Why can't the new Castlevania games take after this at all...

Why can't the new Castlevania games take after this at all? It wouldn't be as bad if they at LEAST tried the compromise that is Super Castlevania, but there's never been a game like 1/3 since the NES

there is no new castlevania game
cv is dead
konami is a shit company who cares only about pachinko

Super Castlevania 4 is the worst classicvania, though.

Rondo of Blood > Castlevania 3 > The Adventure ReBirth > Bloodlines > Castlevania 1 > S. Castlevania 4 > Haunted Castle > Dracula X > Castlevania 2

truth hurts

>no games like that since the NES
There was Castlevania Ressurection that got under the radar because it was a Wii virtual console exclusive.

Pachinko is just part of the profit, they care about tons of stuff in their multifield business.

It stopped being about video games for them a long time ago.

>even people who know about the game can't remember its name
The Adventure Rebirth. It's really good.

Castlevania is deader than Alucard's mom

Think about the market (let's pretend my numbers are real)

When Castlevania came out, around 40% of the gaming community bought it at some point.

People grew up and some of them don't even play games anymore. If you were to develop a game that would only please 40% of old gamers, you would have to assume that the actual percentage would be a lot smaller, and only true fans of the series would buy it.

True fans would get anything with the Castlevania title on it.


If you could make a game that will be bought by those who would have purchased the game anyways... AND also appeal to today's market, why wouldn't you?

Yeah look how great that worked for LoS2 lol

I'm not saying I agree with that kind of policy, I was just answering why I think modern developers don't do thinks properly. They don't want to risk it.

>Super Castlevania 4 is the worst classicvania, though
Then why is it not at the bottom of your list?

Dark Souls series is the true sequel to Castlevania 1 and 2

i wish whips were less garbage, even in 3 where they're the most viable yet
belmont runs are an actual fucking challenge, though a large majority of it is just tedium and knowing how to deal with not being able to dispatch enemies in a timely manner

Good opinion there senpai

There are also a lot of mechanics from the igavania's in DS too

I know jack shit about Dark Souls. Can you tell me more about Belmont runs? Is it really not viable for souls newfag?

The whip in Bloodborne is alright, but the rest of them suck, wouldn't be good for new players at all.

I see, that's a shame. Thanks user.

Stop reminding me this series is dead.

I miss Castlevania so much.

belmont run: whip-weapons only (shit damage, will never stagger enemies)
firebombs (good damage, slow to actually use) and knives (low damage, very fast to use) are allowed
no magic
fuck armor, you're supposed to cosplay you faggot

so basically you're running around using shit weapons and shit items while wearing shit armor

it's a challenge modo
especially if you're in human mode which means you'll get invaded by people using weapons that don't suck
you can't beat these people using whips
well i mean you can
but you have to get to the next bonfire while also fending off invaders
with very limited healing items

it's a gitgud kind of challenge
it's possible but it's mostly just really tedious
but i love em because castlevania music is great and i love doing cosplay builds in souls ga mes

This is the entire problem with the industry today.

probably because movie studio which owns the horror IPs will sue the fuck of them

The best Castlevania. Metroidvania are another thing altogether.

No nigga, good games sales regardless of name or console. Konami its just a terrible, shitty, garbage company.

tup joj

They can't sue Christoper Bee, Trans Fisher, Boris Karloffice and Mix Schreks.

Bullshit, whips in DaS2 are great, especially with powerstancing. 2x notched whip with blood covenant ring insta-bleeds anything that isn't immune. I beat the whole game and all 3 DLC only using whips.

they would need to get a different studio developing a new cv but since its konami its impossible.

Probably because they already made them, and covering old ground would be rehashing the same concepts.

I wondered the same thing, not just about Castlevania but also about Tomb Raider. Why weren't there more games were you just raid ancient tombs like those of the Inca, Egyptians and so forth?

Because they already did that in 1 and 4. That was their essay on the subject. It's also best to have done a thing once and doing it right, than repeating it over and over until you're sick of it. Look at how many Metroidvania games there are, or CoD rehashes. It's alright, but it's like telling the same joke over and over again.

All Konami franchises are kill. You might as well keep playing the old ones.

hmm dualstancing whips
that sure is castlevania huh
sure reminds you of the belmonts eh

Why was Lords of Shadow such a shit show

1 was a good game but the sequels and the overall story was a fucking mess, and why did they think turning Castlevania into a God of War clone was a good idea


Because "We're trying to appeal to a broader audience" never fucking works but the suits who have the final say still seem to think it does.

>metroidvania has stopped being used for the metroid-like castlevania games and now describes all metroid-like games
fucking why? All the notable "metroidvania" indie games have nothing to do with castlevania.

>hating on Dracula X and Super CV 4
>liking Adventure Rebirth

That's a factually trash opinion.

>tfw nothing past 1&3 require skill

rondo of blood
dracula x
the one sega game i always forget the name of with eric lacarde and morris, though lacarde is easy mode holy shit

Bloodlines. I think it's actually a bit on the easier side, and yeah Lecarde is babby mode.

Also I agree, Rondo takes a bit of skill except if you're using Maria. Haven't tried Dracula X though.