Everyone seems to hate VR. Sony surpassed Oculus and Vive in just a month, what does this mean for the future of VR?
How dead is VR?
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>hate VR
nah, it's still pretty good technology that works great for certain things
provided that the wole thing won't crash and burn, but instead will slowly get better and cheaper, i'm 100% sure i'll buy it eventualy
It places too many limitations on game design to have any sort of widespread adoption.
It's future is to fade into being nothing more than an expensive novelty for the sim market.
If enough people don't buy it now it will not have a chance of survival by the time you 'want' to buy it.
The problem is there's nothing to keep you going back to vr. Some stuff entertains you for a bit but there's a very scarce amount and the idiots being trained to make vr short entertainment bursts are what's killing it. I can see most any game benefitting from vr except for traditional first person shooters as those don't handle well, however vr shooters handle completely different and do work a lot better in my opinion.
Vive, having been done by valve most likely wont get a whole lot of followup
Oculus, too slow out the gate (I bought one and am waiting for the touch, I almost just want to drop money on a vive but there are rumors of a second version from both vive and oculus)
PSVR, eye toy and a majority of their other gimmicks. They treat it as such and will never accept it as a complete platform for common use. They used old hardware for fucks sake. Yet because it was cheap and everyone had a ps4 they managed to rake in all the suckers.
It means people don't trust companies they haven't really heard of and just go for sonypony.
Not so much, it's just in the beginning.
It's still new tech that's in its prototype stages.
It'll become more popular by the 2nd or 3rd gen in a few year's time when they've made the necessary improvements and some good games and simlulations to play.
What VR headset is that?
It's headed the same way as motion controls, it's a gimmick that's fun once in a while, but it cannot be used for "serious" gaming. The fact that it's mad expensive and can cause some serious discomfort also limited its diffusion and will probably make it irrelevant faster
>VR is just beginning
VR has been around since the the late 1980s. We're now in the third generation of VR already. OPs post is from a video showing off early VR.
I think the biggest problem with VR's success will be that VR requirements to not have people vomiting are pretty much antithesis to modern game development. AAA developers can't bother to get shit running at 30 fps, so a minimum of 60 with no drops (the lowest bar for shit VR) is like the touch of death. And you can shit on AAA developers all you want, but without mainstream games the entire idea of VR is forever shelved to being a niche product.
I am talking about the new REAL VR, not that gimmick shit that even works right.
it's getting way fucking better though, it just needs like 5 more years until the fidelity can replace regular displays.
No, people want real video games, and at this point, even Sony could probably come out with more substantial titles for VR than the cavalcade of "Tech Demo" shovelware minigames Oculus and Vive have.
What does that even mean
If VR actually succeeds I suspect that stuff like PS VR or Gear/Smartphone VR will "win".
They're the best options for consumers, honestly
It's great for porn, so I don't think it won't die off completely
Early 90s VR worked fine. It was in 3D, had motion controls, and pretty much worked the same way our modern VR works. They even had 3D interface gloves that allowed you to interact more realistically with the 3D world (something we still don't have being sold to home users right now).
That is not a gimmick shit that even works right.
>it's just in the beginning.
For gaming it's the literal end.
gimmic waggling shit stopped being fun for normies after the wii.
VR means way too much efforts to achieve simple game tasks. People like you have the BELIEF it's fun to shoot guns "like real life" or drive a race car "like real life" but it isn't and requires years of training and a physical condition you refuse to have. Because you want games, not jobs.
Weird, because this generation of VR has only been gimmick shit so far. At least the Virtual Boy had Warioland
If you wanted to see real VR you should have gone to arcades in America in the 90s.
Virtuality gloves worked better than modern controllers.
It's just too early. Technology isn't at the point where it's actually mind blowing while at the same time being affordable for the masses.
It's just part of the giant gimmick cycle. Give it 5 - 10 years and 3D will make its bullshit return, being slightly better than it's prior attempt at becoming main stream, followed by VR, which has been a thing since the 90's, if not earlier, but back then it was only at the mall where some faggot put a helmet on your head with a screen while you stood on some futuristic looking DDR pad looking like an asshole.
VR porn is the best thing that has happened to me in the last few years. VR is not going anywhere as long as it still has an active porn support.
Its still a few years away from being useful for gaming though. Right now its amazing for documentaries and fapping
>Everyone seems to hate VR.
