solid series, but the "git gud" meme it has spawned and infected hack and slash games is pure cancer.

Open world games are a blight on video games in that it sacrifices quantity over quality. There's no getting around the fact that almost every open world game boils down to "Go here, kill/incapacitate dudes, get the fuck out" formulaic bullshit. MGSV is no exception.

Bring back SnowBoard Kids

MW Remaster was a surprise and should be a flagship for how """""remasters""""" SHOULD be handled, as opposed to shoving a bit of bloom and claiming it's in 1080p now.

>Fighting games are inherently bad because of the high barrier to entry (needing to fork out even more money for a fight pad just so you can play the fucking thing properly).

There are a number of pros (granted it is a minority) that use pads, and you can get get quite good without one (although that ma mean getting a third party controller anyway depending on your console and controller of choice). The real barrier to entry if anything is the amount of practice and repetition you need in order to get good and learning matchups. That's what always kept me in the "casual" realm because I don't want to do homework for my video games and spend hours on end grinding the most efficient and sometimes character specific combos/strategies

I agree on every point

I'm total trash at fighting games, but even I know your claim is bullshit.
More than likely you're bad because you're impatient and refuse to learn the combos and timing necessary to "git gud".

>should be a flagship for how """""remasters""""" SHOULD be handled
By that you mean held hostage by their shittiest sequel and an $80 price tag?

>By that you mean held hostage by their shittiest sequel and an $80 price tag?
Yeah, that was pretty shit, but I meant the quality of the game.
Not the bullshit jewing Activision pulled.

>bullshit jewing
Even though it's flopped, how else could have sold Infinite Warfare?

What really pours salt into the wound is if you break down the price point, technically the remaster was $20. That's a pretty fair price for the quality of MWR. Shame it was tacked on to a dead sixty dollarydoo dead fish.