What games dose PC have?

I'm a console user and I want to be convinced into building a PC by seeing what games PC has on offer.

I don't care for performance, resolutions and all that stuff, just games. Keep in mind I already have a console for multiplats and an old laptop for indies so keep it exclusive.

What games should I build a PC for and for how much?

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Literally all the console games up to the PS3 generation.
Plus, genres like strategy(in various forms nd subgenres) or builders are pretty much exclusive to PC

Every single video game from the the very first one to modern day barring 7th and 8th gen exclusives.

I want PC games btw because I keep my old consoles and use them when I have to

Dwarf Fortress, the only game you'll ever need

Sorry I didn't see the second setence of your post. Strategy sounds interesting but hard, wkind of PC will I need to play those games generally speaking in terms of price?

if you want PC exclusives, think more along the lines of exlcusive genres - basically games which require high or accurate input levels, or genres which are too complex for consoles
Off the top of my head: RT and TB Strategy (inc Grand Strategy), Simulation, Building, Management, FPS (at least has a better input feel). MOBAs and MMOs if you're into those... depends what you want to play

As an addition, the other thing is mod capability, whether its games which have it built it (Bethesda), or workarounds you can get some great improvements for games that may also be on console
Some total conversions are basically new games in themselves

4x genre, moba/rts genre, arpg genre, and better for shooters entirely.

The appeal of PC is also the massive amount of games available. From old classics to new indies and emulators. Using original consoles can become expensive when things start to break.

>I don't care for performance, resolutions and all that stuff

Just stay with consoles and grandma's scooter you'll get for your 18th birthday. Most modern pc games are also on consoles but play like a shit due to laughable hardware or gamepad, things you don't care about, good exclusives are old games like Red Alert 2, Homm 3 with HotA mod, first Deus Ex, Black & White and so on which will you shit on due to age despite no modern game beating them.

Pretty much all first and third person shooters.


OP here. Just wanted to point out that nobody yet has named a single game and you seem to be very vague with naming entire genres rather than games like I asked for. I just wanted a direct answer but can't seem to get it

No, fuck off. Look up what games you're into yourself.

Vanilla runs on anything non-toaster, and a mid-range build will run it fine even with the most demanding mods.

It's not for everyone, mention some games you like.


Go here. Pick a game. There ya go.

>I want games
>"Literally every single game ever made is available aside from a couple consoles exclusives"
>yeah, but what games?

Do you want a fucking list?

Your question is so broad that it seems silly to start listing games because there are so fucking many.

It's like asking "What movie should I watch?" or "What book should I read?", without knowing specifics about what you enjoy any answer is ridiculous.

also RTS

Try Aurora

It has the best MMO, Sup Forums