Do good vidya related youtube channels exist?

do good vidya related youtube channels exist?

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50% joking


my own
i won't post it

Leafy is ok I guess

come on user, let me see it



Lazy game reviews
Pete Dorr
Wings of Redemption used to be good, but
Adam Koralik

dunkey makes good vids sometimes

Wings of Redemption helped me stopping being a fat fuck and losing all my fat. sucks that he cant do it.

Silent Rob

is there a way to download twitch VODs?

i hate that they expire and disappear permanently

Ham Gaming
Lord Karnage
Johnny VS



I hope you like the same 3 games while he's shitposting someone while also being a pussy

God, I remember back in his MW2 days how fucking often he'd rage like an autist.

barrydennon12 is comfy and funny but has like literally zero subscribers

Goldvision is my favorite but I think he's dead or something now.

Gamexplain is pretty good, mainly their analysis and discussion videos
Andre hates Twilight Princess, and they low scored games
Im still mad they chose a literal who who hates AJ to review SoJ, of course he was going to put out a negative review

Dunkey's funny videos along with some of his serious gaming discussion videos that also have comedy are pretty nice
His difficulty and Remasters videos in particular were great

Arlo's pretty neat, really humble guy


RabbidLuigi specifically for his top 10's/5's, sometimes Fawful's Minion

gamexplain is always pretty cringey and annoying and i have never learned anything interesting from it.

Didyouknowgaming is far better in that field

Cow Chop

>Comparing Gamexplain with Didyouknowgaming

They don't even do the same work

That's why i specifically said their analysis and discussions

Having Rogersbase and Joshy is fun too


your own. post it.

HarshlyCritical is the only watchable channel for horror games


Mathew Matosis
Super Bunnyhop


I stumbled upon his Cry of Fear playthrough while doing a bit of background search for the game, the guy was a cringeworthy Markiplier knock-off.

Bullshit. What year was that? That's total bullshit.

I'd assume that you can grab them with various downloaders like jDownloader.

>watch a gaming video one time because I was curious and it seemed interesting in the tag line
>its not, its shit.
feed has been fucked up ever since because the guy puts out one or two videos a day and youtube thinks I want to watch it because I did that one damn time months ago. I've come to hate youtube gaming channels.

Just search for it you daft cunt, it's not even tucked away in some shadowy corner.

Cryaotic, if you're going for them let's plays.
Super Bunnyhop for the analysis and stuff.

Cr1tikal/penguinz0 is one of the best.

Danielfromsl doesn't upload often at all but what's there is gold.

>4 years ago.

Yeah, so I figured. Give him another shot.

Yeah I hate that your feed gets completely fucked once you watch a video of some active, popular channel one time.

I keep getting shitty vinesauce recommendations like pic related constantly because I got linked to one of their videos once.

I did. He doesn't have charisma, isn't funny or informative and has an annoying voice and manner of speaking. Trash background noise.

Cr1tikal is alright but like, he really needs to play shitty games again.

The Donkey Olley videos were funny for a while but they really outstayed their welcome but I'm pretty sure they actually wanna do the whole show.

Gamesack is one of them

CGR not anymore since he went full patreon bullshit and quality has suffered from it.

Eh oh well, I feel the opposite on everything you listed.

I like him.

I still watch him.
I didn't knotice any decline in quality.

I like you too, Cry.


I know you're baiting but some of his vids are okay

I die inside every time he says "us gamers" though

Reviews with BALLS.


The one, the only.

>some of his videos are OK
No, they're pretty much all universally trash.

He's got production values, but the actual content of the channel is utter garbage. He has a massive ego.

Ahoy is one of the few.

Let's read the words the words the words....

of the developer...

I'll be honest, they lost a lot of credibility when they gave Meme Splash a good score along with Federation Force. Those games were average at best. I do listen to their podcast and discussions since they are entertaining to listen to while working.

There is Vsauce3.

No love for Accursed Farms? Ross's Game Dungeon and Freeman's Mind are great.

His quality in videos has gone done eversince he started getting big, but thats the norm of youtube. You start taking yourself too seriously and then you get episodes that no one asked for.
>Team Mystic is the best
>Undertale to the Pope
Its sad to see how much things have changed, watching him when he was at 10k subs