That's just a Sup Forums meme (a forced one at that). Consumers mostly don't care about VR because 1) it's expensive 2) requires good hardware and 3) there's no "killer app"
Virtually got way smaller and compact over time and eventually became exactly what we have right now. The only thing that changed was Oculus was purchased by tryhard Facebook because they stupidly thought it was new tech.
Because companies still don't seem to get that tons of people don't want to have such an idiotic thing on their heads
>Early 90's VR worked fine
>Early 90's tech
>What is technological advancement
Spotted the retard
The Facebook purchase was a turning point for Oculus. Certainly not for the better.
>1) it's expensive 2) requires good hardware and 3) there's no "killer app"
add a more fundamental problem like thousands of people that wear glasses
>"It's to early"
That video is literal proof that it came out almost 30 years ago.
This, call me back when we have neural implants and I can trick my brain into thinking I'm actually fucking a loli
I wear glasses and using vr isn't uncomfortable. They have designed both oculus and vive with glasses in mind. As for anything else I can't say as I haven't used them
At least for the OR you can wear your glasses with it (supposedly), or you can get corrective lenses, and if you're near sighted (I think? maybe it's farsighted) it's not a problem
The early 90s VR was sold to arcades and theme parks. It was revolutionary for it's time, featuring full 3D worlds utilizing high end Amiga tech. The leap in tech at that point makes PSVR look like a joke by comparison. PSVR doesn't even track properly where the 90s Virtuality didn't fail to track due to better designs.
VR is a classic example in business theory of a product that over services the market.
I hope it dies just like wagglan shit
>but it's not a gimmick!
Wagglan at least is fun with friends, VR is just putting a microwave on your head
No fucking shit you nigger ass retard. Did you even bother reading the rest of the post? I said the shits been around since the early 90s if not earlier. This doesn't fucking change the fact that it's still not financially viable or appealing enough for people to want to buy into yet.
Into the 2000's we also had VR headsets that failed to reach a market like VFX3D.
Also, wagglan doesn't make you wanna puke.
Once it gets cheaper it'll get a better rep. People who hate on it haven't played it.
VR is the future of gaming
>I hope it dies
I get that you guys hate Facebook and want Zuckerbergerstein to fail, but why pretend to hate all the VR products?
Is this just some misplaced frustration that really good VR is 10+ years away?
The technology just isn't there yet.
The jump from 90's VR setup that cost $5000 to what we have now is HUGE. But it's just not good enough.
I feel like we need 2 more jumps like what we have had from the 90's to the VIVE.
So I guess it will be ready in maybe ~2040? Don't get me wrong though. VR IS the eventual future of ALL entertainment. Hell normies in 2040 will probably spent their entire free time within VR.
Disney Quest for example had something similar if not the same system on two rides, one Alladin themed and one with a comic theme. The former at least was still running until it shut down and still worked alright, though was obviously much larger and lower FOV.
I googled "economics, overservicing a market" and I couldn't find anything about it. Give me a direction to read more about it. Sounds like a interesting economic phenomenon
why do you guys keep looking to the past to determine if current tech is going to fail, current tech which is miles better than what was made previously. Seriously I see you faggots in every vr thread doing this shit. WE ARE NOT IN THE PAST
Oculus is easily the worst of all the VR headsets on the market. It's also sold the least and has the objectively the most uninteresting and unenjoyable programs/games.
Well, there were a incidents with people wrecking their TVs when the controller slipped out of their hand, so I'd say they are even
>but why pretend to hate all the VR products?
Because VR will be injected into everything to try to make it relevant, and since it cannot work with lots of gameplay features, lots of games will be dumbed down as a result
History repeats.
I don't pretend
I never gave a fuck about 3D
I didn't give a shit about wagglan
I don't give a shit about VR
I want developers to put their focus on making good games instead of this crappy tech demons that they now call "experiences"
maybe get off Sup Forums for a bit to get real opinions.
>hurr durr durr I'm so smart >look at me I can quote smart people so it makes me smart
>durrr I'm going to base all my assumptions on this one smart quip
Seriously, yeah if you're ignorant of the past it can repeat itself, but that isn't applicable here. Old vr headsets flopped because they looked like shit, they're fucking huge and weren't anywhere near accessible. We're at a point now where a lot of those factors are gone. Because the market has been practically blind sided by this developers are scarce and not a lot of people want to take a gamble on this because of faggots like you insisting that it's going to flop. Go guzzle down more of the social media jizz you fucking retard.
It's like pottery. Each stanza rhymes with the last.
So, how about games.
Name me some good ones apart from Space Pirate training.
You are gonna choke on that cock hard when VR fails.
it's literally Kinect all over again
>it won't fail like Wiimote because it's way better!
Well, I have a Oculus and I don't hate it. I just hate myself for falling for the bait.
Wow, I really wonder why this product released in a time when PCs were barely capable of rendering 3d graphics failed. 1995. Man I sure would have loved playing doom or tetris or whatever the shit on this 263 x 230 pixels and 256 colors display.
Really shows me VR will get nowhere.
Wiimote didn't fail? The wii fucking printed money.
The wii's problem wasn't even the wiimote, it was that only Nintendo knew how to actually make good use of the waggle.
>people wrecking their TVs when the controller slipped out of their hand
I'm pretty sure that's nothing but an urban legend.
>So, how about experiences
They havent learned how to simulate touch and smell yet.
I think the moral of that video is to show how bad VR was and not to repeat it or did I miss something?
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that PSVR overtook all of the PC/Mobile options because it not only costs way less for the full package of compatible system+VR kit but it because also has VR software that isn't just gay faggot hand flopping shit that was made in like 5 months as a quick cash grab. Also power of their brand name and marketing tactics but I bet they had a smaller impact this time around.
you forget about the eye toy as well? (durr history repeats itself)
But really. VR headsets aren't the same and the way you interact isn't the same. Those console accessories failed because they were just that, a gimmick to sell consoles and gain profits back from selling consoles. VR isn't a console accessory, it's a platform that is usable by most any device now and we wont be seeing it go away any time soon, in fact it's only going to improve and get better.
It's bad because HTC keeps listening to the cucks that want VR to be a de facto roomscale experience.
The fact is that VR will first and foremost be a seated experience, and roomscale will be secondary.
Oculus is actually better on this end, and I think that Oculus might take over if they go the complete opposite of HTC.
There still isn't a single good GAME with spending hundreds of dollars on a kit for. I bought a DK2 back in the day because it was worth the price and ended up playing Half Life 2 and Metroid Prime in VR. It was glorious. Actual game games with good story, long length, and quality gameplay and graphics. These made for VR pieces of shit are the most shallow, boring and ugly indie trash I've ever seen. Where's the Deus Ex of VR? The Zelda? The Halo for fuck sakes? Why is it all gimmicky boring bullshit? When VR dev kits first came out I waited knowing there wasn't anything of real value yet. Then the second dev kit came out and I saw what you could do with it so I figured I could at least enjoy what was available. It started to become painfully obvious to me that no one of any value was developing games for these things. That this was the real reason for the long delay between Kickstarter and consumer release. They knew they had nothing on the software side and releasing with nothing available would have been a total disaster. They waited for at least something real to sell to people, and even after all this time the shit they ended up waiting for is still terrible and undesirable. Jeff Gerstman said it exactly right. All we want is a good solid game to play. None of this room walking bullshit. Let me sit down with mouse and keyboard and play a full length quality game with it. That's all people ever wanted. But no, dumb fucking faggots with their weak stomachs had to ruin everything by forcing developers to cater to the lowest common denominator and make gimmicky games just so people don't get sick. The whole fucking thing is ruined and I don't see anything of substance or worth coming out any time soon. Another try at VR failed.
It's not accessible at the moment
There are not many games on the VR and it's expensive
I don't think it will develop further desu,just like what happened with 3D
Everyone lost their shit at first but turned out to be bad
even with tracked controllers they dont focus on roomscale, rather using the hardware to its fullest before making you clear a ton of space for VR
and this demo is fucking awesome
they're already retreading and trying to copy the vive. Oculus is a husk of it's former self and unless they really do something to set themself apart I don't see things going well for them
>trying to copy the vive
how? They arent even pushing roomscale
their goal is hand presence in VR, not walking around a room in VR and the hardware is already surpassing vive by quite a bit because of that
Pretty cool. I'm hoping that at least one company focuses solely on the seated experience.
The market for people that can't move—and also people that don't want to move—is so much larger than the niche amount of people that care about presence.
VR sickness is such a dumb meme, too.
>niche amount of people that care about presence.
you dont need to stand and move to achieve presence
Elite: Dangerous is a great example. Hell most sims are.
>they want to sell an extra camera and get people to buy a third camera
>offering more cameras with longer cables on top of it
>demos initially with the oculus were shown to be seated
>once the touch controllers were in place after the success of vive they were suddenly focusing on demoing standing experiences with a bit of movement
it's only progress and you should take your horse blinds off, yes I agree oculus is pushing way better tech but you need to understand that palmer isn't the driving force now. Facebook the company is. Which companies will copy their competitors and try to do what they do better, that's just how business works.
So, is it worth it to buy one now? Vive or PSVR?
You're right. I meant more like the presence that roomscale advocates suggest.
I meant overshooting the market, but overservicing is a more obscure term because it relates specifically to disruptive innovation theory.
Basically either current display technology is considered by consumers to be "good enough" or consumers consider VR to come with (on balance) a larger number of drawbacks than traditional displays. Either way, VR is economically fucked.
neither. Wait for either vive or oculus to release their second gen headsets or at the very least push some information out about it. (PSVR isn't going to get a lot of support, so don't bother)
Vive if you want hentai VR.
but the oculus doesn't have controllers right?
yes it does, oculus touch which is compatible with all vive games. Both cost the same now but the difference is that oculus is easier to set up and use while vive nets you a large playable area if you can afford it. Vive is getting some wireless module while oculus is going to be possibly selling an entire new unit that is wireless.
Vive or Oculus for hentai?
I feel as though it's longevity was severely impacted by the sudden censorship of anime waifu porn sims. Sure they'll still exist, probably, but the fact that they can't be widespread like on the PSVR for example, I think turned a lot of weebs waiting for the digital waifu age off, myself included.
3) It's improper for most game genres and can't sustain even mildly long sessions
My theory is that vr/display technology will eventually have a resolution so high (think retina display but even better) that owning a tv won't be necessary. Vr will have enough detail that buying tv screens just won't make logistical sense when you can have a theater in a bathroom-sized space. Well probably have a pass-through box that transmits headset data wirelessly, so we can have wireless headsets and still use a ps3 or whatever.
What defines this run on VR, as opposed to earlier attempts, is a better understanding of what is fundamental to the experience, mostly thanks to intensive clinical research by Valve and id.
In short;
~100-degree FOV or higher, more is better but not critical.
~75hz minimum refresh rate on a low-latency screen.
1:1 positional tracking, ABSOLUTELY AS PERFECT AS POSSIBLE. "Tracking is king" is basically the summary of the current understanding.
If you're not using a system which delivers this (GOOD TRACKING), you're not experiencing 'real' (read: current state of the art) VR. This includes PSVR and all mobile VR. They simply aren't the same type of product as Rift or Vive.
Anyone that believes VR is anything but a bunch of BS hype and garbage should just sell all their videogames and move to some poor third world dictatorship country so they can no longer have their ignorant, dumbfuck voices heard and die in poverty like the accidents they are.
>be wageslave shift manager at a fast food restaurant
>one of my part time employees is a huge Sonygger
>he also makes $8.75 an hour
>he comes into work the other day bragging about how he just pre-ordered a PSVR
>mfw no face for this stupidity
neither, there's not much shit and what little there is of it has janky support.
This is true and only an eventuality.
But the resolution increase can be calculated to double every ~8 years.
And the resolution at which your eye can't distinguish it from real life is at 64000x64000
4K is 3840×2160. As you can see it will take around 40 years before we will reach this resolution.
Unless we have some radical new technology somewhere that increases resolution ten fold we will only experience this in the retirement home if we are still alive.
>just got a vive with the sole purpose to make VR porn
Living the dream.
It seems like the tech isn't good for traditional games, on top of being demanding hardware wise since it shines at resolutions higher than 1080p. So either exclusive games need to be made around the limatations of VR, or you have to wait until technology is at the point where very high resolutions are viable even to the most demanding games.
isn't the resolution shit too?
Foveated rendering already fixes the processing side of things. All you need is a big boost in screen tech, and we could be there in a decade.
This is the inevitability and why there is a massive rush into it right now - we're very nearly there. Once HMDs are of adequate resolution to display good virtual monitors, there are a huge number of 'side benefits' that will make them hugely preferable to real monitors.